antifa here, ask me things.
Antifa here, ask me things
Other urls found in this thread:
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
do you get scared when you see dodge challengers
When you will come to this country? If so, what will be the address so that I and my friends kil.. greet you with open arms?
Why are you guys such authoritarians?
not as bad as when you see a refugee
can we see your willy please m8?
Why is Sup Forums still down, id like to get off this board asap
Why are you such a cocksucking faggot?
Arent you a bit dissillusioned by the foreign proles being imported not sharing your vision and values at all?
I mean you got a few ethnocentric kurds who stab their daughters for race/facemixing and thats it.
ill let you in in due time
When are you going to fuck me in the ass again comrade?
Why the meme flag
Why the meme flag
Just put it away
Tell your fuckhead followers to put the meme away and you'd be a lot more popular.
Just put it away
Lenin can't see you, he's dead and so is the system he fought for.
You're only doing damage to yourselves.
No, the time for talking is done.
Kill yourself you gigantic faggot
why do embrace violence towards national socialist. Other than it's 'facist'.
'it's wrong because it's wrong and I can't explain why'
explain WHY you go with physical violence against nazis or natzos
i'm not a natsoc. but I want understanding of all ideologies,
I wonder where went?
i have never seen a refugee
When are you gonna gas yourself?
How does it feel to be such a social outcast that you have to cling to an edgy political ideology, based solely on hypothesis and failure, in order to maintain any semblance of an actual identity? I guarantee your father hates you. Sage.
no thanks
Do you really believe the shit you say about refugees being "equal" or do you secretly feel they are more violent and not as civilized as you are?
"antifa here, ask me things."
>OP leaves and doesn't answer questions. Pathetic
when will you move out of your parents basement, and accept responsibility for your own fate|?
kill yourself?
some do share our values among migrants. i didnt heard about the kurds-stabbing-daughters-thing, any proof?
Are you actually ANTIFA affiliated, or is this just a larp thread?
Happens a lot in Sweden, every third murder of a female is an honor killing by a family member.
>It’s essential that we protect everyone’s freedom of speech.
The subtext of this statement reads: “even if they are a neo-nazi,” or “even if they support policies or forms of speech that put me in danger.” The individuals in the far-right, or the “alt-right”, also cite their right to free speech when they claim that the West is fighting a war against Islam (as Steve Bannon has), or that we need to rid America of all the foreigners (as Richard Spencer has), or that date rape and rape culture are non-existent (as Milo Yiannopoulos and Mike Cernovich have). If it becomes normal enough to say that Islam is trying to destroy the West, then why should we be upset when someone attacks a Muslim person praying in public? If it is normal and acceptable to discuss the white man’s claim to this country, then why should we be upset when our neighborhood association creates housing restrictions for immigrants from Mexico or China, or when ICE shows up to take them to a detention center? If we accept the denial of different forms of rape and sexual assault as legitimate positions, then who’s to judge whether anyone can be culpable for assault, or whether it was just “boys being boys”? Or consider the less obvious implications of the common insults of these alt-right figures. Paul Joseph Watson, for one, frequently refers to demonstrators as “autistic children” and “retards,” while Gavin McInnes refers to the left as “mentally ill perverts.” What does this say about people who are physically or mentally different? That they are less than human. These contain implicit declarations that people with these differences have no platform to speak or be seen, that they ought to be excluded and put away. Speech is not neutral. It exists in a historical context of violence.
Discourse shapes the way we frame problems. It influences the way we act in the world we share together. Are deportation, exclusion, and sexual assault forms of violence? It depends on the discourse that frames them, be they legal or social. Just as the rules of a card game change the way you use the same cards, the way you speak and conceive of things changes the way you live your life. Speaking and acting are irreversibly intertwined and cannot be isolated from one-another.
>antifa here, ask me things.
1. Why do you find being racist against Whites acceptable?
2. Why do you find White Genocide acceptable?
Well, honourmurders are a common problem they imported together with turks. Its known from the media and they have some people admit to it creating community tensions.
Is anatolian culture, look it up.
lmao they take gibs and are ok with you providing them thats it. Ive never seen a black face in the black bloc.
Why don't you ever address the refugees subhuman treatment of women generally? This is one of the issues that frustrates me the most.
That "feminists" facilitate the honor culture, or flat out deny it, let kids get raped, let women get beaten every day, killed by their parents for looking at a boy etc etc. Why do you allow this?
