What went so horribly wrong?

What went so horribly wrong?

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This is a normalfag meme and you should feel bad about spamming it

lol people are unironically hating the show just for that one scene.

I wouldn't know, too many show. I haven't seen

Is that pose a big thing in your murrica?

I like to think that thing in the op is just a coincidence...

Yes, it's called dabbing. It's a reference to smoking pot extracts. Made popular by retarded children and is now almost exclusively used by people who post shit like this

It seems to be catching on as a trend in asia recently. I've seen more and more japanese idol and k-pop groups posing in a similar way for jokey photos.

It's how trends happen. You do it enough times and suddenly everyone does it without knowing why.

Explain why it's called dabbing then genius.

Do you not have black people where you are?

If you're sleeping on this show just because the characters dab for two seconds in the opening credits then you're retarded.

Just two silly girls moving around. Why do I get the vibe that this show is gonna take a serious dive and kill someone within the next two episodes?

Actually yeah, there are no blacks around here in Minnesota.

but its one of the best shows of the season

This is what you sound like.

I thought the Japanese hated foreign/american/black culture?

>don't pay any attention to mainstream culture, ignore normalfags and their idiocy
>watch and enjoy whatever you want without idiotic memes distracting you
try it, it's nice


Isn't that just (poorly executed) fusion dance?

Guess not

No one's going to die but they're going to run out of food or gas or something.

Silly user.

Stop making threads about it, you humongous fucktwats.
I had no fucking idea what dabbing was and I would have never noticed anything if you actual normalfaggots had not made threads about these few frames.
If you recognized that move, then you are normalfags who should just get the fuck out of Sup Forums.

I really am curious about the setting but I don't expect them to find out the secret of the ancient civilization, it'll just be two cute girls doing dumb shit
The latest episode is pretty impressive with how they showed what the digital pictures looked like in comparison to the rest of the 'real life' animation if you get what I mean

Source material is ridiculously bad. You should be glad they managed to make it more or less good.

Shit taste.

Dabbing is great. Fuck off

>I am blissfully ignorant of the social trends happening on around me.
Jeez user, I hate dabbing as much as the next guy but you're being retarded.

Wasn't it a WE WUZ nigger thing?

go away normalfag

You are dumb.

Did they fuck'd?

>go away normalfag
You need 2 more years.

That is the most pointless abbreviation I've ever seen.

Is this /soc/? Nobody here gives a shit or pays attention to social trends happening around us. This board is for discussion about anime and manga, exclusively. Also:
>kys and leave.

Chi-chan think she slick!
She dabbin'

>8 - Oral sex
>Japs spamming 88888888888888

>KOTL of the light

I couldn't give a shit either, I'm talking about blissful ignorance. This thread isn't even about anime it's about dissing "le dab".


mods, here's a Sup Forums general

we be tripping on sum CID wit ma boys here nigga, ye

lmao fucking trippin out man ya know what im sayin mang

I’ve been using the internet daily for over 15 years, and I only knew what two of those were.

The absolute state of Sup Forums

Being a retard ironically is just being a retard, fuck off.


Your upbringing.

(You) did user. This show is pure healing joy and you should keep your negativity somewhere far away.

This right here.

>GYPO - get your pants off

I don't know why they felt the need to put cancerous nigger/normalfag memes in this show.

They just want their value on Transfermarkt to raise to 100 million pounds.

>>kys and leave.
Shouldn't I leave first then off myself? You probably don't want my ghost shitposting here either.