Redhill a normie on Anarcho-Capitalism

Does it turn justice into a commodity?
Is it better than NatSoc and how so?

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Goddamn auto-correct

I only use the ancap flag to post because I don't like the others. Any political inclination/philosophy has the same luciferian-christian origin, made and promoted by freemasonic and jesuit monsters.

(((Justice))) has lost all meaning in contemporary culture. The only human rights are property rights.

So what about law enforcement then?

> becoming an ancuck
user I ...

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The anarchism is already an improvement compared to natsoc
The capitalism isn't
Mostly it's just a meme ideology (as is natsoc itself since 1945)

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Ancap. Because you can not bestow a right on another that you do not have yourself....

It’s another way of saying “molon labe” as an answer to every question.

t. AnCom

>Justice as a commodity?
It would be a step up from the current form of justice which comes in the form of a protection racket. The state steps in and says "look, we're going to take over the responsibility of public safety from militias, a caste of individuals with more power than you, unelected by you, and unsupervised by you will be installed, and you'll have to pay for it if you make a certain amount of money or armed members of this force will imprison you against your will."
>Is it better than NatSoc?
Well even moderated capitalism has functioned better, smoother, more efficiently, and for longer than NatSoc has. Also unlike socialism proper capitalism does not attempt to justify or excuse forms of non-provoked aggression. If you're on board with the idea that one person cannot just harm another for no reason, you should already favor Capitalism over Socialism.

Personally I'm of the opinion that states form as an inevitable part of human behavior and to attempt to abolish the state is as lofty (and unworkable) an idea as abolishing classes and the dynamics between owners and workers.

Not even an anarchist, but anarchism is better than natsoc which just isn't that hard in the first place

What are you?

What about law enforcement?


AnCap is the most defensible political philosophy.

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>the state is an inevitable part of human behavior
>the institution of "the state" has only existed for about 2% of human history
Pick one.

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it's literally how the world functions. you are just property in part of somebody's private wealth-creation system so you don't understand why it doesn't look that way to you.

Anarcho-(anything) is fucking retarded. The premise is “there won’t be any rulers, but if I was the ruler this is how it would work” then it doesn’t.

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>if I was the ruler this is how it would work

That's not at all how it works.

>what is game theory: the post

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NatSoc is another stupid welfare state.

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Honestly, I wouldn't give a shit either way as long as it wasn't Communism.

Case in point. You don’t get a say in how it would work because anarchy. The first group to establish a rudimentary de facto state (which will almost certainly be a security company) will BTFO you.
>b-but states aren’t allowed
And this is why you are retarded.

Anarcho capitalism is so vastly better than natsoc because it eschews nationalism altogether.

So yes in that sense it is much better, because nationalism is obsolete and exists only as a completely shallow vanity as we close out the first quarter of the 21st century.

True in the sense that a formalized "state" as we conceive of it has only existed for a small fraction of human history. The underlying formation of hierarchies in which a relatively small body of people organizes the behaviors of a large body of people, in which rules are somehow established, and a power dynamic forms is undoubtedly as old as humanity itself. It can be seen in every other group of social mammals as well. Every group of social mammals forms a state, whether formal or informal.

My contention is not that government is good, only that an attempt to eradicate government would be in my opinion an attempt to eradicate a deeply ingrained human behavior. I absolutely support the maximum minimization of government influence and power, I simply believe that there is no current plausible means by which to eradicate the institution while also preserving society.

>As long as I get cucked I'm glad
ancap and natsoc both concentrate the capital in the hands of private owners you stupid faggot

democracy and rule of law are good, which is why both ancap and natsoc a shit

>Is it better than NatSoc and how so?
Yes, because everyone is essentially their own master and can carve out their own destiny so long as it doesn't infringe on the consent of other people. It's the maximum amount of freedom one can achieve, and freedom is a good thing I'm pretty sure.

You're a fucking idiot and clearly have no idea what ancap is

I should say the same to you.

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Freedom is the essence of life and what your soul was meant for. Life, Liberty and Property, you own and are responsible for yourself your actions and the effects of those actions.

