>be first worlder
>comfortable living
>safe, don't have to worry about getting robbed/mugged/stabbed/raped while walking on a dark street
>government provides literally everything
>nah, fuck that and kill myself
Maybe it's just my
Be first worlder
Complete social isolation amongst peers.
Dudes only 19. His life is ahead of him. Hes a faggot for getting rid of my boards.
>don't have to worry about getting robbed/mugged/stabbed/raped while walking on a dark street
I though he was American?
It's easy to say if an organism has all it's most basic needs met, how could they possibly be miserable.
But animals can go crazy in other ways. Lock a prisoner up in solitary confinement, why would that be considered a punishment. They're getting all their basic needs met. They are safe aren't they? So what's the problem.
is this how lefties make "statements" now?
Or are they just proving they're insane some more...
Suicide for Communism would be a great hashtag
why was he streaming this to a few friends and why arent they under arrest for being accessories to a crime?
More like
>be latinx
>live in constant fear of ICE
>stress drives you to suicide
The same way someone jailed in solitary confinement can go insane even if they have all of their material needs provided for.
Social dysfunction and atomization can erode the very fabric of society, even if the people look healthy on paper.
This but unironically. Depends where you live. Those things could well be something you have to worry about.
A lack of positive things in your life is far more devastating than a bunch of bad things harming an otherwise good life.
one way or another, make america white again.
Whites and asians suicide the most
>proto beaner with la creatura mother looking like they just hopped the border 5 minutes ago
>has a bunch of military style guns for no apparent reason, probably to either engage in or defend themselves from cartel shit
>probably was on the verge of being deported
>"omg why did this innocent valuable human being kill himself?"
depression knows no demographic
its indiscriminate as cancer
you can smart or dumb and suffer with it all the same
that said you can mitigate it with better life choices sometimes but some circumstances beyond your control can make or break you. also your environment can bring it on
but it's an awful thing to have and hard to break free once youre in it.
it just sucks to feel driven to die. you have to get that unhinged and that mentally unwell. you can see or have no access to happiness or any positivity. youre not happy if considering death for yourself and its horrible to live with that.
>t. guy that found his way out
depression doesn't care about any of that shit.
you can't logic your way out of depression, it short cuts your thoughts into feeling worthless and low, how matter how much you think about it.
it's a downward spiral
got some proofs ?
We wouldnt have this cool GIF/video If he didnt kill himself so kind of worth it
He could have came over here with his shotty and died an honorable, warriors death fighting off the nig nogs... but no. Cowards gonna cow.
He talked to people on a discord and talked to people on here. From the way it sounded to me, he just wanted to meme is way out to the end.
Looked like he was a Paki based on his name.
Statistically most people kill themselves because of a sudden drop in quality of life, so ironically the more privileged a person is the more likely they are to kill themselves because they have further to fall.
Human life is everywhere a state in which much is to be endured and little to be enjoyed.
Because of this fucker, i can't shit post on Sup Forums. And he's already dead so I can't tell him to kill himself. The little bastard covered all the bases
top KEK sir
>tfw no gf
If people have no struggle in life, they go mad. Like putting a border collie in a house with nothing to occupy itself, don’t be surprised when it wrecks the sofa.
The idiot killed himself with a shotgun to the face while his mother was inside the home and filming it for the whole world to see. The dude had issues more serious than just not having friends.
Well, there's a funny thing about being human. The goal posts of what makes you happy are always changing. Buy a house for the first time in your life? You'll be happy for about two years. Then you won't care anymore. The goal posts moved. It will take something else to make you happy.
Get locked up in prison? You'll be sad for a while, but then get used to it. The goal posts moved in the other direction.
We are constantly adjusting what makes us happy. Even if we hit the lottery, the happiness would be temporary. A friend of mine was a Christian preacher in china. He said in the rural areas they sit around in a concrete house with dirt floors playing some two-stringed violin thing all night, singing songs, and happy as motherfuckers. But they are used to it.
So, my psychology book said that if you need some happiness, the best thing is small doses of joy-bringing activities/merchandise every week to lift your spirit.
Three fucking threads on this one faggot without a head. Why?
Did u see the vid tho???
With a fucking annoying ass girl scream at your ear like that even i'd kill my self.
Was this the streamer who an hero'd in front of his mom?
Requesting link
Why did they take down Sup Forums and Sup Forums despite this now being posted on every board?
Seriously, is this some form of reverse trolling to discourage faggots like this from doing this again?
While food, shelter and safety are all well and nice, the contemporary western world lacks purpose. The liberals have sucked all the excitement and challenge out of life, while constantly demonizing and oppressing those who adhere to traditional values.
While suicide is the coward's way out, life in the west has become insufferable, and you more or less have to create your own bubble of friends, family, interests and goals to find happiness, while society does everything to stand in your way.
New browser extension?
How does that incriminate you? They didn't even know his real name. What were they supposed to do except say "please don't"?
White and yellow man's burden
he lived in california of course he had issues
>hurr i'm so edgy i like seeing people killing themselves
From what I understand, Asians in the west have a much lower suicide rate than Asians in their own countries.
This. If any of you suicidal fucks want to commit suicide, don't just waste your life. Do something brutal and horrible against your enemies in a news-worthy manner. It's a one way ticket to Valhalla. No one will even know it was a suicide, we'll all think you chose martyrdom and we'll praise you as the hero we never deserved.
If you had one round to fire against you enemies, and you had to choose between hitting one tank or you enemy hq, which? Don't answer, it's a thought experiment.
I really wish I knew, it's some fucking bullshit
>the blast propels him backward with such force it knocks the tarp down
>gore goes everywhere anyway
He’s using a shotgun and aiming downward. Why even bother with a tarp?
That is not what I said at all but okay
Its usually young people who don't think things through, or they want to get back at a family member/partner. Some times it can be debts get out of control.
I knew a guy who killed himself because he wrote his car off and he didnt want to continue paying the debt off for it. He went to a park near his house with a box of beers and some weed, got wasted and then hung himself from a tree.
Looking back now we all shake our heads at what he did. But then most of his friends were too busy to notice he was severly depressed and no one was really there for him (including his girlfriend)
where is the webm at least
For what? That shit has been posted to death
>don't have to worry about being stabbed
Maybe he had health problems? You don’t exactly know if he had some terminal illness or not. Or possibly might be losing eyesight or something else.
>be first worlder
It happens all the time. Some of the boards stop working for a day or two and then they go back to normal.
r9k has done way worse shit then streaming a suicide. Remember the little faggot about 3 years ago who shot a school up and told r9k to avoid the area?
probably because he was a pathetic halfling weeb
Hierarchy of needs