Buyfag thread

What GK do you want to see becoming a PVC figure?

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Nobody is forcing you to use it. Why bitch? For the sake of bitching?

Some people just like to burn money

Just kill me. End it please.

>nobody gives a fuck that this Rem was released already
I guess she was just a flavor of the month slut after all.
Alter cancelling their Rem wouldn't surprise me at all.

More like everyone is waiting for better figures like GSC or alter. She is as popular as ever.

Thank god Alter's Rem is taking this long. By the time they show a prototype everyone will have moved on to their next seasonal waifu.

fuck off already.

Nobody gives a fuck about figures by mediocre manufacturers, big fucking news.

just buy the chink bootlegs user, they're 30 bucks each.

REM is far from being a seasonal waifu in Japan though, re zero merchandise is fucking everywhere and the franchise is better than en ever.

Haven't they already had two plus seasons to do that? It seems Rem has some staying power though I only partially get why. I need to get around to the novels.

What's in the box?
Appologies for image quality

Just got my cute dork today

They look bad though.
I don't want to mix trash bootlegs in my collection.
Not to mention that I would just be disappointed that they don't look like the real deal.

Discord is for fags edition

No we are just waiting for the good Rem figures to release.

This is what happens when you use the name buyfags, you end up buying lots of gay shit and becoming one.


T. Discord user


Well fuck

Yeah, it's pretty good. Shame about all the gayness though.

I thought any explicit mention of that chat meant a ban, what's happening here?

Fuck off
You too, both of you are ruining this general

What's supposed to be wrong with the pegs?

>this general
This is not a general user. This thread is completely different once you remove the guide link from the OP.

It's time for your autism pills.

The one for her dress (leftmost peg) is way off to the side and won't go in.
Do I just cut it off?

I'm complaining about not Sup Forums related crap, retard.

Probably try contacting Amiami first and see what they say.


is the figure stable enough to not use that peg?

Is that a custom? This brings back memories of when I first ran into guro for the first time.

not that user but yes that's from mfc years ago-

it has been posted here lots of times.

Not sure, It's really heavy on the opposite side. Thing is, the peg is still under the dress - just not in the right place - , which pushes that side up and puts her off balance

The best amputees have those frilly little stump covers, though.

It also looks like the kind of peg which can be pressed down or even removed, worst case, you can always make an alternate base with pieces of metal rods and epoxy to give a proper rest to its shoes

I'll try but I kind of doubt they can do anything.
It's a sealed figure from 4 years ago

or it could be way easier to drill a hole in the proper place put a metal rod as peg and cut/press/remove the other one.

I though it couldn't get worse, but now I've realized not only could I buy nendos, not only could I start buying boatsluts, not only is it possible for me to get one of each boatslut nendos, no, it's entirely possible for me to get multiples of some boatslut nendos so I can display each seasonal outfit!
I wish I was dead.

>the kind of peg which can be pressed down or even removed
I tried to the point of making an indent in my wooden desk, to no avail.
>make an alternate base
That extends beyond my capabilities. I'll try to modify the orig base if nothing can be done by Amico

Isn't that peg for the penguins?

Pic related. One of the best succubi I've seen.
god damn I want a non-gk guro scale so bad

>Swimsuit Nendos
Please make it stop.

Look at the OP.
The penguins are on a completely seperate base too

>he doesn't sexualize his Nendos

Other shots of the base on mfc show that peg far out as well. Maybe they're all like that?

Granblue, always more Granblue.

So much detail for something like this. Meh.

Oh come on man, us gurofags really don't have a lot of options figure-wise.

I bought one boatslut last year. I told myself "I only want this slut. I don't need the others."

I have over 30 now. My wallet hates me with a passion.

Not using it does not forbid someone from critiquing it.

Make a new base.

>That extends beyond my capabilities. I'll try to modify the orig base if nothing can be done by Amico
if so the do this that should be easy

>extends beyond my capabilities
It really doesn't, m8.