Liberty is by far the most moral, efficient and logically consistent set of ideas around, unfortunately the Liberty movement was betrayed by Marxists and Neo-cons in the 20th century but we'll be back when the world needs us....after you all butcher eachother from this return to tribalism, we'll be here with open arms and we'll keep the torch of liberty lit in the meantime.

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>you don't get a say in how it would work because anarchy
What is persuasion and competitive advantage?

>the first group to establish a de facto state
Has a first mover advantage. Congrats on being myspace.

>de facto state
What exactly are you trying to say? That a state is required to create a system of laws and courts, police, and national defense?

>laws and courts
Can be privatized through contract. As long as Party A and B can mutually agree to contractually limit acceptable conduct with a neutral arbiter, you can have a system of laws. Moreover, in AnCap there is competitive development of law because anyone can slightly alter the body of law in order to persuade more people to subscribe to their justice system. Hence commodified justice.

There are already private police and military for hire, and they are more effective than public servants.

What the fuck is a black budget and how the fuck can you justify your tax dollars going towards it?

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> Because Natsoc Germany was a welfare state
You don't know anything about NatSoc do you anons?
Hint: The "Socialism" in Natsoc is just there as a meme.

Surely it's better than natsoc in that respect. But I don't see how people will be able to carve out their own destiny™ as long as the means of production aren't publicly owned.

NatSoc is the ideology that opposes Communism and destroys it, it is it's Kryptonite

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It turns justice into a model that aligns with a communities own well being. It returns the right to govern to the people.

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this is mostly correct

while I believe that ancaps make a better guess at what anarchy would look like than ancoms do, ancaps are just as guilty of magical thinking as ancoms if they think that this: isn't a possibility

Hierarchy is not the state; stop listening to the communists (including nazis, who are communist-lite)

Hierarchy is the natural order of things, namely that someone is better at doing things than others. That is perfectly fine. What is not perfectly fine is monopolized power, which is exactly what the state is. In natural systems, if you don't like the ape-in-chief, you can tell him to fuck off and go your own way. In statist systems, if you tell the ape-in-chief to fuck off he sends his gorilla goons in to fuck your shit up.

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Ahhhh so you're just a good ole fashioned Socialist.

Capitalist societies are the truth. 1950s - 1960s USA were the most capitalist years of the USA and they were fucking beautiful.

>The state is evil because it's ran by Jews.

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>not sexualized
>having lots of sex is encouraged

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Except that NatSoc pissed off every one of it's big competitors and got shitstomped, leading to an easy opening into which Communism slithered, leading to both the deep corruption of former NatSoc countries and large portions of the rest of the planet.

>Hint: The "Socialism" in Natsoc is just there as a meme.
>what is nationalsozialistische volkswohlfahrt

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Come with us if you want to prosper.

Where we're going the red pills are so fucking red Commies mistake them for pain killers and end up worshipping Ayn Rand.....

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Of course you don't see that, you're a dumb socialist who doesn't understand the power of free markets.

Ancaps, like most radical ideologies, have a very consistent moral structure. Property is good, the state is bad, if something brings more liberty, it's good, and it something infringes on rights, it's bad. This leads to a way of thinking that's very good at winning debates, but isn't great at being pragmatic. I think it's largely useless because it doesn't present any solutions to any issues, but it's very consistent.

>when Hitler says socialism he doesn't mean it
Bullshit. He wanted a welfare state with guaranteed employment and minimum wage and pensions for all blue eyed aryans.

NatSocs just hate niggers because they want snowniggers to get welfare instead. You're all still niggers to me, nigger.

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>everyone will behave the way I want them too, even though no one is forcing them too.
>haha! Another bigger state will just take them over! Checkmate statist!
>we will just force the warlords into following laws and respecting courts
Sounds like you just invented a state, retard.
What the fuck are you even on about?
>hurr the state steals, if we abolish the state no one will ever use threat of force to steal again

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strong argument

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Easy as 1,2,3....A,B,C...Life Liberty and Property-he.

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What I'm saying is that I believe the behavior of your average normie human (and they generally make up the supermajority of any population) inevitably leads towards those statist tendencies. That being said, I would happily accept and endorse a proven functional ancap model. If just one US state could be convinced to adopt significant libertarian/ancap policy and it worked well, that would signify a great start.

