This was pretty funny

This was pretty funny

Attached: prettygood.png (1228x771, 1.11M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Made me smile

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Maybe to a preteen faggot.

Is your asshole like a vacuum for dicks?

Yeah!! I love making fun of mutilated veterans who beg for money on the freeway lol

>n-no ur the fag
Fuck off to bed little one, you have school tomorrow.

Get a sense of humor

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Grow the fuck up.

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>telling someone else to grow up when you're responding to a literal troll thread
sort yourself out

Life is alot more enjoyable when you can find humor in any situation

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Where do you think you are?

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I can't believe the amount of concern/sentimental responses coming from Anons on this shit board... apparently there is a line you won't cross

Why would you think this is a troll thread? OP is simply sharing his findings with appreciative forum posters.

Eat kike dick rabbi.

If I was trolling I would have a narrative, this was funny.

I appreciate the sarcasm

Yes it was, at the time

your opinion is worth even less than mine, how does that make you feel?

And it's funny to me in this scenario. Do I have to explain basic human interaction in this thread or are you all so insistant on be having a narrative that you can't appreciate humor that isn't drawn from pushing world views in some way.

Attached: blepblipblopblopebleep.gif (276x220, 773K)

I'm sorry not "You all" I ment You.

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Attached: rule two faggot.gif (400x300, 22K)

If I could post the same picture twice I would.

Spic is a reference to the Iberian Peninsula, Mexico is nowhere near it

Where I live spic is the general insult toward mexicans. Say where the fuck is span Bitch.

Attached: LoL.gif (230x175, 1.94M)

This is pretty fucking hilarious
pic related

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