Why do you cover for pedophiles? WHYYY? Like in Telford or Rochdale?
there no identity in the black bloc. you cant tell who's who. that's the whole beauty.
If I take your friend's mask off, will he die?
It's the only valid question for this manner of cunt.
refugees are no less human then me. i like them because they are nomads, anyway, we all strangers in this world by now: Who still grows up where they were born? Who lives where they grew up? Who works where they live? Who lives where their ancestors did? And to whom do the children of this era belong, to television or their parents? The truth is that we have been completely torn from any belonging, we are no longer from anywhere
Is Social Democracy a form of Socialism? Will you have a fucking revolution in the US?
Have you ever been around Muslims? Like in their areas and been to their Mosques etc? Have you heard how they talk about white people, non-believers, women etc IRL?
Are you aware of how many of them want to see you dead? Or are you just trolling?
I can answer that, since I live in a Social Democratic country.
Maybe it is, but nothing wrong with Socialism. If the population is ethnically homogeneous it works quite well.
thats fucked up, maybe those daughters can leave those families and come be with us. i never said there is no difference between people, but that's not to say some are inferior then others
Until people take our their smartphones and snap faces. During the Hamburg riots Antifa attacked normies who filmed them out of butthurt. These films now ended up jailing quiet a few of them, showing strenght in formations makes only sense in a system that permit it or when you already got power. Guerilla warfare from the shadows however has never been won by a childless feminist people and in a case of state failure it would be the tribes and clans who take the upper hand in the cities as they have progenity and business that is not dependent on donation.
Why are you guys such fags?
>Why don't you ever address
i think that's a question for a politician, we're not that, you should think of us more as run-aways. if a girl feels she's in danger in her family she can come. she can make a bond with other such girls and if any man raises a hand on any one of them all those girls will come to this man and knock his teeth out. sound legit? freedom is something you have to do for yourself, antifa is not some politician promising pies in the sky
240 000 young people are living in honor-related violence every single day.
We have around 1 000 000 Muslim immigrants.
Can you find your penis or do you need help?
>Maybe it is
That's weird, cuz a lof of socialists I know say it isn't a form of Socialism due to its commitment to maintaining the capitalist system
Why do you all smell?
Well maybe this is a country related thing. But in Sweden when I try to talk about this, ANTIFA calls me a racist and wants to kill me...
They say that violence against women is in every country so it is not a "Muslim" problem, but rather a "Male" problem.
This has resulted that this issue is not being addressed at all. Instead all the money is going onto teaching Swedish men not to beat their wives (which almost nobody does) and to not kill their daughters.
I just wonder WHYYYYYYY
there are many fundamentalist in this world, sure. kill me? shit, tell then to go ahead and try, some antifa's are fighting Muslim fundamentalists in kurdistan as we chat here, im not afraid, tell them to bring it.
Dude you can't LARP on the internet. It's just role playing.
>sounds legit
Sounds like the beginning of a tribal conflict as the mans brothers and cousins retaliate with utmost brutality until one side sustains too many losses.
Loyality is in such cases important, leading figures will emerge due to charisma and skill and in the end you better have a damn good deterral (honourmurder perharps?) for not permitting a member of the grrrl-power gang to submit as a wife to one of the bad guys who kill their own to make sideswitching a no no.
some times people do tend to tribute all negativity on foreigners, they project all negativity on the "outside". there is a lot of confusion regarding patriarchy, patriarchy is a political system rather then when a man is nasty to a woman. actually, and i dont think we can really get into here now, men no longer really exists, historically woman where the ones relegated to the home sphere and excluded from the polis, the public-political sphere but today its all economy and no politics so actually, in a sense, we are all woman and no man, we are all slaves with no masters
Yeah, if their daughter ran away with "Antifa" she would be killed, have acid poured on her face, beaten or married away at 13.
That is an unrealistic dream, I thought ANTIFA were more realistic than this...
Ok, how would you apply this in practice in a country like Germany or Sweden?
Considering this philosophy will not sit well with the Muslim population?
You could actually even consider that you can convince other white people of this. How will you convince predatory Islamists that this will work?
Answer this faggot.
To be fair, honourmurders have no direct basis in the sharia which is a statist text and frowns on mobjustice.
