What would you do if you become a robot like in Inuyashiki?
What would you do if you become a robot like in Inuyashiki?
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I would be a NEET
Probably play out my dumb teenage power fantasies.
we had this thread yesterday, but I'll say it again. I'd probably use it to anonomously get money and live a leasurly life, if I'm even still mortal at that point.
I would be a mix of the two, probably acting like Celestial Being from Gundam 00.
Being removed from the requirement of eating and sleeping and general mortality is enough. I'd begin to take my long life seriously and begin studying other languages and math, probably. Maybe get some government or military deal to go through college. Who knows, become an astronaut, I don't need air if I'm a robot.
Probably rape people and rob banks
Wait a sec can I still have sex if I'm a robot?
You can cum a gallon of semen at once and cause wombs to explode.
Alright, soon or later govt would find out and start to hunt on me so. I do a strike on the all govts. It's me or them.
I'd be a super hero, and I'd have WAY more vigor about it then Inuyashiki.
Later on in life, after several decades most likely, I'd probably end up trying to conquer the world. But I'd be as nice as possible about it. Nobody can hurt me, so why even bother killing them? One day I'd just tell people to start listening to me or I'd leave them behind.
Why the hell would you want to conquer the world?
Do you honestly think you can manage the world in any meaningful way?
Become Jesus-tier.
If I was a superhuman cyborg with easy control of all technology on the planet and the ability to micromanage it all like a supercomputer?
Yes, I would. Think a little bigger and don't project your defeatism on me, pussy.
>and the ability to micromanage it all like a supercomputer?
I don't actually know what OP's robots are capable of so yeah if you get some sort of mental partitioning to run process vast quantities of data, sure.
Become the Antichrist.
Start the glorious evolution
Fly to Japan in 10 minutes and buy stuff with stolen money.
I'd also help stray animals.
would go back to and uninstall life
Cure people, save people, punish bad people, be worshipped as a god, get pussy, play vidya and either blow myself up in space when I realize everything is too easy and I can't trust anyone because I'm an invincible god or learn martial arts and become a monk in some place beautiful and live generations as a legend.
Ensla-I mean help the human race.
Purge 1/10th of the human population for various reasons and then lie dormant for a decade
I would liberate Europe
Kill gang scum and corrupt politicians.
Find a way to change my appearance and live forever helping humanity to prosper through different personas.
Probly be just like edgy kid but I'd post my results on Sup Forums
I would begin a new crusade to liberate the holy land
or just shitpost here
bang targets in the garden then come back to browse here
Steal money, be neet, help people, cure cancer, help animals and in free time wear a mask and save good people. But if anyone find out my real identity I will kill them.
I would meet everyone of you, listen to your personal problems and try to give useful advice. Also cure your cancer.
bang lots of hot women... wait....
Go to various websites and reenact the shitposting arc.
Get my family a better place to live.
Free fall from the Atmosphere.
Draw doujins of my favorite anime girls.
Short animations with top tier quality.
Learn a fuck ton about science.
Kill all my old middle school bullies.
Track down missing pets.
Pick a Middle Eastern faction and win the war for them.
Probably form a cult around my many miracles
I would do the same thing the old man does: Help people.
Of course, I don't know if I would like to have voices in my head 24/7 of people seeking help but I am partly aware of the mentality of not being able to save/help everybody.
Shitpost on Sup Forums... oh wait.
Randomly kill user in front of their monitor
Why can't I find one (1) single fanart for this show?
The hell, tell me more about it.
Can they make me a lolibot? This is important.
gently kidnap all the worlds programmers and 3d artists and get them to make the greatest video game in all of history
So i'm checking the program, I guess I'll wait a couple of weeks to see the show on youtube since I missed the thing.
What did you guys think of the ending of this series? I just finished reading it and I got a bit emotional, but definitely enjoyed the whole thing.
Play vidya and watch anime all day.
First thing i make sure that i still have a dick
Second find out if it haves a vibrator
Third make sur of don't waste make new robot(posibly vibrating) robot dick.
Steal money to fund anime and vidya that I want
Also steal money to fund my MtG habit and travel around the world
Do the robots here still have a sense of taste? It would be shit if I couldn't taste anything anymore. Also no more alcohol side effects
jiji mc is not appealing to most, barely any waifus
I would become a superhero
you mean niggers of jews?
not be a retard.
>test my power capabilities
>if i can dismatle all nukes in the world through hacking
>take control over every single govenmnt with my super hacking abilities.
>DDOs rapist and pedophiles, and make people kill them
>kill all jews.
>send all sandniggers back to africa
>try to develop insterstellar travel to explore space.
>help people also i think. idk.
I'd get a life.
