Which one of these pissed off Sup Forums more?
Which one of these pissed off Sup Forums more?
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Haven't seen guilty crown, but the other 2 sucked
It also sucks.
The most popular one
GC was fun at least.
Kabeneri disappointed me the most. The retro designs made me actually hopeful it would be good.
At least we got a delicious muscle girl out of it.
Sword Art Online was just bad.
Guilty Crown was hilariously bad so it had some worth.
Kabaneri was hilarious and bad, too, but endearing in a way. First anime to actually do justice to Mikimoto Haruhiko's design work, even though that make-up "animation" was scarce as hell. When used, it was striking.
SAO, because they won't stop making it
There was nothing to be mad about in SAO and Kabaneri. GC on the other hand had needlessly cruel ending. Shuu should have die to/instead.
Make Me Whore was just lame and forgettable, so not much of a deal.
Attack on Trains was disappointing after the good production values and solid first episodes, but I wouldn't say it pissed people off that much.
SAO is a bad smell that just won't go away and is one of several series from over the years that drew in another batch of retards to Sup Forums, so it definitely wins out.
Did KISAMA pissed off anyone? Every single thread was people loving it.
Has to be SAO because it was so popular among casuals.
Sup Forums only watched Guilty Crown ironically after the first episode.
Holy shit, that was fun. Almost as much fun as watching Jesus Onii-sama with Sup Forums.
SAO was legitimately bad.
GC was trainwreck type fun.
Kabaneri was wasted potential due to introducing Biba.
in my country this is a slang therm for gay people
Kabaneri for me, by a lot.
It's literally "zombie tropes: the anime". Not just that, it does it with as much forced drama as possible. And of course the outcome is always extremely predictable. I felt like I was watching 'the walking dead', and that show is complete garbage.
I hear it changes later but I had to drop it.
I enjoyed bits of all three. I don't really get why people need the validation of others on things to dislike. You're not clever for one-upping eachother.
SAO is the worst one by far, but I really liked the GGO arc from what I remember.
And then it went back to even worse crap than before.
I like 2 out of 3. Guilty crown sounds like another generic mecha.
the mechas don't do shit in the entire series, they are just there
>GGO arc from what I remember.
>Liking /k/ arc with butchdike and trap.
You are the cancer.
Kabaneri was far from a basic zombie show later on and that was the problem. It introduced a horrible human villain when it would have been best just focusing on warding off zombies from the cities.
what your take on Akame ga Kill!?
Go back to then.
Kabaneri really suffered by being 1 cour, still Sup Forums was mad but it really wasn't that bad during most of the season
>but it's generic zombieshit!
And yet you worship Sup Forums's zombie generic shit all the goddamn time
GC is garbage but has a fucking great VN. It was fun dropping the anime every weeks. Sup Forums really had a field day with it because of how fucking bullshit of a trainwreck it was. Meanwhile, those who actually wanted the show to be good have the VN.
I don't think anyone was really mad over it.
SAO is cancer and got Sup Forums the most mad
I didn't pay attention to the threads when it aired and I didn't watch it, so if it did cause fuss or drew in idiots I didn't notice. I don't really care for grimdark most of the time unless it's got something else going for it, last time I fell for that was Mahouiku and I still kind of regret it.
Kabaneri is just japanese subhumans showcasing how classist and racist they are without being called out one it because herp derp raisins.
You're posting the wrong anime. Your list lacks Code Geass, Bakemonogatari, Madoka, and Dragon Ball Super
you should watch it, I think you have the wrong ideo waht it is. it's not grimdark at all.
take a guess
I'm more pissed at Kabaneri because it looked really good, I fucking love the style but the show is ass and just complete garbage.
Mumei doesn't deserve such shittiness and the revival was fucking pathetic.
At least, there's some good waifu potential with the others two.
Grimdark isn't the right word, but any series where main characters get killed off left right and center against a backdrop of ultraviolence aren't for me. Or at least I'm kind of tired of it. Sunrise shows are the only ones that get a free pass, if only because they tend to either be at least fairly engaging or magnificent trainwrecks, either way entertainment is guaranteed.
How did Madoka piss off Sup Forums?
Kabaneri was a lot of wasted potential. From Biba, zombie mouth lasers, the entire thing leading up to Mega Ikoman and a mediocre final battle, it could have been so much more.
I think SAO probably caused a lot of rage because of the widespread and mainstream appeal and as a result of the popularity, the undesirables joining anime communities and pissing off Sup Forums as a byproduct.
Did anyone genuinely get pissed off during Guilty Crown besides sagefag having a stroke and probably dying from rage? The worst parts were Soda and how Shoe didn't get his true good end but it seemed more like disappointments and upsets than actually being pissed off.
so you basically can't watch anything that's not SoL? Bokurano must be your Cryptonite?
