Good job Sup Forums, two (TWO) separate teachers accidentally shot their own students this week alone. Great """solution"""
hurr durr obviously those "accidents" are false flags so Hillary and her shadow govt can come and seize our guns hurr durr MAGAPEDES ASSEMBLE we have to fight Hillary, praise Drumpf #maga
listen nigger. have you been near any sort of institutionalized public learning lately? it's fucking bad. these are not accidental shootings, it's the teachers getting some much needed revenge. i've never accidentally discharged my firearm and the number one rule is do not point your gun at something unless you're prepared to destroy it. why are teachers quickdrawing and playing cowboy in class?
bite me.
Absolute fake news. Notice how you've never ONCE heard of a teacher having a gun on school grounds or them discharging, or hurting a kid with it until just recently.
I mean come the fuck on...
If having trained armed people around you doesn't make the scene safer then I guess our politicians don't really need trained armed people around them.
The number of Sup Forumstards unironically saying this is pretty amusing in a sad kind of way
>26 seconds apart
You don't find it heavily suspect that the gun free zones suddenly have "trained" teachers "accidentally" shooting students for the first time in recent memory right as a huge gun debate is raging?
big nose tribe want rocks again
You know damn well it wasn't.
Not really, no. People are accidentally shot all the time. The reason it happened in schools this time is because you Sup Forumstards encouraged teachers to bring their guns to school
Yeah I totally believe you
Who even are you? Leave retard
>teacher doing "safety classes"
>manage to shoot the students "accidentaly"
more like teacher was in class and tyrone decided to act though then the teacher got enough of his shit so he decided to shoot him
Time to ban guns
Imo a dead student isn't necessarily a bad thing
yeah but nobody is talking about ifs or buts dumbass
source on teacher being a white supremacist? Hadn't heard this before
I'm user. Who are you?
>Please leave!!! You're violating my safe space!!!
too bad retard
yeah I totally believe your completely unsubstantiated conspiracy theory
why not? the students are armed. It levels the playing field so neither side has a clear advantage
Obviously false.
The guy in CA was a Police reservist who apparently brought a live gun for disarm training, rather than the 100's of training plastic ones meant for this, and decided to do a safety clear by pointing the gun at the ceiling and pulling the trigger.
If that guy really is a cop, reserve or otherwise, then he needs to be fired and clearly he is too retarded to be a teacher.
I mean what in the fuck. You don't even have to be gun savvy to know that if the gun is loaded and you pull the trigger it is going to go off.
How can you possibly think this is for real?
Like that one time when ur dad accidentally shot his load into some rancid swine. And now look what happened.
>guns protect the weak from the strong
>this is a bad thing
I'll raise you one:
If the person teaching your kids can't hold a gun without accidentally shooting one of them why the fuck do you want them teaching your kids? Do you normally let people with learning disabilities teach your kids?
Or that one time Tyrone "accidentally" shot his seed in your gf
>I mean what in the fuck.
Even asking is pointless. I guess we're to the point where every person who buys a gun has to sign a paper that they've read the Big Three:
1) Every gun is always loaded.
2) Never point the gun at anything you're not willing to shoot.
3) Keep your finger off the trigger until you're prepared to pull it and not a moment before.
Fucking retards these days I swear to god.
Get a load of this libtard. Thankfully we have the NRA to protect us from this kind of tyranny.
I was making a joke user. You have actually bought a gun before right? They make you sign a paper with a bunch of gay shit on it like whether you're a fugitive from justice or suffering from mental illness. Calm down.
What a huge coincidence this is. I wonder who could be behind it when the intelligent people wish for teachers to be armed, and maybe schools deemed gun zones instead of shootings welcome here zones.
All too in your face not to see through the bullshit.
> when the intelligent people wish for teachers to be armed,
Wait what? Source on this? I've only heard Sup Forumstards and Trump talking about it, I never heard of any intelligent people wanting it though.