How can other Persona waifus even compete
How can other Persona waifus even compete
By being Mitsuru thats how.
>Hurr durr Marin Karin
>I don't know what a hamburger is
God damn I think Chie is shit but Mitsuru is worse by far
>adorably awkward redhead who tears strips off of people that piss her off
>worse than steak
Naah son.
>Hating on the girl who likes steak
>Likes the one who won't shut up about tartarus and then gets the party wiped
It's a moot point anyway, everybody knows that Rise is best persona girl
Fuck off p4fag. Go back to your shitty general.
>F-Fuck off Persona fag let me post my Gohan blanco and joey joey memes in peace
P3 teacher best girl
>not knowing how to use to p3 battle system
Just play portable faggot if you suck that much
I beat FES on the PS2, I didn't say it was that hard. No amount of understanding the battle system is going to help you when you set Mitsuru to heal and she casts a useless spell that always misses.
>setting her to heal
>not knockdown or full assault
Found the problem champ
>Set her to knockdown
>Even though the enemy is weak to bufu it has a high dodge chance so she uses Marin Karin anyway
Those FES midbosses are bullshit and you know it
My nigga.
Man I played through the entire game on hard using Mitsuru in my party and never had a problem with her.
Chie is god awful, stop latching on to every girl with a bob cut you see
Why was she so thirsty?
She's got nothing to look forward to but a life managing a hotel user. she's trying to have fun while she can
Probably has to live really conservative live and keep appearances and whatnot
But that isn't Naoto
Found the closet gay
>misusing waifu
lurk for 2 years before posting
Found the fag
I always love when people pull out the newfag card
>I wasted more of my life in this board talking about animay than you
Congrats faggot
gotta love dat newfag pride
That guy is a faggot but you really should learn the culture of a board before you start posting on it
my penis is confused. is this boy or girl?
quite easily. Chie's rather plain and her personality's only so-so
>le chie best waifu xd
Literally every Persona female is superior to Chie.
Thundering, greasy meat farts. Choose better. Choose Yukiko.
*Persona 5
>M-Muh inn
>Selfish bitch that can't even cook
Have fun getting food poisoned for the rest of your life
>likes Chie
>calls other gay
She looks more like a man than Nao who's supposed to be a reverse trap, that say something.
Yosuke's waifu you mean.
Seriously though while I like her I couldn't imagine romancing her without feeling NTR-ed because she has much more chemistry and seem more close with another guy.
Probably not the most popular ship but they have their moment near the end with Rise's breakdown when he disappear and her hugging/crying on him when he returned.
I like Naoto too but more like a little brother.
Of course she just need to do the managing work since MC will be the one who take care of the food division.
Hot damn this is awful
Yu and Chie
Rise and Kanji
Yukiko and Inn because that's all she has to live for
Yosuke and hand/toaster 2.0
Naoto and her robot bike
I thought Chie couldn't cook either?
Even the official art agrees with me but this is a dating sim so choose whatever you like.
and in-game
Naoto wants nothing to do with Kanji
Rise and Kanji spend the most time together and a NPC even ask if they are dating
Yosuke somehow actually got a girl to like in in P4A, even though she's a toaster
Chie is first girl, the most important out of the other girls, look at P4A and P4U stories, hell Persona 4 is yellow because of Chie. Pairing her off with Yu makes the most sense.
In the end, you're right about it not mattering since there is no canon, but using art even though they contradict the games as "fact" is dumb.
chie isn't even in the top 10
even goro ranks higher
Rise totally ship Naoto and Kanji though. Both in game and drama CD.
In drama CD only Yukiko got a teasing scene with MC.
Chie got too much raw interaction with Yosuke. Always the one who was shown to be concerned if he got upset (count the time she went "Hanamura..." in the game) and got paired with him most of the time (stake out event, cross-dressing event). Not saying choosing Chie is wrong but I would felt pretty bothered if my waifu seem to interact more often with certain other dude than me.
>Persona 4 is yellow because of Chie
You what mate.
He's not too far off. She was the first character they designed after deciding on a color scheme for the game and wanted her design to reflect it.
>No one has posted Fuuka yet
What is persona
>drama CD.
