ITT scenes that completely ruined a show for you
ITT scenes that completely ruined a show for you
Mostly lack of panty shots, but teasing them. Hate that shit.
Asap Rocky is very handsome
Triggered faggot.
You sound like a country us chode choker.
reminder to put sage in the options field, sometimes the mods are busy
Literally the worst way imaginable to handle transportation to another world. Completely ruined the characters believeability for me.
never watched this but what would you consider a good way to handle it?
cry more fag
It was perfect though. He doesn't meet a god like in some Isekai stories, he's just there. It gives us a relaxed first impression of the world he just got transported to since there was no formalities or anything, he was just transported into the world all of a sudden only to find out later that it's a very harsh world which was perfect, in my opinion.
It doesnt need to be good or original or clever.
>oh hey I am god and I decided to save your life, so you could change the timeline of another world, have fun
>oh fuck, man god exist? what? Why am I chosen, please tell me something im so confused.
The transition is shit, you're not meant to do something the viewer is 100% confused about with no warning. Its less shit than the mc's behaviour afterwards tho. Did he expect to be transported into another world? Why? Is he insane by any chance? Why doesnt he act like a human who just experienced MAGIC that never happened to him or anyone he ever knew before?
This entire arc.
How am I triggered?
>tfw black
>tfw Galko's your waifu
>tfw white cucks caused a shitstorm because of it on Sup Forums
I didn't think they let you out yet Thad.
Thad is not the only black guy on Sup Forums
How to trigger Sup Forums...
>translate かっこいい correctly for once
>sit back and watch the mental breakdown from hordes of kids who think the word literally translates to "cool" and nothing else
Its common knowledge that Gyaru often use that word to refer to a guy they want to fuck.
Nah, it's not, as you just made that up.
>because I don't want it to be true you're wrong!
No, you're wrong because you're wrong. I'm the one defending the correct translation of kakkoii. Using "handsome" was correct, and was the intended meaning in the dialogue. This gibberish about gals using the word to describe people they want to fuck is something you just made up a few minutes ago.
If you go to Japan and a Gyaru refers to you as "Kakkoi" she is probably willing to fuck you.
That would apply to any woman then, not just gals, given the actual definition of the word.
Its not the definition but the usage and implication
That's what I'm trying to get you to realize. Coming from a gal isn't any different than anyone else. I never thought I'd have to say this, least of all on Sup Forums, but you watch too much anime. You have a really skewed and stereotypical view of Japanese society, let alone its various oddball subcultures.
There's a lot of weird social shit and history with gyaru, and it's changed a lot over the years. Oversimplifying it with gyaru=slut is really just stereotyping.
ffs galko was charming and funny
we cant have anything nice around here with people coming here from Sup Forums
We can't have anything nice around here with people coming here from facebook.
Kakkoii means cool though
This whole show is a pukefest for me
I mean, nipple hair? Asshole hair? Dingleberries? Diarrhea? Smelly feet/armpit? Saggy tits?
What's next? Girl smegma?
>What's next? Girl smegma?
T-That's not a real thing right
You can't find a scene worse than this.
Could you please refer me to the scene?
It's the new "u mad?".
>only paying attention to the part of the actor being black
>not to the fact that she thought he was handsome
You are just as much of a cuck as everyone else.
Not really as she will never fuck that black actor. I, on the other hand, can make myself look like the actor to fuck and marry her. Easy.
Sure, and it also means well-dressed and handsome.
What do you expect from a guy with an african country for a name?
>tfw black
>tfw I pretended to care just to shitpost
>people are still upset that a 9yo didn't wait for someone she knew only 2 weeks to come out of a seemingly endless coma
top wew
Can you pol fucks stay in your containment board for gods sake
Your memes are so retarded
What anime? Context?
She didn't say he was handsome.
She said he was kakkoii (japanese for cool)
What basis do you have for assuming that was the intended meaning as opposed to a more general word?
>captcha teaching robots to recognize windows
let me in I'm a fairy
The author implies otherwise
By responding to a question with "read the manga"?
The first half of this episode. Frankly it is the only time I've ever dropped a series on the final episode. Full Metal Panic! was already frustratingly cliched and suffered from an identity crisis that held it back from being anything memorable though the amount of cliches used in this scene is stunning; in short an asspull reveal leads a confrontation with the big bad of the previous series who then goads the mc on to shooting him after which said mc becomes "depressed" and ultra-edgy for a sum of two minutes throughout which the whole "if you kill you're just as bad as them" shit is used (funnily enough inverted so that he is worse for not engaging the enemy) and mc sees his mary sue who does nothing except belittle people and slap others (yet still manages to be best girl, that is how poor the cast is). Sorry if you like this show but Jesus Christ, I cannot believe how bad this was.
