Anyone else find this board confusing?
Anyone else find this board confusing?
gas the kikes, race war now!
We are a diverse group of people who fight against (((diversity)))
Kys newfag
the ball is so true, if you knew, and you're new, youd experience discomfort.
They killed 2pac and gave us Eminem
They killed JFK Jr and gave us Hillary Clinton
because diverse people around the globe are fighting "diversity" and "globalism" which are orwellian brands rather than actual things.
>when you are either paid shill, or got mindfuck HARD by shill psyop
This is a board of peace normie
>when you fall for propaganda and aggressively start shilling it and facilitate the destruction of western civilization
It would be nice if we discussed more politics and less of this skin color crap.
We get it, you're white. What else can you do?
This board is everyone and therefore no one. You can't categorize it based on ideology, based on movement or anything else. This is where shitposts become magic and where magic ends up gassing the kikes.
The chaos and insanity with the occasional rare cryptic truth is why this board most accurately reflects our reality.
We just want to return the world to a logical playing field so we can resume having honest open tribal warfare.
because we're not advocating for 'white supremacy' as the media so desperately wants you to believe, we all just collectively want to be left the fuck alone.
We want corrupt despots out of our governments and violent illegals out of our countries
>It would be nice if we discussed more politics and less of this skin color crap.
>We get it, you're white. What else can you do?
you dont get it, that will never happen, dont even hope for it. Give up that idea today, right now.
When more and more people start seeing other people as human, with the same problems and same experience as everyone else, the perceived power for the owners and controllers are in trouble. Believing others as different than you based on superficial characteristics is one of the main causes of trouble in the world, and its what makes it easy to divide and manipulate people. The powers that be have more money and resource than all of us combined. Elites dont roll dice, but apparently the cool ones own casinos.
>where magic ends up gassing the kikes
i hope
This isn’t a white supremacist board nor is it a white nationalist board. It could best be described as a broadly pro-Nationalist board that wholeheartedly accepts the existence of anarchy between states. In general we just want to be left alone, we respect national sovereignty, we reject the idea of moral progress in civilization and we believe that homogeneity within borders brings about peace.
I’m sure you could really describe this board as Libertarian at heart. You’re not actually going to find people that want to re-enact The Turner Diaries here.
Not at all. Wherever we come from, we all come together to wield Dionysus in service of Apollo. You'd best be served by understanding the Dionysian frenzy, and the forms of Apollo we struggle towards. Go read some philosophy. Evola would instinctually understand what we are doing here.
Wish I could own a casino. It would be the best casino you've ever seen. The women would flow like wine and their would be polished silver mirrors in the bathroom so you can do come like an Irish king.
Pol is a board for mulattos, fatties, trannies, non whites in general, and self hating jews to larp as white to ensure their own demise
>not wanting to run an underground, illegal gambling ring in the basement of your suburban home, which sits at the edge of a major city
what are you, gay?
Sup Forums unite everyone by hating the jews.
but most of us also hate each other.
These. Do I want to see the family unit die, see the white and Asian races destroyed, watch humanity’s decline and see the perpetrators get away with it? Nope. I’d rather get gassed than let the Jews’ plans come to fruition.
do you think its ironic that you're posting with a leaf flag and find a forum of near total free speech, confusing?
This meme ball is so true. :(
I'm a mudblood American product of miscegenation and I overdosed on redpills
haha well done fellow magapede
praise god emperor trump amirite?
troll those libtards epic style xD
now get off my board
fuck off and die kike leaf faggot
you live in the best possible place during the best possible time to be a darkie. Use it to your advantage and fuck the system over.
Hell, it's what i would do.
nope. Just (you)
take a note from the hippy
bleed the beast with a millions cuts.
or just find income like everyone else thats still living
That's because you're trying to undestand the chaos, such thing is impossible.
>I’m sure you could really describe this board as Libertarian at heart.
I once read a post that explained that most people on Sup Forums are jaded, disappointed Libertarians.
The visceral hatred for Jews is confusing to me. On one hand everyone here hates the merchant for his greed, but on the other hand they say greed is good and the love of material possessions drives society.
We fight to maintain the diversity of nations rather than destroying that diversity.
>1 post by this ID
Who says that shit? Anyway, we want jews to go be greedy in Israel while we are greedy on our countries.
its because they tend to start wars and lie to us about it.
simple Envy isn't enough to sustain that kind of vitriol, desperation and hilarity