Climate change is causing the ocean floor to sink and sea levels to fall! What are you doing to combat climate change and the sinking ocean floor!? If sea levels fall, WW3 could happen!
Climate change is causing the ocean floor to sink and sea levels to fall! What are you doing to combat climate change...
>ocean level rises
>ocean floor sinks
Problem solved
Are you telling me that floating ice in the north doesn't count to the weight of the ocean?
Are you saying that the continent of Antarctica is not itself being pushed down by all the ice?
A little land pops up and a little sea floor goes down.
What's the trouble?
>all of our calculations for the past 20 years that indicated rising to dangerous levels today are now tangibly wrong.
can leftists even 6th grade chemistry
Gets on Sup Forums is causing the ocean levels to lower. KEK is using gets to bring back Thule.
wow this is sad. when people who know nothing about how something works try to make something sound important it tends to be cringe worthy
water pressure in a body of water is determined by depth alone. a swimming pool or a ocean will have the same water pressure at 3 ft or 20 ft below the surface
given the surface area of the water covered area on the planet all of ant artica could melt and not even result in a 1 fit increase of sea level globally. its not like it pooling up in 1 area only. gravity evens it out (not counting tidal forces generated by the moons garvity).
florida isnt under water and wouldnt be if all the ice melted it was just fear mongering. its not that sea level is dropping because of some bullshit global warming nonsense its that its not rising to where the liberals want to say it should be at . record setting ice sheet size in antartica see by multiple scientific agencies kinda makes it seem like its not a issue that its allegedly melting. all the footage people see of that shit melting is artic ice that always melted seasonally
I bet you're a Holocaust denier and haven't even checked your privilege today.
wow it's like the earth is more complicated than they imagined and has control loops so it doesn't explode after five years of farting
>the ocean rises
>the ocean sinks
That's the genius of rebranding it from "global warming" to "climate change" - no matter what happens, no matter how many times your predictions and models get BTFO, you're always right.
>Rising sea level causes ocean floor to sink a couple of millimeters.
>Sea level is estimated to rise ~1 to 2 meters
>"Durrr Climate change is solved...I'm a /pol scientist!"
What happened to the term "global warming"? People not buying this anymore?
Bruh I don't know if you've ever done the ice in a cup experiment but ice melting doesn't raise the water level.
It's because the warmth in some spots of the globe will make it colder in others. People in Texas are getting snow and saying "I thought this was global WARMING!"
>t. fat cow soy brainlet
outer crust sinks, core contracts, magma heats and expands, dormant megavolcanoes on ring of fire erupt. ash rises, crops fail, famine spreads, pestilence grow, crops fail, war breaks down society to a tribal fuedal revolution of the state at a local governance level. out of the ashes rise a cooling effect as populations plummet and ice caps renew a vicious cycle of nature which only faith hope and love of God restore in the world once the man made corporate pyramid collapses because a DP HS cheerleader and a BJ in the oval comes back to shine a light on satanic elite occultists who create global media vs an indie meme militia
Not to mention, the article says that global warming makes sea levels hard to measure accruately. Its literally
>I dont have any evidence global warming is real...which is exactly what I would expect to see if global is real.
>My absence of evidence is actually evidence!
Any geologists here? Is it possible for a fissure to open up deep enough in the earth that the core is exposed and an ocean’s worth of water cools the molten core of the planet? That’d be a planet killer right? This is probably a retarded impossibility but reading OP made me think of it.
True but if you dump ice into the this case glaciers or continental ice shelf...the water will rise. You do realize that there is ice in large amounts on land...right?
There's continental crust and then oceanic crust. If a glacier was on land it would be pushing down on the continental crust. If that water mass is moved to the ocean, it would push on oceanic crust. It would cause the continental crust to rise, but that wouldn't help us if it was Antarctica that rose instead of something inhabited. That said I haven't read the article as it sounds sensationalist.
who cares, there's a second ocean under the Earth's crust anyway.
Do you think that the Earth's layers are just plates or something? They are dense, not hollow. Undersea fissuers exist and don't flood out the core. Even plate tectonics don't result in "drains" for the ocean to flood into
I was taught in school by leftist teachers that climate change is causing sea levels to rise and that major world cities will be under water in the next 30 years, now your telling me ocean levels are falling? Can these leftists fucks make up their mind please.
Is the ocean rising or fucking falling? Which one is it?
>the sea levels are rising because of the glaciers melting!
>no the sea levels are sinking because of the glaciers melting!