You find them among all societies where the state is weak and society decentralised.
look, revolutions are bloody... what to you propose should be done?
actually there is blood already, should the woman just continue and eat shit without resistance? let them come to antifa, we have other values, and if any asshole will try to take her in the abusive home again we will fuck him up good, just like a nazi
hows mom
what ideology? you mean that a woman is not a property of the householder?
This man for instance, I meet maybe 5 of these every day.
He says:
"Listen here you Swedish whore, we are Arabs and we are here to take over your fucking country.
So get on your knees and start sucking my dick you little Swedish whore."
How will these types of people (who are like 50-60% of all Muslim men I meet) adapt to your gender less society?
Why do you facilitate the violence of these people done towards white working class people?
What does Antifa think of Slavoj Zizek?
What does Slavoj Zizek think of Antifa?
Though I personally disagree with him on about 75% of things he says, I find him a very reasonable person but no in the "I'm a sensible centrist" bullshit kind of way.
this sounds like a false echo chamber.
>Just because Gavin or some other famous "alt-righter" called the left mentally ill. So what. That is just triggering for someone who personally identify's with the 'left' or as mentally different. People are made fun of and people trash talk eachother all the time. He hasn't declared some type of 'war' against mentally different people.
He should be done away with because he doesn't appreciate your ideolog and submit to being a silent submissive worker with 0 harsh opinions.
KGB agents would call your 'justice' group for political prostitues.
Why do you all wear masks? Are you not proud of what you do?
it would be extremely gay
Antifa isnt so homogenous tho.
You got some utterly deluded true believers from the communist department, these ideas are proven to work (until the economy collapses) as proven by bolshevik revolutions, albeit they fail to find enough traction as they are a fringe in society as esoteric hitlerists.
Then there are the anarchists, those while having a moral basis that is in theory likable, never really seem to have gotten around the reality of stateless societies and have a funnel-view on opposing the work of their own people and country while not being able and willing to hold much against the "opressed" people of the global south who would utterly shag them with their tribal laws still in practize.
Then there are those who tag along for the edgy fighting spirit alone (you find these under nazis too afterall)confused single childs, straddlers of society who actually get cared for nicely by the social points run by them.
Concerning germany alone, we had a funny split here in Antifa that seriously crippled them betwenn anti-germans whose primary goal is the derision and eradication of germany as a concept as they belief only on a stateless mass you can project their ideals-as being against german means idolising jews they got so vocally zionist that the anti-zionist fraction which dislikes imperialism or nationalism in general distanced themselves from them causing the split.
Its some surreal shit.
lol, anybody can shitpost things online, welcome to the internet, i see you new to this hahhaa
but real talk, i dont think Swedish woman are so damn fragile and helpless in front of a big bad muslim man. i think any woman should know marshal arts, its a dangerous world.
in antifa we have another female ethos, no the poor little helpless prices who is a victim and only want to shop for a new dress in a mall but a strong, assertive, dangerous woman and if anybody tries to lay a finger on her against her will she will rip his dick out like an amazonian. thats a feminist, thats an antifa woman!
>what do you suppose should be done
Well you are right to condone bloodshed, nothing against that its a reality of life when a compromise is inacceptable.
I simply wonder if violent structures that have held and thrived for centuries wherever the state was absent can loose towards violent structures that only hope to thrive when no state is absent in theory.
he's an e-celeb who for most part will say anything. may be he got some intresting shit to say beyond this but i never really read his shit.
georgio agamben is a true philosopher
Hm, I mean I can even understand some of their economical criticism of Capitalism. However what I do not understand is their hate for Nationalists.
I understand, maybe they are different. Hm, I mean it feels a bit to me like they don't completely connect with what is going on in a society on an ethnic level. Rather they live in this delusion that immigrants, e.g. Muslims, do not burn their children for being accused as "witches" or anything similar.
They probably are delusional all cultures are the same, and then they are shocked when someone doesn't want a sick religion in their country.
Dude, they get gang raped every day. They usually gang up 20 men on 1 female.
You can not go out as a woman in many areas anymore...
But still, the Swedish Antifa (usually because they are upper middle class kids) do not live in these areas. Hence they do not understand what is going on with the working class and the problems they face with sexual violence from migrants.
They also deny that it even happens.
>in these areas
So it's true that people say there are "no-go" zones in Sweden?
