>be american
>get cut up with giant sword
Be american
Other urls found in this thread:
>"The feeling I had when I won the fight with my bare hands is just absolutely the best feeling."
kek, I like this dude.
At least post the article, it's a goldmine
>Alex Lovell, 29, said he had to “wing chun [his] way to survival” when his girlfriend, Emily Javier, allegedly repeatedly slashed him March 2 in a jealous rage when she suspected he was unfaithful, Oregon Live reported.
It also said he plays 12 hours of pubg a day.
Was she gay for samurai animu or michhone from the walking dead?
Women suck.
>Have weapon advantage.
>Have element of surprise.
>Still lose fight.
monk op nerf now
buff samurai pls
>boasted about his martial arts skills
Javier slashed Lovell as he was sleeping. To defend himself, he got her into a bear hug. He said, “I told her I loved her, and she was killing me. She needed to call police, or I was going to die.”
Police then arrived on the scene when they got a call from a woman believed to be Javier. Lovell was rushed to the hospital, and is anticipating a long road to recovery, possibly six months.
Unfortunately our brave heroine did not succeed in her quest.
Sounds like that wing chun didn't do shit, since when the paramedics found him he was curled up in a ball bleeding to death.
>won a sword fight with bare hands and boasts to news
What a chad.
> dating 3d women
Well, that settles it. Katanas are for women and the effeminate and not even useful against unarmored opponents.
She had a sword m8 and attacked him when he was sleeping. Give him a break.
If by win you mean failed to stop himself getting sliced up like a turkey. then yeah, win.
He already got a break when the ambulance showed up.
What about stabbing with a samurai sword? I know a samurai sword would be useless for slashing, but a stab with a samurai sword is surely the best bet for self defence?
ITT: people with no clue talk absolute shit
t.30 yrs martial arts
You can't carry a samurai sword around with you, Bruce. You'd look silly.
Katana are literally a slashing weapon, that's what they're designed to do. They're terrible for stabbing compared to nearly every other blade type.
>Women in charge of killing someone in their sleep with a katana
>using a katana to kill a sleeping person
>slashing somebody in a defenseless prone position
>proceeding to get your ass kicked unarmed in close combat while holding one of the world's best close combat weapons
What a fucking retard. She could have killed him instantly if she thought it through but instead she decided to possibly disfigure him.
Probably didn't actually want to hurt him and just wanted attention, like all women.
I hope she rots in jail and gets haunted by a samurai for using her blade so dishonorably.
...you know, it's funny, but given the rate of knife homicides in your country, I can't decide if you're the absolute last people I'd view as authorities on surviving blade attacks, or the absolute first people I'd view as authorities on surviving same. I can really see an argument either way.
This bears contemplation.
BASED, the right to bear hands shall not be infringed!
>When your woman is not afraid of you
Blue states lol
But they can do it, and surely a sleeping target is the optimal scenario for running stabbing someone even with a curved blade. If she had just driven it down into his chest like planting a fence post, he’d be fucked. Lucky for him she was retarded.
Isn't she taking it a bit too far just because the guy cheated? It's just a game.
You sound autistic, or 5.
>Probably didn't actually want to hurt him and just wanted attention, like all women.
The answer
Lol none of you faggots posted this ugly thing on here yet. Cmon you fucks are slacking. Behold it that wields the sword
That's what I was thinking. He was sleeping, how the hell did she fail to gut him like a fish? Bitches are retarded. Vidya unrelated.
>Gamer gets stabbed
>Shit talks his GF being a filthy casual IRL fighting
>She lost to a gamer because of his toxic unfaighfulness
>Woman are just as capable as men feminism shit
>Neglected to give GF any attention because of video games that she thought he was cheating
The meme joke potential is endless with this guy.
Shit like this would never happen with a TRAP.
...that is, the "sword" (a.k.a. feminine morning glory) would be blunt!
>Members of the "PlayerUnknown's Battleground" gaming community have launched aGoFundMe campaignfor Lovell. As of Wednesday, it had raised $8,000
Meanwhile any roastie can open a gfm and get $3000 for unreported rape allegations. Sounds like r9k should put their money where their mouth is.
>sarkeesian starts on this guy as a domestic abuser for boasting about beating his girlfriend
She just wanted to hurt him and didn't understand consequences.
I would think a pro gamer could at least pull an asian girl
That's like a 6/10 by American standards, not that ugly. Maybe 5/10 because of the dyed hair.
