>sequel never ever
what kind of cruel world do we live in?
Sequel never ever
boring af
Who cares if it's boring when the medicine seller is so erotic?
Good. let's keep it perfect as it was.
I need to re-watch some time, enough years have passed.
I wouldn't mind a new stories but I would avoid an entire season explaining about how he got his power or his background story.
I completely agree, they only delve inside his mind once in the entire show, and they did it perfectly.
>"All I fear is nothingness, the end of all things"
Paraphrasing but it was done perfectly. Only thing he fears is everything ceasing to exist.
It doesn't really need one, though. If they did they'd quickly run out of quality psychedelic re-imaginings of traditional youkai, or at least the more interesting ones. A kappa, tengu , bakedanuki or kitsune might be okay but something like a karakasa would just be desperate. And they already did bakeneko twice.
There's nothing wrong with karakasas, you take that back
Also you underestimate how many different kinds of youkai there are
it already is a sequel basically, i'm glad we got as much as that.
Wakamoto fish pretty much confirms him a small god of some sort, this is enough of back story I think.
How? Why?
It honestly wasn't that good.
spoken like a true faggot
Besides him being ageless through various centuries in time? You didn't need the fish to figure that one out.
He could be many things, but not human is a given. Well, maybe he could be human originally with extended lifespan from shugendo or something.
In that case I want to see a story set in present time japan
Should I watch Ayakashi first before watching this? Or leave it for later?
Watch the last 3 episodes of Ayakashi first, some characters that are in Ayakashi show up again in Mononoke.
Is there any better Mononoke download than the one that comes with dual french subs? The english subs in that release are terrible
Don't remind me. I want more horror stories.