Shokugeki no Soma

Well shit just got real

Why can't Souma challenge for that position?

Because he is a scrub.

Reminder that the animators are filthy Megumifags who prioritize her character design accuracy over every other character.

You remember what happened when Ichigo tried to fight Aizen for the first time?


Rindou always gets a little bit more fan-service and screen-time then she should actually get. I don't see how you can say they hate her just because her animation quality of the face she makes at the end wasn't really equal to what Tosh did, but it was still good.

>but it was still good.
No it's not good, it's nowhere near the manga's.

Don't even try to discuss with retards.

>Lets hand the highest administrative authority to a bunch of teenagers

Senzaemon, you dumb fuck

Not all, what kind of example is that?
>Reading Bleach

>he read bleach

Not him, but Bleach was good back then. And Aizen has always been great.

He's a senile old man, it's a precautionary measure set in place for when he does senile stuff.

nothing in the anime is anywhere near tosh's perfection, are you kidding me. the only thing that comes close are the chibi alice scenes, but the ones where she is supposed to be the hottest girl in the story look terrible in comparison to the manga

It's still pretty good though even if it doesn't exactly match tosh quality of it.You make it seem like they went full quality on that panel.I can understand you really complaining about it if it was like that.

>nothing in the anime is anywhere near tosh's perfection
I disagree.

How hard can she bite?

See Megumi's butt.

What do you do?


This stillshot seems like a more appropriate adaptation than the actual one.

What does that have to do with making certain scenes look remotely decent? There's barely any movement and they still fucked up in multiple occasions. Again.

Bleach was and always will be better than this shit in every way. Prove me wrong, if you can.

>Rindofags are butthurt over a panel

Just enjoy the fact that your shit character is being shoved into the show at every available opportunity

Which series had prettier girls? This one or Bleach?

Can anyone say if we know whether this season is 1 cour or 2 cour? I remember there was a chinese streaming site or something suggesting it'd be 24 episodes, was that ever confirmed?

2 cour.

My body is ready

2 cour, unless they really fuck the pacing 12 wouldn't even make sense


Are they all chunnis? They're just chefs, why are they taking this so seriously?


Of course.

Cooking is a serious business user, just like card games.

Cooking is war to these people

I want to Doppio Takumi's pizza desu

>They're just chefs
You clearly know nothing about being a chef and how stressful and tiresome it is.

>20 pages a week vs. thousands of frames

Is your mother your sister?

Can Chuunis even cook?

>Workload excuses shit quality
And it's not like they're supposed to make every frame perfect but the mangaka clearly highlights which panels and spreads they should focus on.

This desu the most unrealistic thing is that no one in this has ever dropped anything or burned themselves and had a breakdown and threatened everyone else

We had a chuuni cooking in the manga right now.

>Azami introduced on Halloween

This year is now my favorite Halloween.

That's because they are not cheap chefs like you.

Debatable. This series has a few really cute girls but bleach has a lot of fairly cute girls with a much larger variety between them.


>People suddenly acting like they like Azami after doing nothing but shit on him for a hundred solid chapters
Fucking posers. I liked Azami from the beginning.

Those are anime-onlys. We still despise him.

>he actually is voiced by Hayami Sho
Hahahah, they really took that joke to the extremes


I don't why this page makes me smile.

That's fucked up desu.

Literally in my post said I like him.

I liked Azami his first ten chapters, now I want him gone.

>Hayami Sho
I knew it. The character was made for him.

Azami is a great character. The chapter where he skis in is the best page in the entire manga.

Honestly, the Elite 10 annoy me more than Azami. I'm really hoping the anime goes into some detail as to why they went with Azami.

I agree there are definitely problems with the execution of Central as a whole, but Azami is the kind of insane, over the top villain we don't see enough of anymore. Every time he appears I feel like a church organ should be playing and I love it.

You tell me. Though the answer is kinda obvious.

>posting the nigger the entire fucking festival arc was completely irrelevant?
There WON'T be a shokugeki between Soma and Kuga?
What the fuck? They just spent 5 episodes on that conflict and it all goes to fucking trash without any resolution?


It's called a plot twist kid.

>No resolution
Soma lost. This arc was about Soma measuring the elite 10.

Just read the manga.

It showed us that Souma is able to pick a fight with the Elite Ten..
Eizan is a shitter so he didn't count.

So the final boss is going to be a gordon ramset lookalike right?

Yeah and his speciality is going to be putting salt and pepper on everything just like Gordan Ramsey.

It's going to be Erina or Jouichirou

I would love to see that.

>Still racist
>And a gigantic faggot
Gay honkeys should be beaten and euthanized.


Remember when based currynigger cucked Hisakofags?

Will feel good when she finally gets CURRY'D

Hisako likes tiny spicy indian cock.

I still can't get over the fact they actually got Hayami Sho.

If he really was, his rematch with Souma could've been the best.

Because that's probably the first time Erina and her father had something in common. They both held feelings for Jou, with Erina admiring him and her own dad being gay for him.

That's more on Soma than it is on Hayama.

Stop shitting up this thread

previous thread plz?

Imagine them bonding on their mutual lust for Jou.


>Thinks gourmet food should be nothing short of art
>Teaches everyone the same recipes
>Mass produced
Azami is fucking retarded.

I really dislike Rindou's VA for some reason

t. Senzaemon

I still don't understand why Erina looked surprised when Azami showed up if she was there when they voted him in as the new director. I also don't understand why she didn't tell her grandfather about it beforehand.

>perfectly replicate autist's money shot
>completely fuck up rindou's
JC staff confirmed gay

Same. She's too ara ara and doesn't have enough bite. Rindou isn't an ojou.

Because that literally happened the day after, they have already chosen but they were making it official.

Maybe they didn't tell her who the new director would be.

>he doesn't appreacite both boys and girls

Why are you even reading this, the boys get much effort than the girls on their drawing it's not even funny.

>There WON'T be a shokugeki between Soma and Kuga?
Why would there be when Soma didn't won?

Maybe they just prefer him.

Erina is overwhelmed! Quick, do something!

Maybe they think Rindou is overrated and believes Rindoufags should be grateful for what they got.

Smile, drama queen.

That's how it happened? All of them 10 knew? I thought it was some kind of coup d'etat, with Azami only involving to those he thought would choose him.

To be fair, TO BE FAIR, Rindou is completely redundant this arc.


You've learned the value of actually planning ahead instead of winging it. A shame Souma didn't quite take the lesson.
I believe it's a letter of intent to vote and the actual vote is held the next day. So it doesn't matter because he secured a majority anyway. And yes, Erina had no idea.