Why doesn't she get fat from all the pizza she eats...

why doesn't she get fat from all the pizza she eats? I don't think she has a very balanced diet and probably consumes way more calories than her daily maintenance requires

all those calories go straight to her fat ass.

Diabetes turned her hair green.

Immortality keeping her body in the state it was when she obtained her code?

that doesn't seem very fair!

she fucks too many dudes

masturbaiting with cheesekun burns the carbs

I can't wait for R3 to fap to her some more

Because it's anime

I dunno OP. I once went on nothing but cup noodles and pizza for two months and I didn't gain a single pound. The body is a weird thing

She's bulimic

>my dear intensifies

You and all others like you are a scourge on mankind

I've been sitting on my ass for years and haven't gained weight. I don't fucking gain weight, some people are blessed.


>her daily maintenance
she sucks and fucks it away

>why does the magic immortal ageless witch not gain weight
Gee user, I just dunno.

Goes straight to her Pizza Butt.

It's fair to my dick.

Good metabolism?

In a scale from 1 to 10, how much of a 10/10 is she?


>not liking it

i know hes a crossboarder that deserved it but still

Happens in real life, don't you know about insanely fast metabolism?

Sexiest pic in this thread, no homo

looks fair to me


>Why doesn't she get fat
Oh, don't worry. The fat goes somewhere.


>why doesn't she get fat from all the pizza she eats?
because she's not real


n/0, where n>0

i eat a lot of fatfood but i'm still they skinny kid i always was , some human just don't get fat user


who am i lying to she's a pure 10/10

Yeah, every time you see someone with a code come back from the dead it's usually shown as them "rewinding" back to their pre-dead state (most notably by the blood being pulled back into their body.) Not a huge stretch to think that that applies to all other things that could significantly alter the body's state, such as weight gain.