Want to start One Piece. Who has the best translators?
Want to start One Piece. Who has the best translators?
>Vol. 1-5 from Aosh, 5-16 from Nep Ece/OnePiecefag and 17-25 from Nitoryu scans. 26-29 from Null, then 30-37 tankoubon re-releases from Nitoryu. After that everything is from Null until the 59th and the quality is good, rising considerably with re-releases of very high quality tankoubons scans after volume 39 (Nitoryu is eventually gonna release 38 and 39). Mangarule has taken over from the 60th until 68th so far. After that, probably use powermanga until vol 73.
Don't use mangastream if possible. Their translations are pretty bad.
or just read the viz scans
If you like "Zolo".
Better than inconsistent scans and translation from a dozen differnt groups.
Having actually read the Viz scans, their translations are actually mediocre until around the Water 7 arc. I can handle name changes or spelling differences but I dislike lazy translations.
Viz translations for early vols are pretty bad though.
Wow thx man.
You can get them easily enough from madokami since it's kind of a nightmare trying to find different group versions on online manga sites.
Madokami site also has the Viz editions, which are okay in quality, though not the best for the earlier volumes.
Grab the bakabt torrent for the best HQ translations. Only after that, follow Kissmanga/Mangastream.
I hate this meme. Here's Aosh.
Here's Viz. Look at that quality difference.
I actually would agree with you for Aosh. It made it onto that greentexted recommendation because at the time like 8 years ago, there weren't any Viz digital scans available for people to pirate so that literally was the best option that fans had.
That being said, Viz constantly forgets to not center their typesetting even 20 volumes into the series, which is something that you don't get from the fanscans from Null or Nitoryu. Here's an example from Viz.
There's no winning this:
it's either broken english, niggerstream's horseshit, or 'Zolo'
As for some actual translation issues:
>Two egregious examples are in v33 p77, where Robin makes a characteristically macabre joke about Foxy choosing Chopper because he likes (wearing) fur, which gets translated in the Viz version to him liking furry things, which can carry a completely different meaning such as when a person likes furry creatures. And in v34 p224, Kalifa clearly states that Water Seven's shipbuilding industry was "already" advanced even in the past, hence there once being seven competing companies. But in the Viz version, it gets mistranslated to Water Seven's shipbuilding industry was "just beginning."
go with the viz version. their only faults are up to around the end of skypiea they really kiddie up their translation so it's off putting seeing stuff like "dang it" because "damn" is too much for little kids. skypiea is confusing as fuck because they kept kami as a title despite enel thinking he's a real god. another knock is they replaced the usopp galleries with western art from their readers but that's more for the assburgery completionist types. in terms of quality they are untouched but if you are those nakama type fuckers then by all means chase after scanlations.
>That being said, Viz constantly forgets to not center their typesetting even 20 volumes into the series
That's actually not it. The ebooks are the exact same as the print volumes, so when you're seeing text that isn't center aligned, it's because part of it is being obstructed by the next page. Because, well, it's a manga. That's why double spreads in physical books look like ass.
So took things some literal who considers mistakes, make the respective viz volumes worse than fantranslation, when they flow much better? I'm not even shilling, viz scans are already all ripped after all.
Think Jaimini will ever do the early chapters?
No, if that were the case, you'd only have off-centered text on the right or left side of the page where you have the joining with the other page. That's not always the case either.
I'm not forcing you to read non-Viz scans. You don't have to care if you don't want to.
>you'd only have off-centered text on the right or left side of the page
Which is the case for your hina example?
The quality shot up quite a bit once they shifted to a new translator back in 2014.
At least none of you faggots are suggesting MSN scans. Those were the days.
The Hina example is at the edge so it's not a good example. Here's a better one, which is from the middle of the page so you can't say that it's off-centered because it's being obstructed by the next page.
This was the worst translation I've read since I started reading the manga.
Yeah those were the scans that used to be on the MSN group pages translated from Chinese raws.
Post the Bisoromi Bear one. That shit was almost Duwang tier
This is actually centered too. The font is just too big which may as well be intentional judging the context. Anyway if this an example that keeps you off from suggesting Viz, I'm not quite sure how you're managing to suggest the scanlations.
No they're too busy.
Just do the color translations or Viz
Ten when you're caught up, switch to Jaiminis or Viz if you're still paying
Well, that's just something I found from flipping through a volume. And it's not an issue of any single typesetting that's keeping me off from suggesting it. It's the combination of multiple instances I felt I saw as I was reading their scans and my occasional objections with their translations as I've already noted. But to be honest, these issues aren't something that someone who's never read One Piece or doesn't know Japanese would find problematic. Viz is still fine as long as you're getting it for free, but I still would never recommend them if you had to pay for them like you're supposed to.
You could splurge and just buy the manga collections on Amazon or something. Pretty sure you could also find a dude on Ebay or Craigslist willing to sell of his collection for around 70 bucks or so