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Ancap doesn't eliminate all chances of tyranny but it certainly gives us a better chance of disassociating with it and choice in the matter of how or where we oblige ourselves as citizens.

Anarchy will never be more than a brief transition of power. People seek power and nothing is holding them back.

We are currently in late-stage anarchy, welcome to the real world everyone.

>Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Coke
God damn I wish companies still gave the internet opportunities to name things.

Ask about roads. You'll get a wide range of answers.

say it with me lads


>doesn't present any solutions
Raise the issue and I'll tell you how AnCap not only solves it but would be the obvious solution except for the fact that 50% of people are below average IQ.

Wanna know why NatSoc is so popular on Sup Forums? It's because the literal dregs of society don't want to fairly compete, they want a state that protects them instead of shitskins. AnCaps are almost always high IQ individuals that just want to freely compete, because they already know they'll win because they are high IQ meritorious individuals. Fuck all forms of collectivism, I refuse to be a slave to the mediocre masses.

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The Alt-Right believes the Jews are evil

The Alt-Left are the Jews.

The Libertarian-Left love the Jews.

The Libertarian-Right knows that the Jews play all sides. Be is Nazism, Communism, and yes, even Capitalism. The proud, honorable capitalist will beat the Jew at it's own game!

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delet this.

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Why did the nazis need to enforce privatization through the means of a state then? Such a phenomena occurs naturally between two or more parties that can consent.

If the goal was actually privatization, Hitler would have done everything in his power to deconstruct the state. But that's not what happen obviously.

> mfw intellectuals are so naive and egotistical that they don't understand the wide dispersal of ever changing knowledge that nobody can know, which does not permit central planning to work in the long term, without certain misdirections of resources that inevitably collapse the whole system....especially in comparison to the market order which produces spontaneous order

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>raise the issue
People banding together to form a monopoly on violence.
How does ancap solve this?

But bros, muh ideals. Muh magic piece of paper.

Nobody said anything about force. If you want to starve for your ideals, go ahead. Pretty sure that's what all collectivists end up doing, anyway.

Fuck. Mediocre. Individuals.

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>band together to be violent
Everybody who is subject to your violence has every incentive to band together and be violent against (you)

In general is a shitty strategy in game theory because you burn resources sustaining defenses against others. It's more productive to work together and trade, which means the long-term equilibrium would be anti-war.

Not a retarded anfag here, but a recovering libertarian.
The most common answer is those that benefit from roads (companies) would build them to increase profits. There’s also toll roads.

The real and often over-looked answer is that vehicles would be different in a world without roads. You wouldn’t see sports car variants but ATV variants.

Fuck you pay me.

If it was for the sacrifice of Germans and the national socialists in the 20th century we would already be living the Orwellian dystopia minus some gadgets

>People banding together to form a monopoly on violence.
What do you think GOVERNMENT is you fucking ape?

> mfw only the individual thinks
> mfw only the individual reasons
> mfw only the individual acts
Mfw Socialists can't calculate.

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Why would I starve for my ideals when I can just ransack a farm every now and then with my security corps?

Why would I wait for willing customers when I can create willing customers?
Summon me to an anfag court? I’ll demolish the building and execute the judges.
You will fall before me or create a larger state in order to defeat me, but most of the people willing to do that have already enlisted.

>50% of people are below average IQ
That is how averages works
>Raise the issue
How would you prevent the consolidation of most of the wealth being in the hands of the few, and how would you stop those people from using that vast wealth to influence and rule society? I don't mean to say that I'm against some people being more wealthy, I don't care if rich people have more stuff than me, I do care if the upper class is able to buy power and establish themselves as the rulers in a society that is meant to be without centralized authority.

Really? It seems to me that state power has expanded greatly since WW2, in part due to the government using said war as a great excuse to expand it's umbrella of responsibilities and thus it's power.

what kind of bullshit argument is this
>If the goal was actually privatization, Hitler would have done everything in his power to deconstruct the state
so you're saying the goal of modern countries is collectivisation? Or that modern countries all want to deconstruct the state?
privatization =/= anarchism
even if what this M*ses cuck says would be correct, that's state capitalism, not socialism

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They're just niggers. The real pity of modern society is that because we worship (((democracy))) and (((tribalism))) the truly strong individual will always be yoked by the mediocre.

