Post >yfw you get confessed to
Post >yfw you get confessed to
how would i know?
Did no girl ever confess to you user?
Wouldn't really know what to do except feel happy that someone actually likes me, though one could only feel anxious knowing that their interpretation of my character is more than likely completely off.
I was confessed to in grade 6 once, I was going to move away in like 3 weeks when the term ended and being an insensitive brat back then I just said no without an explanation
What's it feel like?
I have many questions about this image. I doubt there's many answers in store for me, though.
>tfw I wake up before I can even respond
Did indirect confession i.e. told by friends that someone like me counts?
That's probably be my face actually. I got April fooled all the time by girls asking me out.
>user, that girl really wants to go out with you but is shy about it
>What do you mean she doesn't want to go out with you? That's weird
Fuck every single one of you
i could fap that but i would cry afterward
>Huh? Did you say something?
>tfw I reject everyone no matter how nice or attractive because I'm a sociopath who doesn't like any kind of interaction with other 3DPDs
Not that many people confessed to me anyway
i'm 26, i've had 7 people confess to me so far. 5 are uggos. of the 2 cute ones one is an attention seeking whore who upload selfies on the daily, the other ones too short and would likely doom my offsprings to be manlets. fuck women
tfw the last girl to confess to me had a feminine penis that's bigger than my own.
>i've had 7 people confess to me so far
>tfw nobody has ever confessed to me
Hasn't happened since junior year of highschool over a decade ago.
I'd bet flattered but turn them down because I probably can't live up to their expectations.
I had 2 grills confess to me, didn't really like either of them but instead of just saying no I just pretended not to hear them
I'm not joking, I really did Eh Nandatte? them.
>short girl providing manlets
Short girls are the key to having giant kids. You're missing out.
go to hell Kodaka
>this thread
girls don't confess in real life
We're all little girls in here user.
Well, one girl confessed to me back in middle school, but I was still am too dumb to realize it.
I never had someone confess to me
I had a phase where I tried to court someone though only to find out that she already has a boyfriend so I stopped bothering with 3DPD
I misread that as >yfw you get to crossdress
and got excited for a second
what a wasted trip. i know you're trolling but whatever. i'm not clear myself on how height is passed down but when I'm following my specialists in clinics it's a common way to estimate the male offspring final height by adding to the mother's adult height whereas for the female offspring it's the father's adult height subtracted. this is just a generalization but saying that having one or both parents manlets does not affect probability of passing the manlet gene doesnt make any sense
A girl I liked and was acquaintances with irl confessed to me over Gaia Online.
I said no because I figured she could do better than me.
We stopped talking with each other shortly after
I've been cursed ever since.
Stop making fun of me.
You did the right choice my friend
2D > 3D
Look at all these normies here who want to get confessions by filthy, imperfect 3D women when they could simply stare at their waifu's smile to feel loved
Who needs tall kids anyway? Shortness will be en evolutionary advantange on space journeys anyways.
Plus, you missed all the standing blowjobs.
t. manlet
>the amount of people ITT who have had girls confess to them
>girl confessing to me
they don't event talk to me ;_;
>middle school
>girl passses a note to me
>"will you be my boyfriend?"
>take a week thinking how to respond
>slip her a note before class
>"I'll think about it"
dodged a bullet there lads
How was it user-kun?
Begone foul 3DPD.
m-my heart started pounding a little...
>girl confesses to me
>too dumb to realize if she was serious or not as she was in a park with her friend and i just happened to walk by
>"no way fag"
>continued to walk home to eat lunch
That's a good joke, no one would seriously do that.
Never been confessed to, never have to anyone, never had a crush or anything, probably never will be
Might look like this though
Man you know don't fucking talk to me I'm here to train I'm not here to talk.
>be in college
>Hear what sounds to be a cute girl confessing to some guy
>Saying that she's seen him around and really wants to go out sometime
>Decide to stop eavesdropping and start walking away
>Hear crying
>Hear her friends calling the guy a real asshole a fucking cunt and won't even answer
Well shit. Guess it wasn't going to workout anyways
>normalfag blogposting
What a great thread.
hopefully something like this
Something's up with my hard drive today. Pretend I posted that picture of that one bored guy with the headphones or naked Kyousuke in front of the computer.