What the fuck is everyone's problem with the UK and Brits all of a sudden? It's not funny at all.
Jesus Christ go shit on Sweden or France for a change.
What the fuck is everyone's problem with the UK and Brits all of a sudden? It's not funny at all.
Jesus Christ go shit on Sweden or France for a change.
Other urls found in this thread:
you're in the same tier as them dude
you're worse then them dude
Seriously what the FUCK is this shit.
We are NOTHING like them.
You're an entire island of pedos
>Australian thinks he can talk shit
The Muslim gangs are the pedo's.
You fuckers are attention seeking whores ,
Grabbing at honour that was gotten by people long since died , and would take one look at britian today and disown it..
Embrace yr future you earned it
>brits can't handle the bantz
>t. mohammed
Paki detected.
Mate we invented bantz.
>t. Ahmed
Like I said
Cuz you guys are fucking Sweden-tier idiots yet act high and mighty. If I have to listen to one more Brit with no understanding of the American constitution tell me what's fucked about my political system...
Your country let itself turn into a meme.
You say that like it's a good thing?
Your government is letting this happen to appease Muslims, every major city,town has a Muslim fucking white children and your clearly ok .
At least it's not us rapeing them huh?
Enjoy your own government rewrite yr history and replacing YOU.
Mate this shit infuriates me but there is nothing I can do.
I am assuming when shit gets really bad even the normies will stand up and put an end to it.
It needs to get a lot lot worse before it can get better.
Everyone hates your guts, you delusional kike.
we wuz bantz n shit
Fuck The Red Coats!
Make me a sandwich
Brace yourself!
It's not going to get better!
Demographics shows what's going to happen,unless then 100years ,white Brits will be endangered if not gone .the normies don't care and won't wake up.
We die out with a whimper not a bang
>Russia and UK has some desputes
>Sup Forums turns on UK
Hmmm makes you think
Go fuck yourself britbong cuck.... er wait a minuet
You still havent realized 90% of "people" here are Russian bots driving a narrative?
why are UK women so fucking ugly?
>banning waifu lauren
Therein lies the problem.
I don't wanna black pill ya to much but ,we all need to stop the my country is better then yours bs.
And unite or we are done for,
We don't have time for people to divide us ,
Be proud of white Americans,Germans etc
We are brothers
Leafs shouldn't have rights, particularly jewish f*male leafs
your an entire continent of pedro's
Because you deceitful traitors.
First EU, now Russia, what next? You will provoke Germany to start another war? Fuck you, your queen and your 5o'clok tea.
>UK covers up their pedo with saber rattling at Putin
>covering up their own kids abuse and Amping up tensions for WW3
>come on guys, only Russian shills are badmouthing the UK
are you fucking retarded?
>what the fuck is everyone’s problem with America all of a sudden, why the Amerimutts
>Jesus Christ go shit on Sweden or France for a change
The only way nukes are ever gonna fly is when you spew this horse shit. Lauren is pure Dane waifu. Stop the shilling.
>UK gets into political conflict with Russia in the last week
>in the last week suddenly shit loads of anti-UK threads get spammed
hmmm, who could be behind this
Wagie wagie...
Your country is making a fool of itself on the world stage. First they go after right wing e-celebs then they threaten to start WW3 with Russia. The only thing relevant in the news the last few days has been the UK causing trouble.
That's an impressive piss, I'll take credit for it.
It's actually Americans. Pol gives them a distorted view of reality due to this being an English speaking board so 99% of the media articles are from English speaking countries (mainly the UK)
There are much worse examples from Germany, Sweden and other nations of harsher laws and hate speech arrests etc. but because of the language barrier they are never seen here so people (Americans) presume those countries are fine.
Nobody is interested in foreign articles and the threads die fast.
>you English with your superior wayz make me spit. Pttt.
It really does make you think.
You lost twice
>First they go after right wing e-celebs
The fact the UK feels it needs to ban them shows they are worried lots of people are listening while in other nations their words mean nothing and they pose no threat shows those nations are worse.
Americans.. always as stupid as the stereotype.
look you fancy lad may is going to start armagedaboom if she doesnt shut her fucking mouth. and its all your fault. you voted for a tory. you know you did you cuck bastard. your sitting their laughing while your daughter is being enriched and your wife is guzzling muslim semen
when rusia nukes you its for the best
>your sitting their laughing
Americans never fail to impress, do they?
>people are listening
>in a country that allowed the embodiment of 1984
>meanwhile in the country that doesn't allow 1984 are listening to the golden eceleb voice
I've seen articles about people being detained at British borders after cops searched through their electronic devices and found right wing content. This apparently happens all the time but they've never had the balls to arrest a "e-celebs" before.
They mock, but they won’t be laughing once I get a free TV come the riots.
I think partly it may have been to force Trumps hand on Russia 5D conkers
Yeah that makes total sense, weeb. Your English comprehension blows balls.
>poo in loo
>shart in mart
It's just bantz, no need to throw a fit, Ahmed
>U.K. Feels it has to ban them
The uk hasn't banned E celebs Igor.
>Americans never fail to impress, do THEY? Your English comprehension blows balls.
>'ve seen articles about people being detained at British borders after cops searched through their electronic devices and found right wing content. This apparently happens all the time
>shit that never happened
Schedule 7 of our Terrorism Act 2000 requires a form of evidence, in Laurens case the info was already logged she had been distributing "Allah is a gay God" leaflets which is why they stopped her.
Random searches without any evidence on people to check their belongings is akin to racial profiling and is thus illegal under UK legislation. The 3 that were banned were already known to the UK government. These are not random searches.
