These two fuckers had a kid being both 14 years old. Why aren't you having children Sup Forums?

These two fuckers had a kid being both 14 years old. Why aren't you having children Sup Forums?

Not anime.
Real family planning does not belong on Sup Forums.

My waifu and I are not ready to have children yet.

When will you be ready?

I can barely take care of myself at age 26.
I definitely cant manage a family.

At what age am I supposed to be able to understand why people want children?

yeah and look how the children ended as, fucking hippies

It is indefinite. Once you mature.


I dont think my waifu has the ability to have children.

Urge to smash

Yes, because Yoh and Anna made such wonderful parents.

Probably when I get my shit together

These two fuckers are proof that just because you can procreate doesn't mean you should.

Girls have children because of unconscious guilt. They want to pay with a gift to the only ones they consider worthy of being mother: their maternal grandmother.

>Yoh and Anna
>Family planning

Hana ended up being an asshole

They never got to be parents because they were busy saving the world you ungrateful fuck.
Hao was right, humans should all die.

There's no age, you either get it or you don't. Either are acceptable.

Why would you have children if you won't take care of them for whatever reason? That's just being a shitty parent

Saving the world from what? Hao was fucking God, he could have anything evil disappear. And why did they feel the need to go fight the sand niggers while neglecting their own son?
That's shitty parenting.


Don't forget them bringing a child into a war zone, therefore being indirectly responsible for their death.

If God wasn't his uncle Hana would've been fucked.

Give us a break. No one who posts in Sup Forums is 14 yet.

You make it sound like they ended up being good parents

How many times have you made this same thread?

>We need to save the world!
>Let's go fight terrorist even if we're 17 years old.
>Did I mention I'm also bringing my child?
>fuck yeah, this is the best thing I can do to fix the world.

Care to fill me up on the ending? Did they just really just went and go
>lol k you win bai
after Hao won?

Yeah, basically.

Hao's mom showed up via asspull and embarrassed him in front of everyone. Supposedly this made Hao change his mind about destroying humanity... right now, he'll do it later if Yoh proves him humans are worthy of existing. But going by the narrative saying that humans are garbage, he'll do it anyways. They just managed to delay his decision.

So yeah, Hao won and humans are trash.

That's a good question.

It's the same rabid fanboy shilling SK even though as a series, it couldn't be more dead by now.

>Why would you have children if you won't take care of them for whatever reason?
They fucked way before Hao won

>Hao was fucking God, he could have anything evil disappear.
Yeah and he wanted all the humans gone retard
Hao making Yoh and co. fix the world was a message. It meant that peace isn't granted and you have to work for it.

All was fine before Flowers took a shit on the series anyhow.

>Don't forget them bringing a child into a war zone, therefore being indirectly responsible for their death.
Yeah ok who would they leave Hana with? They got Tamao to take care of him eventually but before that it's perfectly understandable that they didn't want to burden other people.

God I hate Flowers.

How about you fucking read it retard?

>But going by the narrative saying that humans are garbage, he'll do it anyways.
Except Flowers proves that wrong since he still didn't kill the humans even though Yoh and Anna failed him.

>even though as a series, it couldn't be more dead by now.
Yet Takei is planning on continuing Flowers in another magazine in 2018 and has been recruiting staff for it.

when she drops the restraining order

Flowers was stupid. The fact that Yoh got killed by an attack helicopter while having Spirit of Earth active is stupid as fuck.

Either way it doesn't make sense how Yoh and Anna are dead in Flowers while they were alive in the Epilogue of the Original Series when Hana was like 7 years old or so.

Because clearly I ain't a fucker. What did you expect nigga

It hasn't been confirmed it's Flowers, though. He has yet to make that announcement.

>Hao making Yoh and co. fix the world was a message
Bullshit because the narrative had been going for misanthropy for a good while now. And Hao is an hypocrite anyways, so the message ends up reeking of bullshit.

It's a parent's job to ensure their child's safety above all. Hana being a minor nuisance to anyone is still better than putting his life at risk by bringing him to a war zone. No matter what you say, they have no excuse for this shit.