What's next? The world is getting colder because of too much heat in the atmosphere?
no. The distance to the center of the Earth is 6,371 kilometers. The deepest place in Earth is about 11 kilometers.
>It is over 6,000 km to the Earths core
>From the crust, it is 8 to 40 km (depending on location)
>Deepest hole people have ever dug? 15 km
Start digging buddy.
odd how the earths normal temp happens to be the small window of time we are on the planet
I meant from crust to mantle it is 8 to 40 km
How much of the reported "muh melting ice" was previous supported by land?
I'd say not much.
From my understanding, no, that’s not possible, what would likely happen is a volcanic eruption. I don’t know the exact science, but water apparently can speed the creation of magma, plus the thinner crust would create volcanoes long before they cooled the core.
The core is a solid, held in state by the pressure of the molten layers around it.
Underwater volcanos and sulfur jets are an example of what happens when the sea floor fissures deep enough to interact with molten Earth.
My guess is if the sea depth increases, the sea floor will shift and result in more activity on existing fault lines between tectonic plates.
Climate Changers are the Jehovah Witnesses of the environment.
>gives (((research)))
>do you want to die?
Not really possible. There are already open rifts: The mid-ocean ridges or oceanic rifts. They don't go nearly deep enough to reach the core. The upper mantle is full of water already. It's made of partially-melted rocks that are saturated with H2O. Rifts only open because magma/gases are down there in the mantle and need to escape. The world is squeezing down on the mantle from above, so there's not much room for more shit to flow down there. However, subducting slabs carry along lots of water with them, and as the slab gets lower, the pressure & temperature rise, so the weak-ass H20 is squeezed out and its presence causes the melting point of surrounding rocks to lower, causing magma to form and rise, causing volcanoes.
A similar process is theorized to cause hotspots like Hawaii and Yellowstone -- subducting slabs that sunk down to the core.
t. BS in geology
This is the most retarded thing I've ever read. If it's in the Atlantic, they do realize we are growing away from Africa? Of course the sea floor will sink as the crust spreads out due to the tectonic plates moving away from one another. I bet these retards haven't considered a geologists opinion on the matter.
article is saying the bottom is sinking because more water is being added. That is not incompatible with the top rising. In fact it would be expected, to some degree.
that the best we can do? 8 or 40? seems like a big difference
It varies from place to place. From the deepest trench is a pretty big distance to the highest mountain.
That's what really grinds my gears: how much of the "sea level rising" is actually just the continents shifting like they have for the last 10509$ million years?
Nigga, theres already oceans of water deep in the earth.It is known. why wouldnt there be drainage and connections. iirc theres more water in the earth then on it.
sry meant to link the post above yours.
is that brittany venti?
1996 was around the time i was becoming a man. That can easily account for the rise of world temperature and humidity.
My bad guys.
>1996 was around the time I was becoming a man. That can easily account for the rise of world temperature and humidity.
Is that from all the heat produced from the friction of you jacking off?
Studies show Antarctica is gaining Ice
Studies show that so much is coming off that the Ocean is sinking
Studies show that the sinking proves that the water is rising.
Therefore proving that melting Ice is causing the rising
Which proves Global warming
This cant be real. They cant be this stupid
Both and neither at the same time. Just be a good goy and pay your carbon tax
mexican american intellectual here
does melting glaciers attribute to ocean levels?
we can test this with the same question. does melting ice fill the full glass with more water?
no. it does not.
>Unnamed scientist
>As bad as it sounds
Even if it is true, what sounds so bad about it?
>Mexican American intellectual here..."
>Does melting glaciers attribute to ocean levels?
First, learn how to use the English language without butchering it. Second, learn what a glacier is (pic related). I'd wager that if you dumped more ice into that cup it would probably overflow.
>I'd wager that if you dumped more ice into that cup it would probably overflow.
>Sup Forums intellect
you do know that the earth is a closed system right? no energy is lost only transferred.
This is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read.
The water doesn't overflow when the ice melts because the volume of melted water = the volume of the ice in the cup....but if you dump more ice in you add more volume to the cup and it overflows moron. Prove to me that if you dump ice into a full cup it won't overflow; I'll wait for you to post a video of this experiment. The same concept is true if you have massive quantities of ice on land (glaciers) that fall into the adds new volume to the ocean.
>Mexican American intellect
The glaciers aren’t floating in the water you fucking retard. They’re on land. When the water melts it flows into the ocean from the land. That raises the water level.