Keep making shit up though if it helps your narrative.
>UK people are so based
>they're waking up
>oi mate is that a spoon with wrongthink on it? Off to jail with you
>42 years no parole
This is revenge for the mutt memes.
>his retort is some made up fantasy scenario
Come back? Yeah, tell your Mom I want mine back. Last place I saw it was at the back of her throat.
Fuck the UK though.
You're absolutely shit and that's why you got chained in a boat and sent to Hell.
WTF have you done since except sit and moan about the British (no longer you... haha!) in the 'bush'. I feel sorry for the cave trogs you immediately started stealing from the moment we stopped you stealing from us. Give them their bush back you fucking convict.
"Come back? Yeah, tell your Mom I want mine back. Last place I saw it was at the back of her throat."
>that's why I fucked your mom
What are you, ten
I'm 54.
>I'm 54
>that's why I fucked your mom is my top tier banks
Just don't hit me with anymore of those sick burns Ivan. I don't think I can take much more.
There are Russian trolls on here 24hr/day.
Their masters back in Omsk or Smolensk or whatever are mad as HECK at the UK for expelling Russian "diplomats".
They know that Putin wants to be able to kill people in whatever country he pleases, whenever he pleases.
So they order their drooling army of buttsurfers in cold-water dives in the West to post memes against the UK for the greater glory of Pushkin.
Germany has double the number of Muslims the U.K. has.
Spit roast.
>le cheeky gorilla face
The snide thot knew she was persona no gratis. She got on Sky News - perfect chance to put our case, pinnacle of opportunity. What does she do... makes a blacking up joke, face like a lemon, immediately gets shut down, makes us all look crap.
Watch the 10 second clip.
Britains the greatest country in history.
Once we realised the EU was a snide takeover we had 2 steps
1) get out
(1.5 rearm and thats why we set up Russia so the EU can't skint us for it)
2) repair the damage
All the law has to return to post 2000
And 2.7 million Muslims need rewarding for there helpfulness (not to us)
Disgusting. Lauren is a beautiful person.
Just because it's technically not allowed doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I suggest you use google next time before claiming something doesn't happen because there is a law in place against it. People will always find loopholes around laws.
>sandwich artist
If you want to believe the UK cops are searching everyone's phones (even though if they haven't arrested you, you can refuse to even let them touch your phone) somehow they get around this though and search through all of your phone, making the queue for entry about 3 months long and when they find a pepe pic on it they ban you from entry.
It makes me sick knowing my flag has a union jack in it.
Subordinates are always lashing out at their superiors
They fear the Anglo
>americans sperg out about le 56%
>brits laugits just memes man
maybe its an intentional psyop
I washed my scrotum in Summer Bay.
I really miss Canadian REPLYS. :D
>Give me back my Leaf bros. What have you done?
I personally find the anti brit threads funny, it's all good fun
Ultimately, we're all in the same boat
Fatties don't count. You can't rate them because they're fat. The one on the far right would look fine without all the make up.
Miss Great Britain in pic.
France is already known to be a shithole while Britain is knyl recently being a well known shithole, it's that simple
They're buttfucked because their nazbol youtube whores got booted.
literally the top 3 search results
Nothing is going to stop police from searching your phone. US police aren't allowed to search you without a warrant or reasonable evidence either but they still do it and get away with it every time.
You think the FSB has never looked though your phone? Fucking bootlicker
>go shit on Sweden or France for a change.
>for a change
> UK is true leet tier. I-I-I-is scared!
Secret sauce works
You are embarassing. You are the country equivalent of a friend who used to be cool and then started taking oxycodones. Now that you are addicted to your feel good pills you have developed this massive inferiority complex to the point where you have to sympathize with literal niggers because you have sunk that low. You dyed your hair neon blue, picked up a loudspeaker, and started protesting every way of life that was better a typical “African country”.
You are the chad that became an sjw and while your country burns around you, you have the nerve to pretend you still have a say in the world. I’m embrassed and ashamed to be your metaphoric son state and my biggest fear is that we become just like you. I can’t even imagine being so against my own and my peoples best interests but you guys seem to be at it like a fucking competitive sport. You’ve taken national cuckolding to a new level and it’s painful to watch.
Now you lie on your death bed with days numbered and you tell your family and the world to follow down the same path with no regrets. It’s so hard to understand that it sews anger within those who respected you, which develops into hatred. I hate you for falling so hard with a smile on your face.
You’re like that kid that livestreamed his suicide. You think you are proving some amazing point but you’re really just displaying what a self loathing cunt you are.
The UK is getting closer and closer to george orwells 1984 depiction.
>fag can't handle the bantz
>the most learned foreign language in sweden is swedish
jej the fact that's a true statistic is hilarious
>The Muslim gangs
Asian* you fucking shitlord
>but they still do it and get away with it every time.
No they fucking don't. The rules on search and seizure are complicated. Anyone with a lawyer has those laws enforced to the fucking letter. Unlike most points in law, this is one that every single lawyer in the United States understands the constitutional protections for. The police will have trouble getting away with illegal search and seizures, unless they do it on someone who has a shit-tier lawyer, can't prove their position, or have no lawyer.
In fact search and seizure is about the only constitutional protection that the supreme court gives leniency towards the people for (no calling in k-9s, no entry of houses for visible items in the house, need search warrant to enter a house, etc) since the court are all lawyers.
This is something the system takes fucking seriously.
You're either a shill or a Pakistan. True anglo don't give a fuck what this site thinks of them. We handle the banter, it's our shtick