You can pick one and only one

You can pick one and only one

I pick Honekoneko.

Both. Do something about it

I pick my wife, Panty.


This looks like a Canadian cartoon

Panty is the greatest and I love her.

I take stocking any day of the week, I'm not a fan of STDs


Right is for dicklets. Left is for men who need a woman with experience.

I choose stocking because panty will inevitably steal me as soon as she gets the chance.

Panty. I like how despite being a bitch character they still made her somewhat innocent. In the sense that she does love sex but is not malicious. It is like she is unaware of the sex implication and effects in society.

any followups after the 2nd season announcement?

The best.

>finger toes

Got me there

The comming soon thing? I'm pretty sure they were talking about the cafe thing and not season 2

Panty no question.

>Left is for men who need a woman with experience.
Stocking is just as much of a whore as Panty honestly.

Stocking is hotter, but Panty is just best.

Stocking actually is kinkier.


What the fuck is wrong with her feet?

I can't find anything in that artstyle sexy

low test.

I find them sexier in that style than during the transformation.

Is stocking actually a slut or is that just a meme?

They're both sluts

Stocking is a slut that will lead you on unless she loves you. Panty will fuck you and give you divine diarrhea.

I want you

Stocking. How is this even a fucking question?

The only choice

Sorry, I don't know you well enough.

Not posting the real star of this show

>to make believe its the first time

this user gets it
Kneesocks is the best girl

And I gotta say to you

love will find a way


aint that always true

Mah man.

Stocking, she seems kinkier, and would probably be more likely to wanna fuck a short, chubby guy rather than Panty

Picking someone not in OP is against the rrrrrrrrrrules.

She probably has some kind of angelic immunity to STDs, honestly.

You are smart.