>Her girlfriend was killed off-screen
Can she save her boyfriend? Is she in Paradis as a bored a controlled queen or did she run with Eren to Marley to eat Jaws Titan so she can have Ymir inside her?
Shingeki no Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
>can she save her boyfriend?
Pls delete yourself EHwhale
Nice edit.
We EHfags made a truce with EAfags: Annie is inside of Eren but Eren is inside of Hisu now.
Not mine though.
What killed the hype?
Kill yourself already
Hisu cheering for her waifu Ymir was adorable.
Happy Halloween!
What a monster
A cute
Just passage of time, it's still the most popular series besides one piss, then again it has no competition besides generic sports and battle shounen shit.
Reminder that Annie:
>Pissed off manlet
>Cucked Mikasa
>Scared Kenny
Literally she confronted THREE Ackermans AND survived, how can others even compete?
Not even Zeke could do that.
She will live till the end of the manga
>sliced completely by manlet
>thrown off a wall by Mikasa
>ran away from Kenny into stinky sewers
That doesn't seem like a good record to me
>sliced completely by manlet
Still survived and continued her mission.
>thrown off a wall by Mikasa
Literally the only thing she did in that fight. Everyone else just died for her. AGAIN.
>ran away from Kenny into stinky sewers
Still survived and continued her mission.
Salty Mikacucks have the worst arguments
no annie is safe and at her dads house before she and eren convice reiner that the wars need to end
also literally who outside of japan would look to the japanese for information on sports lmao
LM soon.
Are Tyburs a shit?
Taking care of the new commander
Isayama drew this for the new TLR book.
that's pretty dope
Yh. The character that had the MOST character appearances(edit: besides Eren) in the uprising arc wasn't "aaaall" that important in your opinion, sure mate.
Levi this, Levi that, what do you have against him? He can be in all the official art he's allowed to be in. After everything he has done, he deserves to be on the poster.
A popular character is a popular character, and there is one in any given fandom. So please, just give Levi a break. My friends are rejoicing right now and are very hyped for season 3, just because Levi was on the poster. Some are motivated to read the manga just because of him.
I for one even watched Aot in the first place because of Levi. So, the fact that you don't appreciate a character that much doesn't mean that's the case for everyone. The franchise has gained so much because of him, as compared to any of the other characters. This is a business afterall.
So, he has every right to be favoured. Who wouldn't favour their business booster? I apologise for rambling, I got carried away. My best boy had to be defended :P.
where can i read chapter 99
What did he do to Yami?! Good Lord.
You can replace Levi with Armin and nothing about this post would be different.
when will it be translated?
When it's out
>My friends are rejoicing right now and are very hyped for season 3, just because Armin was on the poster. Some are motivated to read the manga just because of him.
I don´t think so, there is a reason why marketingfags avoid Armin as much as possible
She helped Eren run away, I bet you.
Manlet is the most overrated character in anime.
Show your work.
do you maybe know when that is?
>Who is Gohan
>Who is Naruto
>Who is Tokyo Ghoul boy
how do you know that? did you seen the chapter soon?
A week, give or take a bit
I thought people liked Kakashi and Sasuke more than Nardo.
He ain’t as popular as goku, vegeta, or future trunks
>Tokyo Ghoul
Are any of the characters likeable?
Christa is really overdue to be a Titan. Besides, she's a better protag than Eren himself.
Your confusing popularity with what it means to be over rated.
You need to be popular in order to be overrated. It’s about being overhyped.
>are any of the tokyo ghoul characters likeable?
No, but they have nice tits.
Touka is bae as fuck. I would break my dick off
in a vice just to lick her ass.
I don’t read this manga but even I was shocked this happened. Saw it everywhere on Sup Forums.
>Chapter 99 will be literally about this but with Eren and Reiner.
come on guys, this is forchan, lets all work together and each translate one page. teamwork is cool and it is what we are known for hell yeah
I still cant believe i got to see bare boobs in a battle shounen manga after over 200 chapters with no indication that this would ever happen.
