Times Sup Forums tricked you into watching garbage
My dick tricked me into watching this.
His dick tricked me into watching this
I started for the story, and I stayed for muh dik
It was just too deep for you -_-
>there are people that unironically think this
Don't use emoticons on Sup Forums.
this isn't specific to Sup Forums
Yeah, this.
Sup Forums is the only board I've seen that still enforces that
Is this a motherfucking rick and morty reference?
You, I like you.
Everyone knows they stay for pic related, even though the apparitions can be somewhat interesting.
Wow user! This sure is some top notch, original bait! Where did you even get the idea for that? I mean, I've never seen this before, it's like, this is the first time this was ever posted to Sup Forums. It's always nice to see some originality on this board, so I definately am glad that you took your time to write this original, unique, genuine, first of it's kind post!
For what it's worth I enjoyed the Kizu movies
i just finished bake
what am i in for?
the first couple episodes were good though
the best season, Monogatari season 2
nise is easily the nadir, but i'd honestly watch the kizu movies before you go into it now that they're out. the book of kizu was released between bake and nise, and the information you have from kizu makes certain parts of nise much stronger. on top of that, kizu is just great.
nise's a slog but it's thankfully only 11 episodes. and after that you have neko black which is fine but it retreads some old ground since you pretty much already know the gist from Tsubasa Cat. thankfully it's all uphill from there because second season (which starts with neko white) is a fucking treat right from the get-go
Sup Forums tricked me into reading this piece of shit
but Nise is next user
How is Mushoku any different? it's literally the same in every way. The neet aspect is just to further the self-insertment and only difference is that it is fiction and some people just can't change added to the fact that he was born op and conveniently had ties to some royal family.Also IIRC Rudy chose to abandon his real life when he had the chance to go back denying on his character development on him becoming a better person on his own because he was such a gifted person with good looks and strong ties.
To add to that, in all the years Rudy lived, he never matured as a person. Imagine an old man behaving like he's 25 again. That's Rudy.
Fuck that youtube comment and fuck Sup Forums for making me read MT. Just because it was babby's first isekai LN doesn't mean it was any good.
It's just not the same without the narration and moans.
Master of Martial Hearts
It may be garbage but it makes my dick hard so I can't help it.
Irony in that is that it takes more time to write a stupid blog than to just write a sentence and post a img.
Wait, there are seriously people who think monogatari is just a fanservice show and not one of the best written series of all time?
Monster Musume.
It was bound to happen at least once. Most of the stuff Sup Forums finds fun, is actually good
the gatari series is actually good, it just one of those shows after the first one(bakemonogatari) its good for those who are legitimately invested into the franchise like FSN.and this is coming from someone who stopped caring after nekomono or nisemono forgot which one