>get wood or acrylic base (easily found at most local/national hobby stores, amazon, ebay or even somewhere like e2046).
>buy metal pegs/dowels (can be found in the same places as well as at hardware stores, you can even bring the fig if you're brave to check for fit)
>take one-sided tape and place over each hole
>use ink or even paint to mark each hole
>place fig/tape combo over base to mark the right location
>drill, baby, drill (if you don't have a dremel or are uneasy with it's RPM, then try a hand drill like this:
>cut dowels to size (err on the side of too long)
>fit figure on its new base

No one is saying you have dress up the base with, but a simple support to hold your figure is well within in your abilities.


>he has more nendos than statues

There's nothing wrong with that.

There is everything wrong with that.

saw this in the last buyfag thread and laughed so hard that I just had to buy it.

There isn't.

I just hate to see such talent used on something that's not my bag. Nothing personal.

I actually have more figmas that statues, which is presumably just as bad.

I don't actually have any nendos, not counting nendo petits. I don't like them because they remove artstyle. Like they're not Funko Pop offensive, but it's a much more mild version of the issue Funko Pops have of removing actual unique design qualities.

My first nendo will be Sucy though. I can't say no to that.

>he owns nendoshit
>he owns jointshit
>he owns maleshit (that includes everything that has a dick, you closeted faggots)
>he owns porkshit

The boobs are too big right guys?

>stop liking what I don't like!

I think nendos are a waste of money, too...

>he doesn't own a Porkchop

Pleb taste

Sure. It just makes you come across as whiny is all.

Well fuck, sorry for pulling this thread into my retardation.
Turns out it was actually the dress (and the instructions) that was screwed up - I had to force it outwards but now it fits
I'll just go hide myself in shame now

Good job baiting so many people with different tastes to reply to you.

no, but the boob sculpt is bad and looks really strange

So are these figurines 3d printed or are they hand-cast resin?


Figmas are cool. Nendos are a meme and a poorman's figma. If your first figure was a nendo you are clearly from reddit

that horrible welded 1/4 figure

i just stay with my original memestia

Some fit the aesthetic (e.g. kirby). Those ones aren't so terrible. But you're right, they lose some of their character's appeal and design. I feel the same way about non-original character bunny and bikini figs.

It would be like a statue of Superman in swim trunks Yeah, it's technically still Superman but it doesn't really look like him anymore, does it?

>Figmas are cool
No they're not, specially newer ones. Way too expensive for what they are and usually don't even come with that many accessories.

>I actually have more figmas that statues, which is presumably just as bad.

Its worse, kill yourself you underage fuck who probably acts out battles with his little naruto figmas

Whatever happened to longer pasta for this?

I can live with sounding whiny to random strangers on the internet if talented artists stop focusing on niche products that will never see daylight outside of the 15 people who actually own their GKs.

At least Nendos are cute. Most Figmas look terrible.

Nice projection.

>if talented artists stop focusing on niche products that will never see daylight outside of the 15 people who actually own their GKs.
Yes, they should instead cater to whatever niche you and other 14 people like, right? Who cares about what he enjoys doing anyway.


>too big

No, no that's not too big.

We were talking about gk we wished were prepainted though. I'm saying us gurofags are happy whenever we're thrown a bone and ppl being buttmad at what an artist decides to focus on seems kinda petty.

>whatever niche you and other 14 people like

You're losing track of your own argument. Mine was that he should focus some of that effort on getting his work out there so more people would see it. That doesn't happen in any niche.

Does anyone here actually have the 1/4 porkchop? I've been thinking of getting one. How well do the clothes stay on?

I'm not even the same user you were replying to originally. I think guro is shit as well, but why does that matter? At least there is some artist out there who likes making quality stuff for that small niche. Why do you care so much whether he is "getting his work out there"? Should he instead start doing furry porn or whatever because there is a lot of money in that?

What did you buy, user?

I don't even know where you're trying to go at this point...

The original comment:
>So much detail for something like this. Meh.

In your mind, turned into:

Cut your victim complex bullshit. This isn't your safespace.

Oh I read this manga. That turned me the fuck on.

What? I'm saying you were whining. You ok?

Oh I remember the guy who posted this. Wonder if he ever bought a new Mikasa

oh no my purchase vanished!!!!!!

>move to a new place so I have more space for my figures
>Spends more on rent, having less money to spend on plastic butts.
What do I do, buyfriends?

Buy fewer plastic butts, but ones of higher quality.

They dont attach very well