Subbed or Dubbed?
Subbed or Dubbed?
Other urls found in this thread:
Italian dub is best dub
Watch with no sound
Neither skip the overrated garbage.
Dubbed played at 0.5x speed and played backwards.
Sub of fcuking course. The Eva dub is infamously bad. They added a fucking fart SFX into the important scene in the series.
Holy shit that sounds awful lmao
Stop remaking threads
as a deaf person I already do that
Unpopular opinion: I thought eva's dub was ok
But still go with the sub
>can't hear sound
>still posts a sound reply
I'm gonna stick chopsticks in your ears tonight
lol, asshole
>can't unsee black misato
Sub for the first 24 episodes. Doesn't matter for the last two because they're utter garbage either way. Fortunately the movies somewhat salvage this train wreck of an ending
>dubfags on here
I watch it dubbed.
There's something about the dubbed that just resonates with me. This being an exception, sort of like Space Dandy, Redline, Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo.
We call it hoagies here, not subs, thank you.
For Eva, I actually feel like the English VAs managed to express a wider range of emotion than the Japanese VAs. When there's a crisis like an Angel attack or one of the pilots gets hurts there's little change from normal speaking voice in the Jap version. They might talk a bit faster, the voice might get a bit deeper or very slightly louder but not anything like how the English VAs do it.
The English dub has its faults too for sure but in re-watching Eva gain recently I couldn't help but notice this difference.
In general though subs > dubs. There are very few exceptions to this rule.
ADV dub. Tristan MacAvery is the patrician Gendo.