We need to deport them before any more is lost.
Why did he do it?
He did it out of respect for his loved ones. And they are being deported, shill.
He blew his brains out on youtube because he didn't fit in America.
El goblino of la nuke reactor barrio.
And no link? No webm? Are you new here?
This, don't make me regret my bump
That's how he looks like?
Topkek nothing of value was lost.
thank me later mutts
Leave a D for deport his sorry ass back to mexico
I'm pretty sure I'd get banned for posting it here. Try /gif/
He had the decency of using that tarp behind him, too bad he didn't count on his brains splattering the ceiling too.
Too bad his shit taste in anime is on display along with the contents of his brain box. RIP in peace.
If you pause it at the right moment he turns into a brainlet wojak
his aztec instincts for brutal and unnecessary human sacrifice malfunctioned and turned inward
Ha! Nice.
Is it bad that now that I have seen him in a diaper I am less bothered by his suicide.
No, it's understandable. He should have been deported a long time ago.
adult nappy/diaper
good idea
Yeah when he blew his brains out his asshole loosened immediately to drop a giant spicy taco turd
thats not the same guy as op pic. the guy in ops pic goy killed by brazilian gangs
I first read that as 'when he blew his brains out of his asshole'
Don't feel bad he wanted us to dissect his brains with memes that's why he signed onto youtube. We need to deport these sick fuck beaners and all the other non whites.
that's the guy that killed himself? the dude with anime pics on his wall? he looks 40yrs old...
that's not the guy kek
Erik Vargas has to go back and fix his country. Those scholarships should be going to Americans.
Not the same gun or person faggot. Take your frail beaner diaper gun fetishit somewhere else
I bet the kick really hurt his thumb, nothing some sports tape and Popsicle sticks won't fix though
In the full video his mom gets in and puts some ice on his thumb
Pretty smart way to do it. No chance of changing your mind after the point of no return or lingering in pain for even a few seconds because your aim was off by an inch
>that pic
I have a 3.8 GPA, $12,000 in scholarships, graduating next semester Magna Cum Laude, have to take out student loans just to graduate, and I'm an American citizen.
>185k total
uhhhh I got a minimum of 40k at each school. I applied for 6 schools. Fucking nigger brainlets
yolo bro
> back and to the left
> back and to the left
> back and to the left
The do go to Americans but they’re black
>tfw u wake up with the biggest pimple ever
I said Americans, not farm equipment.
Come on, guys. This was a real person we're talking about.
Your non-white radar isn't strong enough if you couldn't tell from the first video.
Can't tell if his face fell off, or if he just blew most of his head off. Or both. Lmao and people think .223 is powerful
Whats withe the giant mutant foot?
>Weeb posters
Nothing of value lost.
Just enough White to save the day.
Anybody have the link from liveleak?
lens distortion.
Is he okay?
He has a splitting headache
I'm going for hell for laughing.
He's recovering from thumb re-attachment surgery and expected to make a full recovery. His penmanship will suffer slightly according to the lead doctor.
>head and gun disappeared in a split second
This guy is a real magician
any info behind this?
He deserved it. Loser. Weeb. Probably a liberal SJW.
3.6 = magna cum laude?
yeah, so? he was one of us, I think he'd like being immortalized in memes
the fact that he an hero'd himself and did it on livestream makes him much more respectable than any newfag here, including you
Is this guy the reason a couple boards including Sup Forums and Sup Forums have been frozen for the past 8 or so hours?
anything's possible with affirmative action
This is probably the most sensible reaction I've seen so far. Leave it to Sup Forums for being the ever knowing voice of reason.
>an hero'd
Checked, my leaf friend. I like you
This is why Sup Forums is not frozen. Leave it to the most despicable online community on the internet to look at the bright side in absolutely everything and do justice to someone's legacy the same way they lived (even if that way of living was dank memes).
I just came back from /r9k/ to see what all the fuss is about and I'm pretty sure they take the cake for most despicable community. Even Sup Forums seems reasonable by their standards.
I don't get it.
Great. One less Despacitian to annoy me.
Questions is why aren't more of these pieces of shit doing it more often
Mexicans are worse than niggers, if only they could do this to each other more often or infect each other with grids more
I cared, then I found out its an illegal.
He is a loser.
He didn't go take out an ISIS cell.
Yikes... no.
people who use this word should get capital punishment
No way. Is that really him? Jesus Christ.
Don't be such a whiny faggot. I typically use the poster's own language in my replies for whatever autistic reason.
what makes you think people stay exclusively on one board?
Your vision must be as blurry as the footage of the gunshot you blind cunt.
I'm not gay so I don't make it a habit to stare at men
3.6 out of 4, genius.
No but you're a massive faggot for being a namefag.
illegal alien kill self with illegally owned shotgun. what's the problem?
>tactical mask
why's he wearing diapers ?
Yesterday it was sad
Today is it funny
Tomorrow it will be more funny
Anyone care to make a template?
How will I recover? I know, by remembering I don't live on chink island
Of the beaner beaning? Just take a screen shot
>dont be such a whiny faggot
>is a whiny faggot
kill yourself moralfag
kill yourself shit meme namefag
butter knoife
were you not been online yesterday? my mind has been seared with the gif, its everywere
there's that deep breath, and barely perceptible nervous shake as he brought the gun up to his head before pulling the trigger, like his body was fighting against his brain