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>what kind of bullshit argument is this
It's not my fault you can't follow my argument, try again from the beginning, you'll get it.

Is there anything worse than a society that has adopted the created of universal plunder?

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>i will ransack a farm
Good luck when you get shot or McNuked.

>you will fall before me
Shut the fuck up you fucking neckbeard; nobody wants to LARP in your nazi fantasy.

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If violence is such a bad strategy, why do we still have violent people? The answer is that humans are not logical beings, or at least the vast majority of humans aren't. You can't dismiss something as not plausible just because it's not logical.

What a pathetic shilling attempt

>Or that modern countries all want to deconstruct the state?
Most white men in America want smaller government, so yeah, there you go.

And privatization IS correlated to anarchism, you ape.

This is the primary problem with the establishment of a novel system of social organization. The eternal normalfag while not particularly creative, intelligent, or skilled, has one primary advantage that being their massive and overhwelming numerical superiority. The eternal normalfag will always be resistant to the point of violence to novelty even if it's foundations are sound.

>how would you prevent consolidation of wealth
I wouldn't. Fuck you for being poor; learn a skill and become valuable to society.

>vast wealth will influence society
Good, rich people are more valuable to society by definition.

>hurr the rich will be centralized authorities
Nobody said you had to stick around, if you don't like it then fuck off and go your own way.

>this is how averages work
Why the fuck should the top 1% of high IQ educated individuals have to give a shit about the bottom 50% of genetic trash niggers?

Perhaps the society that worships plundering the strong to feed the weak.

>Does it turn justice into a commodity?

Justice already is a commodity. You pay for lawyers, you pay for private security, you can pay for arbitration instead of going to court, you can even buy a PMC to wage war on a foreign countries that is filled with immoral people (Swarthy)

They won’t be able to fight off an entire corps staging a surprise attack in the night, nor would they own a nuke and use it on themselves. As long as we’re pretending, I have anti-nuke tech so yay for me.

>irrational people are legitimate
So when will you pay your reparations to the niggers? I thought you said it's ok for people to be irrational mate?

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Aight, cunt. It's the truth though.

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>Most white men in America want smaller government, so yeah, there you go.
1. citation needed
2. all white men =/= all inhabitants of the state
3. what the inhabitants want isn't the same as what the state itself wants
4. "smaller government" isn't the same as "deconstructing the state"
5. right now there's private ownership while it's clearly not the government's goal to strive towards anarchism; that alone is enough to prove you wrong

i dont think you understand what ownership is. Public ownership is a farce.

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> Why would I wait for willing customers when I can create them
Alright mate, I'm going to speak in a way that I normally don't speak it which will sound condescending but is sincere and in your best interests.

You don't understand how businesses, employment and investment work if you think this is what people will default to. Particularly if you think about the actual transition itself where people are over government and seek alternatives, consumers in this situation have all the power and the ones that make all the profit and gain market share are ones that can best satisfy peoples wants and fears, fears that include "if I support your startup why won't you just extort me like the mafia". But if you actually look into how business, investment and employment work you'll see all the mass of incentives in the opposite direction to what you describes, one quick example....when you employ people and have to pay them out for disability/death due to occupational hazards, offense is always more costly and painful than simply defending people. These costs only the state can afford because it can tax and print money without relying on direct feedback of its customers, but there are a myriad of alternatives from business based ones to communal and voluntary ones.

Then let them be violent and cull some of the sheeple. Sacrifice a thousand pebbles in order to polish one diamond.

>they won't be able to fight off my superior numbers
Except for the fact that they're farmers and you're a raider, meaning they have the reliable calorie source and you are a thieving nigger. It speaks volumes that your first choice in a situation of no rules is to steal.

>hurr your mcnuke bantz are a real argument and i beat it
Yeah and you haven't read the art of war so can you kindly fuck off before you try to invent military strategy.

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If "muh jews" is your only argument for this claim, alright then lol

Which is why Democracy and statism is so dangerous, because it gives idiots and evil people a justified tool for carrying out immoral and destructive acts. We have to render this tool obsolete and undesirable.