How did they let Ishida get through with this?
And would they let Isayama do this too?
Manlet was this shy when he lost his virginity in his 40s
>literally Annie without her jew nose
>And would they let Isayama do this too?
Of course, he needs to create Eren Jr
There's only one chest worth showing. If he blows the opportunity for tits on the widow then it's a waste
but that's her best feature
You already saw Annie’s tits. Don’t be greedy.
Didan titties don't count, I need to see those hopefully brown nipples
>And would they let Isayama do this too?
Well for Hisu it's very unlikely to happen now, since her waifu is gone.
Someone post Chinkmyr I can't find mine
5 minutes
This one?
That's the one. Youre doing gods work user
>Kenny said Levi gets drunk on being a hero
>Levi's ancestor is literally "Heros"
what is yams planning
Don´t worry we will see manlet´s boobs in season 3
Her titties was shown sideways in the L O S T G I R L S
>Manlet is marleyan
>Zeke is the true hero of humanity
We'll get a lot of boobs. manlet boob, Erwin boob, Eren boob, and Armin boob.
>Zeke is the true hero of humanity
You forgot the bigger boobs
oh yeah I forgot this will be animated. can't wait
I hope those legs are Traute's!
Titty without nip is no titty
Heros was a Ackerman, though. Also I know that I'm alone on this, but I'm pretty sure the Fritz and Tyber were in cahoots.
What it would be /snk/ reaction if this happens with Annie and Eren? Or Eren and Reiner?
>but I'm pretty sure the Fritz and Tyber were in cahoots.
What makes you think that?
Also the pedomolester touching Armin´s boobs. Lot of bondage and perversion in season 3, what was Isayama watching during those months?
I would be very happy because EA is my otp other than LM.
I like Eren and Reiner as a bromance but sadly it won't happen.
The Ackermans created by the royal family itself, who helped Marleyans gain freedom and save Humanity went all to Paradis. Weird.
Loose Pants Larry
And Vili acts a lot like Uri, is bounded by the memories of the titan war and is has scene paralels.
And don't forget that she probably kicked Mikasa's ass in bootcamp with her superior fighting techniques.
>you're not allowed to like something if I don't like it
They are more like uncle and niece though, I can see Mikasa with Jean and he might be the one to go with Mikasa for the asian arc clan.
That's a lot of cottage cheese
>Zeke is a 11/10,strongest Warrior,Warchief,proficient Close Quarters Combatant
>We are never going to see Zeke using the Beast Titan in a close combat against another titan and show his fighting prowess
>We are never going to see Zeke using the full power of the Beast Titan and combat strategy against Manlet
>Never going to see him fighting in the anime while something like this plays on the background
Why Isayama do this?
> I can see Mikasa with Jean
Sasuga Taste.
Dynamic wise? They're superior and subordinate, though he has an older brotherly kind of relationship with the whole squad.
Jean has unfortunately been pushed off into irrelevant tier with Connie and Sasha.
>Dynamic wise? They're superior and subordinate, though he has an older brotherly kind of relationship with the whole squad.
Yeah which is why I find LE and LM disgusting and pedo, manlet is too old and he treats the squad more like a family or kids.
>Jean has unfortunately been pushed off into irrelevant tier with Connie and Sasha.
I hope not, he had good moments in the Uprising arc and with Mikasa separating from Eren I can see an interesting chemistry between Mikasa and Jean. In my opinion JM is more possible than pairs like EH. I think Isayama is aiming to JM, EM is just for normies
Isayama needs to make him go after Zeke but he will probably just be the unfunny duo with Sasha again
Saw it the first time user
>you already saw Annie’s tits
what !? w-where? I swear I'm not a speedreading faggot.
>inb4 h-her titan tits user
Fuck you.
She was drawn really hot in Lost Girls
>Not deep set eyes
Fucking nips
Jean stopped caring about Mikasa romantically during uprising though.
I resent that