Dragon Ball Super - Tournament of Power

I just found something potentially incoming for the next phase of the current arc. The fusion of Kale and Caulifla as been confirmed. But, how about if there are even more fusions from the others universes? I have several candidates:

1º) Universe 6:
- Kale and Caulifla: Confirmed.
- Saonel and Pilina: Namekian fusion?

2º) Universe 7:
- Goku and Vegeta: Potential return of Vegitto?
- A-17 and A-18: Something similar to Super A-17?

3º) Universe 4:
- Damon and Gamisaras: The two hidden warriors could have a fusions, since they are practically twins.

4º) Universe 3:
- Boratera, Pancea and Koitsukai: These three robots could combine like a transformer or a Megazord.

5º) Universe 2:
- Ribrianne and Rozi: Another ability of "the Power of Love"?

What do you think?

Other urls found in this thread:


I think it's going to be an entertaining train-wreck either way.

Logically speaking it would make sense for other fighters to fuse if they themselves have a fusion to worry about fighting. Plus I'm sure at least one other universe already have the idea as a trump card.

Speaking of the Namekians, I wonder if their unique fusion overrides the dance or Potara. Like, if their fusing would be permanent regardless of how they do it.

Well, as far as I know, Namekian fusions are permanent. However, we thought about the same way with Potara Fusion, and we discovered it's only temporally with Kaioshins. So, maybe these Namekians know how to unfuse themselves. I mean, Universes can have surprises that others don't.

i could see it happening, and then jiren even opening one eye at the spike in power increaseing then closing it again. atleast one god of destruction is going to question the of using potara being cheating 9/10

fuck i jumbled that up a bit but im multitasking

>Saonel and Pilina: Namekian fusion?

In an ideal world, Piccolo would assimilate both when they realize their universe is going to get Hakai'd.

>So, maybe these Namekians know how to unfuse themselves.
The Namek that separated himself into Kami and King Piccolo already did it in a way.

>beerus clearly taken aback by the sheer force from YamCHAD's playful slap
Is there anyone who can even come close to a fraction of ?ourguy? YamCHAD's power?

You forgot Toppo and Jiren, just to fuck everyone's shit up. Or even Toppo and Dyspo, so they'll have to deal with two Jiren-level enemies.

>Toppo + Dyspo
>Jiren level

I highly doubt they need to make a fusion, considering how absurdly powerful is Jiren. And Toppo and Dyspo could very soon being eliminated by Vegeta and Freezer.

Vegito blue was stated to be stronger than Beerus in the manga. Jiren is also stronger than a God of Destruction, but both are probably weaker than the angels. Therefore they must be at a similar level.
Toppo is above SSB level. Dyspo is bit weaker than SSG, so their fusion should be weaker than Vegito blue, but close enough.

Will Kafla become buff in Super Saiyan mode?

Maybe. She could turn into something similar to Karoly, the potential fusion between Goku and Broly, with his SuperSaiyan hair mixing yellow and green.

>Vegito blue was stated to be stronger than Beerus in the manga
I highly doubt they actually said this


Who are they currently fighting ? Haven't seen them in a while.

> implying KEKfla will do anything but job to the strongest warrior in the ToP

> Shaggy, is that you?

Fucking lost it. I still don't get this whole Spanish meme thing, but I'm enjoying it thoroughly.

He's been doing secret training all these years.

Literally Kale with Caulifla’s face. How lazy can one be

>jiren and toppo and rabbit trifusion also goku too



how does this have 700k?

My hypotesis? They may be fighting the warriors of Universe 3. You know, cyborgs vs cyborgs.

unlimited stamina hand job

Go fuck yourself for posting this. And kill yourself.

They Don't Think It Be Like It Is But It Do.

Best OP Incoming


holy shit

The ultimate fusion is coming.

Vegettofags need not apply.

I liked that joke an user made about all the kaioshin just chucking their potara earings into the right after seeing that Kefla is allowed, leading to a desperate clusterfuck of a fight over them with characters from different universes inadvertantly fusing with each other during the confusion
No one actually seems to be taking the tournament that seriously anyway so why not

Nobody cares, as long as the fusion includes Goku, it'll be perfect.

Pasting one character's face onto the other and then changing the hair a bit is pretty much what all the fusions are
Not the series for you if you don't like the creator being lazy to be honest

What happened to best girl?

Why is this thread already full of spics?

Of course Vegetto is stronger but he's an unstable fusion so it doesn't really matter

Are you autistic? What do you want?

I though fusions were banned in the Tourney?

All Goku and Vegeta need to do is go blue Vegito and they’ll beat Jiren

>only blue Vegito
>Fusion winning anything

good question

>no GODhan blanco


>I thought fusions were banned
Does it look like they're fucking banned?


God this is awesome

I’m only assuming so because they stood up to Zamasu whom I assume is stronger than Jiren

Too many spics in this thread

It could be useful in the ToP, since 5 minutes lasts 5 episodes.

>Who I assume is stronger than Jiren
Zamasu who got killed by fucking Trunks? You thought he was stronger than Jiren?


Remember not to lewd the Pan

>Goten and Trunks couldn't enter the tourney as Gotenks because fusion was supposedly banned
>U7 Girls fuse anyways
I guess they just lied to them because they didn’t want their young kids to enter the tournament even though it’s a non lethal tournament and they'll die anyways if they don’t win the tournament. But hey, I guess Tien or Krillin were better choices than a fused saiyan children that fought Super Buu for a tour of your greatest fighters

Most of it is plausible, but android fusion is fanfic tier.

