Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria

How is it that this doesn't have an anime adaptation yet?

Hard to adapt.

Honestly, it was more popular in the west than it was in Japan

why tho

its shit

Large parts of the first volume rely on you not knowing who the narrator is during certain scenes.

It's a lot harder to do that in an anime. You need to have someone voice those lines, but if you try to hide it then it becomes obvious what's about to happen.

Who said you had to have narration? Do you never wonder why book adaptations across all mediums forgo that?

Hard to adapt and there's literally nothing left to advertise since it's complete.Shaft can do but..

It's hard to adapt a novel with eerie atmosphere and gory stuff, nothing to be gained from that other than heavy censorships.

Because it's garbage

>animated Chainsaw massacre never

Remember endless 8?

I agree with you in regards to the concept of "show, don't tell" when adapting something, but I'm not really sure that would work here.

Even if you forego the narration, you can't just cut out those scenes entirely. You would either have to keep the scene from showing the charactor or have it be in first person, and either method would make it obvious that the scene is trying to hide something from the viewer.

It's not that popular.
I remember someone claimed the author was shocked to receive fans letter from overseas.

I loved endless eight but I see your point.

Most overrated garbage of ALL TIME

Not sure if people know this, but the LN is getting a western release; the first volume actually comes out today.

I'm planning on buying it because I need a copy of this for my bookshelf (and also because I'd like to compare translations). Anyone else picking it up?

Isn't this just an edgy Haruhi ripoff?

Here's your (You)

Volume 1 alone would be extremely hard to adapt and you know why.Also there's the case that it's not popular in Nipponland and it's completed.
There's literally no reason for this LN to be adapted.

>number one on MAL
No thanks

Looks interesting. I ended up stopping a while ago due to the lack of translations. As I'm learning the language now, getting it would be a good r3fr3sh3r.

Maybe netflix could adapt it if its popular in the west
If they give it the castlevania treatment

Cos it's HOT. GARBAGE.

The author is chronically unpopular

we don't have the technology yet


Reminder that Kazuki is husbando of the year all years

Didn't this get a polish translation and release or something like that?