Why are Japanese kids so cruel? They bully, they kill and they smack women like it's nothing. 2 nukes weren't enough.
Why are Japanese kids so cruel? They bully, they kill and they smack women like it's nothing. 2 nukes weren't enough
we will never know, because the mangakas only care about using bullying to make readers cry instead of trying a more complex approach
Read Onanie Master Kurosawa
All children are fucked up if not taught to be decent human beings m8.
I believe most developed countries are like that. Kids are natural assholes. And the environment in such countries is enabling them to act that way.
Kurosawa is good, but the ending is unrealistic. Life is not so soft.
>Kids are natural assholes.
Nah. There's always a inherent reason.
>why are kids so cruel
Lack of empathy is part of innocence
innocence? what's that?
>Why are Japanese kids so cruel?
It gives them a competitive edge.
Bullying is important for teaching proper social behaviors and defensive instincts.
Read Higanbana (not the manga tho)
It's so they can stay relevant and "cool" among their friends or group.
Yeah, but you make it sound like it's a good thing. It is a consequence of a cultural philosophy in which being different is seen as a hostile attitude. So bullying is a way to restore harmony.
It is the same philosophy that rejects divorces and creates hikikomoris.
>but the ending is unrealistic
if it doesn't contradict the laws of physics is 100% realistic
They know they can get away with it, so they are extra cruel about it.
Another one of those threads where a newfag sees something in a manga/anime and assumes everyone in Japan must do that thing.
Children typically have no humanity
I used to be bullied a lot when I was a kid because of autism and poor communication skills.
It contradicts Newton's third law.
why would they put it in the manga if it isnt real retard?
Kids are cruel
In eastern asia it's especially a problem. There's a difference between being shoved into a locker or being called a nerd while getting punched in the arm by a group of 1-4 guys, and a class-wide silent ostracization and ignoring of your entire existence that goes on for many years.
Why is my Hina-chan getting bullied as well?
Is it because of the boy she liked?
How is that a problem?
But we're talking about realistic portrayals of bullying, not realistic endings.
Because it's lazy and easy way to bring some drama into your work.
Newton's Laws of physics have been rendered as false by Einstein's special theory of relativity, but we still use them/teach them because they work well with math
>and a class-wide silent ostracization and ignoring of your entire existence that goes on for many years.
Jesus fucking christ, any examples of this happening?
Because in the past Japanese kids were given very light sentences for committing crime. Even if they killed someone the harshest sentence they would face would be a year in a reform school. It became a problem when kids committed crimes knowing they would practically get off scot free for doing a heinous crime just to get the experience of killing off their checklist before they became an adult.
Probably this user experienced it firsthand for being ignorant little shit where his whole class already given up to deal with him and without him being even realize about it.
>and a class-wide silent ostracization and ignoring of your entire existence that goes on for many years
I wish my high school life could have been like that.
sounds like fucking bullshit, bet the penalty depended on whether the person was male or female and if they were from a rich/important family
Chinese kids are worse, No, Chinese people in general
good one
my brain is just a lazy as I am, I don't think either of us are capable of assuming direct control
All kids are like that.
Little shit
So they learn from burgers?
Not all places are like in America where they do that.
What did they done to you, little SEAcuck or Vietshit?
Intrude into your waters and shoved away your limb-dicked "navy"?
It's been a while since I read it but doen't the bullied girl end up trapped in her room as a hikki? It's sweet for broccoli and best girl, sweetish for MC and deliquent bitch, terrible for bullied girl.
I wouldn't know if Jap children are as violent as anime makes them seem, but Russian and Chinese kids seem to be the most fucked up against girls. Groups of 3-4 bitches and usually 1-2 guys with them who don't do much aside from the occasional laugh and maybe one or two slaps often strip girls naked, slap the shit out of them, and shave their heads. Literally dozens of videos on Liveleak with completely different people in either Russian or Chinese and the victims are always girls.
wellcome to real world
MC goes to her house and convinces her to go to a party with the whole class.
Its implied she comes out ok at the end
OP sounds like he was a spoiled little shit growing up. Kids in the US are still worse.
ironically you're replying this way in regards to a series that takes a more complex approach
>mfw we were all bros here in LatAm
I kinda doubt throwing rocks is an every day occurence in japan.
If someone throws a heavy rock towards you you're allowed to kill them and say its self defence.
>Why are humans so cruel?
fix'd that for you m8.
>Lack of empathy is part of innocence
Sorry mate but from the time I was young I was able to distinguish how and how not to treat people.
LatAm here
Can confirm
good kid vs bad kids is not complex
>implying that animanga is a realistic representation
It's just drama fuel, user.
Exactly, and 3-Gatsu has made it obvious that isn't the conflict here.
What's the anime equivalent to Karl?
I'd marathon that in a heartbeat.