There is nothing left. The kikes have done it. We are dying and our country is corroding. Everyday existence is constantly confronting me with the question of meaning, and that is because that which imbues meaning, context, in the biological and most real sense, is denied me. There is past, but nothing near, nothing immediate, there is no future but hoped. The kikes must burn and cry out in anguish and unrelenting pain before we may become whole again as a folk. Before our destiny may again be sought and our past cherished. I am so sick of niggerized Whites, fucking White Uncle Tome faggots cow-towing to other races and joining them in some kike mind-game of a "struggle." Genocide is the only answer if White people are to exist in the future. Expatriation to Israel is not good enough and everybody with half a brain knows it. It's time we finished the job Hitler never started, but should have.
No, no, really old katana were shit for stabbing, like from the Koto period. After enough time fighting Koreans, Japanese smiths started altered the points to be more suitable for thrusting. They're not optimal, but they certainly get the job done.
That was next level gaming for him.
The girl definitely snapped, but the fact that he played video games for 13 hours a day ought to count as a mitigating circumstance.
Yeah he sounds like a real winner kind of dude.
Holy shit Murica has fallen far
nigga that a 0/10 goblina right there
I can smell her through the screen
I was so close to stabbing my ex boyfriend.
Men are evil vile animals who will backstab you and shit in your heart and they dont deserve love or life.
>inb4 ur fat!
Sorry but no.
taylor swift, you pretty whore what are you doing here?
Fucking crazy thots, lol.
She is probably a raging slut that is projecting super hard. BET IT.
Taylor swift is literally so ugly.
Battle wife didn't nothing wrong. He was cheating, he should have been a stop on the way of the sword.
You're a trap, admit it.
She is hardcore
I would seriously stick a knife in my neck if i had a penis.
I hate you you know that right?
Don’t be so tsundere swift chan
I believe you. Grills are fucking crazy. And you don't know what the fuck you want. Ever.
Why you shill for the adulterer guy?
Who hurt you?
And how?
I wanna fuck 9yo girls, do you hate me the most?
I look absolutely nothing like taylor swift.
Roasties BTFO'd
post feet
Too bad sticking a knife in your dick will never turn it into a cunt, huh?
Awwww, i cant be hurt baby, maybe you should kill yourself?
Fucking die you motherfucker.
Post a selfie Tay Tay
Love ya.
His girlfriend was a fan of Peterson and she was trying to get him sworded out
help me ruin this feminist girls poll
vote no
I need to fuck a loli before I die.
You are literally so gay.
Kill yourself.
Well all men are pedophiles so doesnt surprise me.
Women have been slaves to sick twisted perverted men for eons. The male gender is a useless one, one that destroys nature in favor of shitty cement blocks.
We were content until you fucked everything up.
You are evil and should die.
Otherwise you would do it right? No one wants a penis.
>be THOT
>be the 156th girl chad thundercock as fucked
>get mad because you're not the only fucktube he's had
>get a katana
>literally do not know how to use a sword
>just start whacking the guy with it because hey that's what you do in a game right?
>get your ass kicked and wind up in jail
>chad fucks girl #157
The anger you telegraph by the way you write tells us that you did hurt in the past.
You wouldn't say that all men are evil animals that shit in your heart in you hadn't.
Or maybe it was a woman (your) mother and you got neurotic in result and project your own fucked upness on everyone.
I would sincerely like to hear your story.
>pls don't cut muh dick angery femanon
You know, as a 50 year old man I know the how and why of hybristophilia, you just haven't been properly raped yet.
The chances of a nigger making you pay the toll are about 56%. You better pay up
Can you fucking stop? Thanks
Why the fuck is this girl so dumb? If she wanted to kill him with a sword just impale him while he's asleep, or slice his throat.
At least the flag checks out, fucking Australia is full of shit fucks like yourself.
Only if you go out with me
Ok,you're just baiting.
Weak trolling attempt.
10/10 for the effort thou.
>I hope she rots in jail
She's a woman. So she'll MAYBE do 2 years tops. If that. Good chance she gets probation.
I know a chick who tried to stab her boyfriend with a kabar. Chasing him through the house and breaking down a door to get to him while he called 911. Also on a separate occasion fired off a full mag of .45 in her own apartment. Neither time did she do a day in jail.
Women have to fuck up INCREDIBLY HARD to go to jail.
Calm down taytay,he is only shitposting
women are incapable of love as men are. They're sociopathic by nature.
If you want loyalty, get a dog
I hate all men. Niggers included.
roasties want attention and money only
Fucking weebs.
when will we ban assault swords?
You sound like a woman user. You mad because you know women are weak and a man can cheat on his gf and still be seen as the hero?
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.
Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.
Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.
Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.
Doesn't matter, niggers will make you pay the toll. Won't even have to do anything. And if you think your leftist media would defend you you have another thing coming, the kikes love niggers and muslims and would watch them honor kill you and grant them refugee status right after and award them a seat in the state position in California.
They're as loyal as dogs if you're capable of demonstrating to them in no uncertain terms that you are pure evil.