I'm already earning decent money, so no need to fuck that up. I'd start using my new time to become more of a scholar. Learn languages, study math etc. No point in being worshiped or becoming the the new god emperor of humankind unless something drastic happened that wiped out the majority of humanity, in which case I'd use my skills to help revive it and then return to anonymity.
Also avoid space like the plague. Last thing I want is to drift around forever without a way out.
As a robot you could easily shitpost just by being in bed.
because you're already dead?
i'd conduct advanced research on how my body functions, how human body functions, perform experiments that is beyond what today is capable of, maybe go to CERN or something
Hunt down and kill all the shitposters.
Train with Nano.
Everyone only talks about the opening, but the ED is actual so nice and smoothing to listen to.
HIT ME TO THE GROUND is simply too good. I like the ED and never skip it which is rare, though.
Cure a friend with a terminal disease and then depending on how well they take me being a terminator, either settle down and do nothing but fry computers of people annoying me, or start killing drifters and leaking state secrets on the net. I'd fly into the sun whenever I think my batteries are dying so no one can dissect and replicate the technology.
A Hiro.
>become Robo-Jesus
>think of a way to simplify governments to also maximise general population happiness without overly exterminating corrupted politicians
>accelerate scientific progress to become a true type 1 and type 2 civilization and preventing humanity from becoming extinct from bullshit
If the machinery is precise enough, Id make other robots with my hands and just overthrow humanity as a whole. Make some look-alikes to throw them off.
>"Well nuke you!"
>"Oh wow, I'm so afraid of you basically handing me the war in a gift-wrapped radiation basket."
Hands-free shitposting
Make Israel nuke itself.
>Cure your crush
>She starts dating some other dude
You're going to make a fine murder borg.
Build the Enterprise and give humanity the opportunity to explore the universe.
>try to listen to My Hero
>has a slight subtle beeping throughout the whole thing that sounds like my alarm going off
Man With A Mission sounds like an alright band though.
This. Being a robot would be the ultimate NEEThood.
I'll pretend to be a new God and tell everyone their Buddas, Christs and Allahs are fake and there would be nothing they can do about it.
I'll probably terminate everyone who don't live their lives correctly, although I'm not really judgmental person.
I'll do something about that global warming thing and about over population too.
Depends, what kind of robot?
Steal enough money from atms to live and spend time helping people if being discreet is possible in those situations. Travel the country and world, but not through robot powered flying since that could trigger an alarm somewhere.
Live like I'm Connor McLeod in Highlander. Change my name every couple of decades.
>assuming you're the only robot
beginner's mistake.
like in Inuyashiki
See if I can still feel anything when I masturbate.
don't need food, just water. So just travel the world avoiding trouble.
Get all the dirt on everyone important with robot magic internet powers. Release dirt on anyone Sup Forums doesn't like. Browse and enjoy reactions.
>accelerate scientific progress to become a true type 1 and type 2 civilization and preventing humanity from becoming extinct from bullshit
You'd probably end up ramping up the chances that civilization kills itself
Disable every weapon in north korea and alert south korean military to this.
After that, live normally.
only seen the first ep so far. Would I be capable of space travel? I could take trips to the moon and mars on behalf of NASA or whoever
I'll become a hero of justice
I assumed everyone would be the Neetbots and would watch me for lulz
Shoot every yurifag I see online with the internet bullet ability.
Put an emphasis on maintaining sanity and slowly scale my activities to avoid burnout. Red line on killing and probably raping because thats the quickest route to disconnect from empathy and being a member of a social group is the core of maintaining sanity.
Hack a stock valuation or bitcoin investment or something for about $100 million in a way that avoids suspicion so I have enough money to do what I want but not enough to be in public awareness. Start out by living a life of leisure and fucking lots of hot chicks in my mansion with a pool, etc. Once bored probably start a family to secure socialization, then compete against others in domains I couldnt normally (without cheating). Try to out-innovate Elon musk, out-earn the rothschilds, out-sell daft punks albums, etc. Every failure can just be reset with another money hack. Basically like starting a bunch of new games and climbing the competitive ladder. No matter how powerful you are, pleasure ultimately comes from other humans so restricting yourself to human domains is best.
I definitely wouldnt try to change the world order because people are people, eliminating one despot just makes room for another, and its far easier to create a shithole than a utopia. Middle east regime changes are a perfect example. Also, humanity is relative. In your new world there will be things that feel just as terrible as they do now, even if they are objectively better. As long as your society isnt utter shit (slave class) Why not just let humanity do its thing.
If I was ever able to determine that I could die then nearing that date is when the fucked up stuff like killing would commence. Maybe try my hand at warfare and join an army. Remember guys, drugs probably dont work on you to cover the pain.
I will Eliminate you
I enjoyed this response and agree with it
the only true answer.
Wait does my Dick still work as a robot though?
i would be a hero for fun.
>send sandniggers back to africa
you dumb fuck.
robot dick. feels real though