Can you explain this image?

can you explain this image?

If that is Yui then it is very reasonable, also she having poop down there would make even more sense.

She has a disease called postcoitus narcolepsy


She has chunybiou sindrme and thnks hat she s a vampire so she is hiding from the sunlight.

C'mon more sexual explanations.

It is a girls last moments before being crushed by an inexplicably fast moving stone pillar dropping on her

she being hypnotized by a rapist and she thinks it's just a normal morning so she just brushes her teeth while the guy is trying to fuck her on the floor

Nice. Why all the anons are not like you?

Scrubbing the taste of pussy and semen from her mouth and hiding from the eyes of God.

Hangovers are way worse in 2D, you start your day while unconcious

According to doujins most anime guys apparently have enough stamina to fuck a normal woman unconscious, especially if they're bald and fat so it can't be too uncommon.

She's brushing her teeth with semen

Do you do comissions by chance?

Im so fucking proud, keep going.

Never seen tooth-brushing before?

Is a suicide she toothbrush so many times that hers oral's mucose end up absorving to much fluor and then she has an epileptic attack and died like she wants it.
PD the fluor can actually do that:

Cia niggers glow in the dark

She is depressed because she realize that somene put semen in her toothbrush. But who? Thats the real question.

its the new cum toilet in japan. You know that you should always brush your teeth every morning? In japan, while brushing your teeth, you should also simultaneously fuck that mouth pussy below you.

literally me after getting wasted the night prior

In Japan even the toilets can rape you great.