Get fucked Drumpfers. I will be there holding the rope.
Comrades, this is nothing more than hunt for witches. I, Joe American, am not wanting my rubles er I mean dollars going towards ridiculous investigation. In my American hometown of Georgia, go sports team of predatory birds!, we know how to deal with meddlesome enemies of the state. Mueller must be crushed, like potatoes crushed into fine vodka, and sent to gulag.
I am just tired of this. Kinda want there to be something juicy like Trump on recording laughing his ass off about Hillary's emails and joking abot Putin doing it..
This whole investigation is just a multi-year cock tease.
cringe to be truthful.
I'm throwing a party when it happens
We are always fucked and nothing ever happens. 4chans become a place to just spin the will and pollute the mind. Trump will not be impeached
Watergate took 3 fucking years, you idiot
3 fucking years just to investigate a break in
Bitch. Ill buttfuck you while choking you to death.
That sounds gay. Are you gay, user?
I would have loved it there was an actual breakin. That would have been interesting. Notice now they are not even trying to interview Assange the guy who released the DNC emails. Whole thing is a farce. its been almost two years and all we have is a bunch of trolls that may or may not exist.
I-is this it?
I guess I'm a #Hill-Dog now.
I'm also moving to the city so I can become an intellectual.
Did you not check the catalog?
This topic has been abandoned,dipshit
>Post from your BBC folder like the other shills
Pic related kills this topic immediately.
Try a little harder at shilling next time
Do you people even realize why no one here is genuinely worried about trump being removed other than congressional vote or election?
Because EVERYONE here knows that if they ever tried to arrest him it would be our field day to go out and finish the corruption in government ourselves.
Don't you shills get it? If they remove Trump, we remove them.
That's why no one's ever worried about these BS articles written every day since he got elected saying "He'll get impeached within a week!!!" every single week....
Get your shilling on point next time, your glowing like a Christmas tree
I can't understand how anyone is dumb enough to fall for the Q larp. The moment he claimed Mueller was on Trump's sideshould have been your first clue.
They're paying third world countries to do this now.
What do they mean by "Russia Documents"?
Does trump organization have an investigation on russian ties that would merit having documents written about russia or someth
oh, I see
Documents related to Russian business dealings.
It's true though despite your impressive digits
Mueller's doing fuckall while funneling the investigation money into Trump's secret space program
We're going to seize space and start the first galactic empire
oh, accounting records then? Or are they just gonna take everything and slip info here and there for no good reason?
Only gay if you're the bottom.
kys trump shill
>>Sup Forums
Everything related to it i guess. Emails, accounting records, contracts etc.
keep in mind that Mueller has access to Trump's IRS documents
so if the info he has doesn't match the info he is provided with....