>What anime
Girl can teleport anywhere so they're holding her tight and injected her with drugs resulting on her pissing herself and not being able to use her ability
That doesn't seem to work for webm's.
Because she was referring to a black actor (which I took, based on the context of the sentence, as a "action hero" type) she'd seen in a film the previous evening. Given the stereotype implied in her sentence, how else would one translate kakkoii if not something along the lines of "badass" or "handsome"?
I just tried it before I posted that and it worked. I tried it again before posting this and it worked again.
I'll give you a hint. Search the two names that you can find in this webm in google and add the word anime after it. Though, if you had 4chanX, you probably already know the title of this show a long time ago by just hovering over title.
>pissing herself
that's my fetish
The author even included a page where Galko says when she compliments an actor she doesn't mean anything romantic or sexual.
It is.
because it's the 2010's and everyone has seen or read so much fiction that it probably wouldn't be that traumatizing.
You can think someone is handsome without it being romantic or sexual
Why does it have to be a romantic or sexual thing? I think you're a little too obsessed with this "LOL BLACKED" nonsense.
>author trying to retcon it
If I was a mangaka, I could also draw a scene where my heroine gets gangraped by black guys and just include a page where it says that it's all just a dream
don't be a dick. it's alice to zouroku
>that time on Twitter the author literally confirmed she loves black cock
>that time you posted bullshit on Sup Forums just to perpetuate what you think is a "dank meemay"
What's even the point of these thread at this point?
It's mostly trolls baiting dumbshits into thinking they're dealing with "le Sup Forums boogeyman" and getting them to parrot "hueg nigger cawk u mad white boi?" memes. At least that's what I've been doing, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. It's fun watching them try to attack something that isn't there.
But he didn't want to get with her or anything. He just wanted her to live. And he accomplished that goal because now she was able to live a happy life with a husband and children.
>I'll pretend i'm Sup Forums posting but i'm not really *troll face*
Wasn't ironic shitposting banned? Well, you could have saged though.
>this whole show
>talks about barely an 1% of the show
Also there's no dingleberries neither diarrhea, your whole post is idiotic but is important to be accurate here.
You can't blame me for it. They make it so fucking easy. Just look at some of the comments...
>lol, u member the time galko got gangbanged by 50 niggers (roughly 25 double niggers) in the bathroom at school lelelele
>u member that tiem the author said she got blacked on twitter lelelele
>how does that make you feel /po... err.. i mean... u mad?
There's no Sup Forums here, friends. Just your friendly local troll who can't help himself when such easy prey wanders into a thread.
I mean, I'm not blaming you, it simply seems stupid
>hey look how retarded I am
>fuck off retard
>expecting anyhthing else from an author called Kenya
All I had to do was pretend to be "triggered" by the thought of a fictional cartoon character lusting after equally fictional black cartoon cock. They came crawling out of the woodworks. What else could I have done?
>black cartoon cock
>equally fictional black cartoon cock
bbc isn't fiction
Well, I've never seen one, so I don't think they're real.
to try to see how far they can take Sup Forums posting on Sup Forums without getting banned
do everybody a favor and report them all to help make Sup Forums a higher quality board
Somebody's triggered because he got rused.
report redditors too
Yeah, those crazy Redditors are everywhere, man. Between them and the Sup Forumstards every board on Sup Forums has been ruined forever.
It's a marketing strategy, as real as fiction.
>If I was a mangaka, I could also draw a scene where my heroine gets gangraped by black guys and just include a page where it says that it's all just a dream
So you watched Mezzo Forte, I see.
The mods welcome redditors. Keep in mind they're the same ones who deny that board culture is a thing. They actively fight Sup Forums whenever possible.
what does it say there
>shirt says welcome BBC
I guess the nip wants his character ENRICHED
>N-no U
Classic deflection tactic, crossboard scum. Fuck off.
>Gamergate creeps
Don't watch the Prison School dub
who does it feel to be born an inferior race?
the only thing worse is being born as a woman
Incorrect the only thing worse than being black is being Turkish.
Even now that still makes my blood boil.
>defending use of twitterspeak
Fuck off
What do you mean, "what does it say there"? Where is the ambiguity in your image?
Ecks dee "back to pol" meme
>Arguing over the preferences of a shit-tier imaginary character
o i am laffing