Season 2 when?
Season 2 when?
I need more Chiho porn.
Never. Now read the books.
When they replace an old director with an Emifag. For balance.
>12 episodes of changing diapers and forcing a romance with worst girl
Sounds like AOTY to me
Fug, now I want some burgs.
What does this face mean?
Worked for SAO
I remember marathoning this, thinking it was a passable 6/10 comedy, then being surprised that people love it. That said, I usually don't like nip humor much. But it definitely needs another season so I can see more of this cute piece of ass.
Face of what the best girl would make.
How can they have a season 2 when they killed bestboi at the start of the final battle.
Hopefully never
Oh I see
Stop reminding me. I want this bad enough as it is. Chiho I miss you baby!
Right after Korbo S3.
Chiho is nice and cute overall but Emi presents a challegence thus higher satisfaction.
Been seeing older unix stamps lately. Always nice to see content from before moot left.
>2013 was 4 years ago
She compensates it by buying him another bike, so it's all good.
Didn't this sell reasonably well though?
It did sell well and boosted the sales of the source material so no need to invest more money into advertisement.