>Free! is the first KyoAni show to get a third season
How does this make you feel?
>Free! is the first KyoAni show to get a third season
How does this make you feel?
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That chin can kill somebody
Dunno. I don't like the fact that there's still no nipples but Free's movie was good so am looking forward to it. But fujos eat up everything apparently.
Pretty sick of Free desu.
Can't really say what I feel until I see the synopsis for season 3. As for now only something focused more on the swimming aspect, and possibly the Olympics, could make it interesting for me. I won't stand 13 episodes of pretty visuals and endless drama.
Utsumi is gone, no more shitty drama for Furi
>Utsumi is gone
Is Kawanami taking over Free now?
Didn't fujos already move on to YOI?
Kyoani is collapsing. They created a divide and now they're going full fujo mode.
They love fujobucks too much.
They must do new fujo shows though, like the archery boys, they can't fall back on Free forever.
He might be. I guess KyoAni is preparing for a new generation of series directors.
The fujos won.
Who asked for this
Free has unironically gotten better of the years. So me.
Fuck off fujoshit.
At least this means KyoAni is willing to make more S3, r-right??
They could have give us more moe boys instead of those chins
If it means fujoshi with shit taste will stop pretending BaldFat is any good and move back to this feesl pretty good desu
It's literally never going to happen with Haruhi though
KyoAni already had Tsurune for 2018, they need this too?
Who can stop ChinAni?
Jesus fuck what happened to their chins? it was always pointy but that shit on Haruka is a weapon.
Going to flop hard like the other big hits among the fujos that lost steam afterwards (fujomatsu, KEKai sensen)
Will we finally get some real Makoto x Haru action?
>we might get a more perfect ending/single than this one youtube.com
I feel hyped.
gay sport anime
Fujo targeted anime is usually better anyways.
I just hope they don't try to force a homo relationship just because YOI did it.
Is this literally for faggots? What could a straight heterosexual male gain from watching this?
I will only accept MakotoxHaru
Anger because literally every other KyoAnj deserved this more than free
why does everything have to pander to straight males though, this is not literal yaoi but you can totally see it's aimed at fujoshi if that's okay for you and you're not insecure about your sexuality, give it a try it's good
Like it's worthless if it doesn't give Sousuke a proper resolution.
Base on the newest movie, they would be doing so.
The series is doomed without Utsumi.
This series was memed into popularity, the direction was actually the weakest part of the first season which was the only one I saw.
>08 (---) ¥55,000,000 ($480,000), 0, ¥55,000,000 ($480,000), Free! Take Your Marks (Shochiku) NEW
New Free movie is a flop. We can probably expect S3 to sell like shit compared to the other two seasons, maybe not even 10k
In the time since YOI ended, Free! has put out three movies and announced another TV series.
Needs more Gou.
YoI was memed into popularity as well and the gay pair is garbage even as bait Free is better in that regard which is why I'm looking forward to this
First season was okay. Second season was a borefest. This was unnecessary.
Can't wait for the shitty inevitable letdown BaldFat movie in 2020 after people stopped giving a fuck about tumblr otp fatguy and baldman completely.
>Is this literally for faggots?
>What could a straight heterosexual male gain from watching this?
I dunno, man. The same thing you would gain from watching any other anime? Whatever you want to? You can watch the anime and not go near the threads. They tend to be shit, either way.
Kyoani will never have the balls to make that happen.
>Says this after Saikawa literally told Kanna she wanted to marry her.
>I just hope they don't try to force a homo relationship just because YOI did it.
They can't, because the boys are like the girls in K-On. There is no established pairings so making them now would crash ships and get fans mad. If they wanted to go all the way they had to plan it from the start. As it is, the entangled shipping between the cast members makes it impossible to pair them up officially.
>Is this literally for faggots? What could a straight heterosexual male gain from watching this?
If you think like this over a chinese cartoon, you might need to get yourself checked. It's time for you to come out of the closet faggot.
Technically FMP did but Kyoani didn't animate the first season.
Was she one who was a massive Rinfag?
Vindicated. Cancerous Haruhifags have delicious tears, and their lame shitshow will never get another season, and they've been talking shit for years now about how their trash is art and some sort of paragon of the medium. Guess who's laughing now?
Haruka is too fucking autistic. The only relationship he will have is with water.
I swam competitively on a team for 10 or so years and I feel like I would hate this show
League swimming fucking sucks
If water looked this good, I'd want to fuck it too.
It means that KyoAni knows that Fujos bring the money.
see Not anymore. They're not contempt with just bait now that YOI aired
Happy but anxious. I don’t want it to be shit like season 2. Really don’t want to.
I really like this anime, I don't care if that converts me into a faggot
Please no.
Makoto is an ugly whore who doesn’t deserve love.
I didn’t ask for this, but I’m happy about it.
It’s not even a movie, it’s just four episodes. They need it to connect HSfags with the others and also to show that they’re not in high school anymore.
YOI is getting a movie?
>trying this hard
>tfw no High Speed 2
You realize a lot of Free fans like other kyoani shows than just Free right? You're the only one missing out by not expanding your horizons over some petty rivalry.
Ironically, the main character feels the same way but was guilt tripped into continuing the sport by one of his best friends who wants him to be his *~eternal raibaru~*
I'm not even a makoharu user, but I still hate this shit writing.
Didn't start the fire, bro, so don't whiteknight me while giving a pass to the elitist fucklords.
Is it known yet if they'll get Tetsuya or whatever his name to do the soundtrack again for this season?
This image is so cute why haven't I killed myself yet
High speed was perfection
doujins when?
They literally made a High Speed 2 movie, I don't know what more you could want. I personally think they should have done High Speed 1 instead but I guess High Speed 2 gives them an excuse to add more guys to the anime cast.
Say thanks to Utsumi, her disgusting Rinfaggotry ruined everything.
I don't think you know what whiteknight means. Also "elitist fucklords"? At least try to be subtle, tumblr.
Even though I like Free and the butthurt of those neckbeards was funny, kyoani's other anime are still really good. Maybe if Free weren't an objectively terribly written anime then I would be more on your side, but out of every kyoani show I've seen Free's writing is the worst. Although it does have my favorite boy.
This is the only harumako that matters.
Yes.Fuck off.
Meanwhile Kemono Friends and anything I like can't even get a second.
I hate it.
People have been saying that since I was a newfag.
Kyoanus with another cash grab. Don't blame them though. I would do the same.
That's because what you like sucks.
It's hard to topple Free though
I can't enjoy the anime but high speed was comfy, they're too muscular in the anime desu
I fucking hate you faggots so much
>Nichijou, Amagi and Lucky Star will never see a season 2
>Haruhi and K-ON will never see a season 3
But fucking fujo bullshit gets season 3. What times we live in.
I've grown accustomed to the muscle bit, but they still don't have nipples so it looks off
Since yesterday?
>hating on Free
Really happy. Going to check out the movies now.
The real question is, will they top future fish?
Is there anyone else who thinks Starting Days using the adult seiyuu on their moe uguu shota bodies was a cancerous decision that should never have happened? These designs warrant female voice acctresses, period.
Most anime males don't have nipples. It's not some new or rare thing that only happens in Free!.
Actually it is rare in free because most anime with muscular males do feature nipples