>leaving out the fact that females can not conceivably beat a man in hand to hand combat
Why don't you have a job? Is it because you refuse to take out piercings, cut your hair, or wear a suit for interviews?
Police can still barely go to those places, but let me show you a video of how they get treated in these "no-go-zones".
This is how much authority police has.
Which do you prefer, rope or bullet?
will you beg when your unnatural end comes?
Hm, yeah usually. There are some very tiny men though, and some really huge women.
A 1,8 m tall, fit Norwegian woman can beat a 1,54 m Peruvian unfit man 1 on 1.
>hate for nationalism
Usually because that stands for the hierarchic ethnic rallying which places an ideal before the human. Their views are completely centered on the human itself whose value is seen as inherent and for whom a society must be designed that gives him a maximum of individual freedom without causing any steeper stratifaction which again snips the freedom of those at the bottom.
What is funny is that there was an anarchist project in manchuria once that held for like a year or two and which was compromised of korean nationalists to a great part who agreed follow the anarchists vision.
They ended up getting shafted by the first organised forces coming along, the chinese commis and japanese.
What is your preferred hight at which to be thrown from a helicopter?
Dude, no.
The disease must be burned away.
Confirmed fucking retarded.
For a woman to have any chance fighting a man hand-to-hand, she has to be very well trained, and the man has to be an untrained soyboy. The strength advantage men have over women is just ridiculous.
I know women in movies are badasses knocking out mooks left and right, but in reality if a woman punches a man, all she's going to do is piss him off. If she tries to grapple with him even the most well trained woman is just going to be overpowered with brute strength by the average man. Actual real-life self-defense for women consists of kicking the man in the balls and running away screaming for help while he recovers, but even that is risky if he's even the least bit vigilant and can block the kick.
i dont deny it happens, i lived in israel for most of my life and in the arab community there is a wide spread phenomenon of killing woman in the name of the family's honor. yeah, this happens. i always thought that those woman should form gangs to protect themselves or even leave those family's all together.
but this image of the raping crazed refugee is propagated by by right wing groups who hate refugees regardless, many times.
>still think that antifa is somewhat relevant
you dont know the first thing about what a woman is capable of
A leftist kike. Why am I not surprised anymore.
Hm, I don't think they are individualists though.
I feel they place the value of a human according to the humans collective belonging.
Antifa-categories of group you belong to from most worth to least worth:
1) Transgender, female to male, black (or immigrant)
2) Immigrants, blacks, Muslims etc.
3) Homosexual colored male
4) Homosexual colored female
5) Colored bisexuals
6) Trans or homosexual white men and women
7) Bisexual white women
8) Straight white women
9) White women
10) Animals
11) Cis-gendered white males.
you'll be surprised, im not a jew
why should the police even be able to enter those places?
How does it feel wasting your life being a hopeless idealist? Do you realize that Anarchy will never be achieved unless you re-wire human beings at a fundamental level? How rich are your parents?
Because if they don't these people go out and kill normal people.
These people use hand grenades against civilians. Normal people. They rape people, they get cars and they drag normal people behind the car... etc etc.
They do this already because our police is weak, but if there was no police it'd be even worse :(
Well they fall for a power (favoritising people for being born into your supposed ingroup-if this ingroup is "opressed" ones, people born to be opressed such as the trans-muslim-wheelchair driver have greatest value) they want to fight but their beliefs at their core are pretty humanist/individual centered.
I just believe that anthropology itself works against them so to speak, the way we are biologically wired and have organised societies since the dawn of time according to the enviromental circumstances are incredible complex and do not fit their ideal regardless of how many philosophers born from upper middleclass families from statist societies they bring forth to make it so.
Thats some "anarchist" philosophy that actually works irl lel
im far, far from being an idealist, a materialist is what i am. see Spencer? it wasn't an ideal that hit him
lol, where did refugees in Sweden did all those things?
you living in a nightmare, kid.
I see you dodged my other questions. You're also assuming I care about the "Alt-Right" or it's spokespeople.
I'll just assume you're a troll as a true believer would at least attempt to answer the question
I think you refer to libertarianism more though.
Libertarianism places the individuals choices in the first place. I do not think that Marxism is individualistic, by nature it is a system of redistribution of power.
Any group that is obsessed with power and power structures is by nature obsessed with group-hierarchy. As demonstrated throughout history.
what question, be specific