Not in game
>Chie got too much raw interaction with Yosuke.
Just like Ryuji and Ann and Junpei and Yukari, and you're forgetting that Yosuke actually gets a girl in Arena.
>literally Kanji's onahole
That meant he actually got it reversed...
You got Naoto. And then you also got Mitsuru. Though Chie is also good.
>fighting about canon pairings
We all know what true answer is.
All p4 girls belong to the Yu Ziodynecock.
I love Fuuka!
if she had these tits in the game, she'd rate much higher
The only P4 girl that Chie is better than is fucking pikachu. Literally every other female is superior. Even the old lady.
Is Pikachu really bad or just relatively inferior? I went with Yumi and felt she was pretty attractive, though lacking the "main character"-ish charm (or perhaps having the "side character charm" instead).
Her design just really doesn't help her.
She looks like a child and not cute anine kind who people still want illya.
She's underrated, most people just turn away at her looks but I've found her to be one of the few people that were entertaining and fun to be with.
Reminder Atlus's opinion on Yu ships is
Marie (You all know she is canon no matter how much we fight it) > Rise (Shes the default date option in Golden if you have no GF) >The rest
So having never played Golden none of that is relevant to me.
And Atlus cares little for your opinion
Very, very little
They care so little, that Marie got her own anime
Rise ALSO ships Yosuke/Chie
Also the other two guy and girl friends pair is different than Junpei and Yukari since both of those two have canon love interests (Main character and Chidori)
Marie makes the most sense lore-wise because of the whole Izanagi Izanami connection.
I will fight it with every ounce of my being though, all of the plot additions in Golden were terrible.
Labrys best girl.
Risette is probably my favourite P4 girl, although I prefer Futaba over her (haven't played P3 bc pleb).
Hamuko is best girl in P3P. Elizabeth in FES.
>doesn't exist in Arena despite P4G being released before it
>a walking joke in PQ, has less relevance and screentime than a dog and most of her scenes have other charactets insult her
>pointless baggage in Ultimax
>the only DLC character in P4D that didn't get her own remix and a stage, in the story mode IT doesn't even want to remember she exists
>anime was a literal fanfiction than shat all over P4, it's characters and themes
>the only "main" P4 girl that has no cameo or reference in P5
>the only P4 character that isn't in P5's files
Yeah, you sure showed us.
You left out the part where her Persona is obtainable in P5
not exactly obtainable, it's paid DLC.
Kaguya's design is amazing, can't really blame them for wanting to milk it. Hell, I bought her too.
Why the fuck wasn't InO a DLC? Can't be because it's an ultimate persona because Messiah made it in, can't be because there's no World Arcana because there's no Hunger either and yet Magatsu Izanagi is a DLC.
>liking copypasted characters and games instead of the original
Not even the best girl in P1
I was just using her as an example because Makoto is blatantly just a copy of her, the real best girl is Tammy
he can carry her? Shouldn't that bitch be super heavy, given that she's a robot?
>stop latching on to every girl with a bob cut you see
Come on now. If that were the reason for Chie's popularity, then explain how Ichiko is literally the least popular P5.
But Makoto is better than Maki, and no Space terminator is best girl
If by better you mean blander in every way and designed to be waifubait, sure. I guess it is impressive in a way that despite being 8 times the length of MiP Persona 5 still manages to have less developed characters.
>Best P4 girl Aika gets no SL
>Best P5 girl Sae gets SL but no romance
It's suffering.
Why didn't they add Aika chan to P4G?
because we don't deserve nice things
By not getting ruined by the english dub and memefilled localization. She was best in the original P4, golden and the arena games turned her to shit.
Everybody knows who's the best girl anyway.
>I don't know what a waifu is
Kill yourself.
You missed your life man
It's an imaginary concept, like your sex life, so he can do whatever the fuck he wants with it.
I think 5 trounced the previous wafius. Hard to beat 5 buddy.
>All these plebs not posting best bro
What the Eff?!
Any good news regarding the P5 anime?
>the male party members would be even better girls than the actual female party members
Still no date, I'm betting on Spring 2018 or something. Hoping for a nice 2-cour even if that obviously won't be enough to do it justice.
>Female Inari bullying male Futaba