Why the fuck is Trump firing people left and right? Is he going mad and liberals are right and we are looking at a fascist state? Not good either way
Why the fuck is Trump firing people left and right...
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t. faggot shill
it's called damage control and trump needs A LOT of it right now
Being a faggot and an idiot doesn't mean you won't get hung for treason, faggot.
all mainstream news is fake lol
>intellectual laziness
>too lazy to pick apart fact from fiction
>in turn- label news sources you ont watch 'fake'
>conservatives are notorious for over simplifying the world around them
Knee deep in yellow burger wrappers
Calling his Wall Street toadies
Asking if he still looks good
On the dance floor
- should be cleaning his room tho
Ferris Mueller will save the day
This is the catchphrase I knew him by. This is why I give zero fucks.
On the other hand, shouting "FAKE NEWS" after providing solid evidence of falsehood, thus arguing the facts by proving your opponants points illegitimate, is rather intelligent.
fuck off shill jew go back to nigeria with your fat landwhale feminist multicultatism multigender you fuckin shill jew muslim
this is pol and we do not fall for your money jew tricks
by the way your mom falls for my dick tricks daily
>fascist state
>constant media attacks of the "dictator"
Fascism is a lot more liberal than I remember from History class
if only negroes could get jobs at the same rate they get fat feminist acceptance
if only negroes could read at same rate that monkeys jump on trees
Trump, is mostly a pedophile and did go on Epstein's jet he's quoted as saying that "Epstein likes his girls young". Funny, how he put the judge of Epstein's pedo case in his administration.
Looks like he's defending pedophilia, to be honest.
Check out his (Trump) relations to modeling his daughter was on the cat walk at one point, Trump owns a modeling agency, which sounds like it was promoting less than minimum wage.
Notice: there are other agencies in modeling, porn and acting running on the model of work for free (slavery)
Share my blue balls pewdiepie (pew research. org) die , pie (pedophile information exchange).
Notice pew research is link to podesta
is that like yelling racist?
This better be satire
How many times has this russian bot made this post today?
>What do you think about the importance of see-through?
What did he mean by this?
Reminder clock is ticking
DJ’s gonna take a licking
If you a shit employee, your company will fire you. Do high profile clubs keep managers constantly managers who keep fucking up big time?
Only in the government can such incompetence be allowed to last for years.
im very VERY concerned with his new CIA nigger picks
>she wants to press charges because the shitskin is a degenerate
>cuck just assumes its because he's a shitskin and everyone just agrees
>"judge by actions not color"
I hope he goes full Hitler at this point.
Who cares, ffs.
Facts Hillary like won?
And you should kill yourself.
how do these people even find girls that find them attractive?
Commies deserve to be killed on site. Just like you.
You know were Trump was on 911 he allegedly witnessed the attack. But Trump being Trump, he could lof lied.
Also when Trump declassified the JFK documented i didn't learn anymore about the assassination because i already knew that and so should of e everyone else, cuz it was not a secret (classified).
'Trumps 4d chess = make everything classified/secret'
Future americans = retards
neck yourself
Zionists are ordering him to fire certain people and to install other Zionist puppets.
russain investigation is over now the real work gets done >;)
>liberalsssss come out and plaaaayyyyy clang clang clang liberalssss come outttt aaannddd ppplaaayyy clang clang clang
Why the black man gotta be riding rhinos and shit? Talk about fetishization of Africa
Everyone knows George Bush Sr was a major proponent of the JFK assassination.
Why you thin 911 happened on George Bush jr, watch.
Notice: Jeb Bush put his bro in office on George Bush jr's election when he tampered with his election in Florida, as Jeb was governor of that state at the time.
Then 911 happened, Afghanistan and Iraq many people died during those years and still die because we are still at war in these countries.
When will people stop believing politicians lies.
Kelly has given up. This is the mad king finale. The horror. The horror.
All the more fun!
Due to criticizing Podesta, your shilling contract is terminated.
t. Shillblue HR department.
Fuck Trump he's an elitist shill obviously. I mean shit he's friends with Epstein and Bill Clinton.
weak b8 m8
"So this is the coke that gave Trump dementia? There you have it folks, we must impeach NOW."
... He straight up said he would fire people he thinks are not performing well enough in their job.