>2º) Universe 7:
they should've fucking brought future trunks in and had him fuze with gohan >: []

No, what the fuck are you talking about? Sup Forums made that rule up to defend Toriyama cutting Goten and Trunks out of the tournament.

Didn't he only lose his physical form because he was hit by the “Spirit Sword” which is strong against evil?

>1º) Universe 6:
>- Saonel and Pilina: Namekian fusion?
They will fuse with Piccolo!

>2º) Universe 7:
>- Goku and Vegeta: Potential return of Vegitto?
Or canon Gogeta... or Vegeta/Gohan fusion since Goku UI is Vegito level, maybe.

>- A-17 and A-18: Something similar to Super A-17?
With the potara, let's not forget that U7 has four potara... Shin and Old Kai.

>3º) Universe 4:
>- Damon and Gamisaras: The two hidden warriors could have a fusions, since they are practically twins.
Or they will hide until the tournament ends

>4º) Universe 3:
>- Boratera, Pancea and Koitsukai: These three robots could combine like a transformer or a Megazord.
Even Stevie Wonder can see it coming

>5º) Universe 2:
>- Ribrianne and Rozi: Another ability of "the Power of Love"?
Maybe... if the potara are legal, then each universe will have a fusion... in that case I think that we will also have...

>Dyspo and Toppo for U11.
>Scientist and PepsiMan for U3.

Instagram and twitter pages posted this so that’s how it got popular

In the anime, Merged Zamasu got beaten by... Trunks. In the manga Goku managed to beat Merged Zamasu after mastering SSB. Vegeta even blew Merged Zamasu into pieces.
Merged Zamasu defenitely isn't stronger than Jiren.

>they didn't run off together and cuck Krillin during the Android Arc

The manga is not canon to the anime, but yeah, Merged Zamasu is most likely a wimp compared to Jiren in the anime too. He definitely is in the manga. He's Toppo-tier.

I think every universe is gonna feel stupid that they didn't think of giving potara to the fighters beforehand. Except Universe 3, the Megazord is 100% happening. And maybe the cicadas too we don't know their powers

The anime would frequently put her in sexually suggestive scenarios. Does anyone remember the time she was turned into a doll?

Technically he is. Since he's immortal, Jiren could destroy his physical form but his universe form would just attack him nonstop until he loses to fatigue

Name a more autistic character.


if this happens there's a possibility of gohan+vegito fusion, wouldn't that be fun
or even gohan+caulifa? or goku+caulifa gohan+kale and vegeta is the new yamcha who's forever alone

>Goten and Trunks couldn't enter the tourney as Gotenks because fusion was supposedly banned
At no point was this said

Why is Beerus so perfect

I'm not a Panfag, but I might just lewd her out of spite. Don't tell me what do, you morality police faggot.

You two are asking for it

Also... once Piccolo merges with the Namekians and becomes a God he will be at Godhan's level and they will use the Potara...Piccohan will defeat Jiren with the father/son Kamehasappo!!

Nothing wrong with that.

But they’re the Supreme Kais. Wouldn’t the fusions be permanent? I mean, that’s a small price to pay compared to being erased

In terms of physical power, Merged Zamasu is weaker than Jiren, but obviously his hax abilities (imortality, universe merging and/or replication) can be abused in order to beat Jiren (and were, Future Jiren is most likely dead).

Would you like Super Saiyan Blue better if it looked like this but blue?

>Supreme Kais
They're called Kaioshin, dubfag.

Retards on Sup Forums put it in everyone's head to defend Toei's team. Now there's 100 morons asking this question in every thread.


>Bardock, Father of Goku
>Dragonball Manga
>Dragonball (Z) Manga (MINUS UUB)

>Literally Everything Else

>not jiren + El Hermano de Jiren

>Does anyone remember the time she was turned into a doll?
literally stopped watching GT at that point. fucking pedo shit makes me sick

>I just found something

no you're using autistic head canon as an excuse. now shut the fuck up

>implying either of you know the extent of jirens power
he could possibly hakai zamasu into nothingness, we don't fucking know anything besides
>jiren will never lose, regardless of his opponent

Supreme Kai sounds cooler desu

Objectively incorrect

Yajirobe. The guy is litteraly a furry.

Does this thread feel a little more spooky to you guys or is it just me?

Gohan Calvo When???

I won't.

You're a bit stuck in 2009 I see, let me help you:
>Jaco the Galactic Patrolman
>Dragon Ball (Manga)
>Dragon Ball Super Anime
>Literally Everything Else except for arguably the Super manga because Super is not over, and the Bardock special is up in the air

Supreme Kai was never an authority of anything.

We don't know everything Jiren can do, but at least we know he can get erased by Zeno. We also know he prefers to chill instead of saving the universe. Zamasu killed Clown God and Future Jiren didn't do shit.

Manga Whis says that Hakai doesn’t work on immortal beings, so really Jiren is fucked on that end


do people actually find this shit funny?

Yeah, great, but no one gives a fuck about canon.

Trips were not wasted this day.

Not true, Goku almost hakai'd Merged Zamas.