>so you basically can't watch anything that's not SoL?
I don't think we're reading from the same page here. And it's not that I can't watch them, I'm just not that interested in them, or rather I'm tired of them.
>Bokurano must be your Cryptonite?
Wouldn't know.
jesus christ nigger get your head out of your ass and watch Bokurano at least, it's one of the stable "underrated but essential" anime out there.
I'm good, thanks.
There was nothing wrong with GC
Muh dick
the fuark is wrong with you? you should also try
>Mirai Nikki
>Blue gender
>Angel Beats
>Elfen Lied
>Aldnoah 0
>Kimi no iru Machi
>Nazo no Kanojo X
>Spice & Wolf
>Sidonia no Kishi
>True Tears
>Yosuga no Sora
Guilty crown was redpilled
I, for one, find that really fun
Dunno why you feel the need to recommend me all that entry level stuff.
Also it's been a while since I've seen someone actively recommend EL. Weird how times have changed back and forth.
It's kind of amazing how much GC was hyped at the time and then almost completely forgotten.
>entry level stuff
that'S what entry level fgts would say.
>Also it's been a while since I've seen someone actively recommend EL. Weird how times have changed back and forth.
EL is usually held to be shittaste but in reality it's one of the better shows. it's bad part is that it's short and doesn't follow the mango well.
>Air Gear
>Date A Live
>that'S what entry level fgts would say.
You're drunk, go to bed.
>EL is usually held to be shittaste but in reality it's one of the better shows. it's bad part is that it's short and doesn't follow the mango well.
It was cancerbait at the time which is why you couldn't have an EL thread for years on Sup Forums. I'm not too proud to say I bought the manga back before it was translated, still have it lying around somewhere.
It really wasn't very good, to be fair. It was entertaining, though.
>You're drunk, go to bed.
at least I have an excuse.
What the fuck are you going on about?
You are a mix of shit taste with some good stuff. IS this trolling?
>You are a mix of shit taste with some good stuff. IS this trolling?
so you think it's not possible for some guy to have a balanced mix of titles to recommend that you deem shit and good? the fuck? just out of curiosity, tell me which ones you find good, thx.
my MAL btw
also deadman wonderland was great but that sort of is just an new Elfen Lied....
they are all better than eva
any anime that's popular pisses off Sup Forums because everyone is a hipster here
AoT pisses me off because the 3DMG makes no sense at all. the anchors seem to be guided by telekinesis. and even if that worked, ever seen buildings they have up close? none of that would be able to support the shit they are pulling. also, cannon chain shot would ahve done away with eotens. the navies of the 18th century proved that.
SAO was the worst as a hyper normie bait
Guilty Crown was a hilarious trainwreck
Kabaneri was just disappointment
Why do people dislike SAO and Guilty Crown and Aldnoah Zero but praise shit like Re Creators?
SAO 2nd season was actually pretty good. 1st was ok.
bc this is a place where pathological contrarianism lives
Still, the hype and rage around the first season made any form of discussion unbearable.
Normalfags still suck guilty crown. Was recommended once when they saw my Mushishi wallpaper that they mistakingly recognized it for Garden of Words
SAO by an absolute fucking landslide.
This. I was really excited for Kabaneri until it became painfully obvious it was a SnK ripoff
Re:Creators gets shitted on a lot here. What are you on about?
it's not that bad an isekai and GGO had DeathNote/Code geass like twists so it was really entertaining.
Kanaberi had the best girl of the season.
SAO is good.
GC I didn't even watch.
Does it? I only hung around the threads for episode 1 and when I offered criticism to the show and asked what people found so great about it, all I got were replies fill with rage and autism.
Also extending to the fandom outside of here, critics and ecelebs circle jerk it to death
it's almost like AoT is an anime
there is a thin line between bleivable fiction and BS. obviously Titans are per definition impossible but the show's premise is they exist. the rest of the world however is supposed to be "real", meaning it's governed by real wold physics which is the reason why Titans are a danger to te people in the first place. so 3DMG doesn't make sense.
I was hoping Kabaneri wouldn't be SnK with zombies, but then it turned into just that. I also think it kind of shat itself near the end. It was a fun ride, but it sucks they had to go that route. Was GC really that bad? I stopped somewhere in its early stages.
It's easy to piss of a bunch of edgelords.
i dont get it, what do these three even have in common, that they're popular?
the only shows i hate is Drifters and the FATE series
What? Drifters was fun.
anybody know why Air Gear never got finished? it seemed like such a good show...
Fate is a special kind of autism
Probably because episode 1 showed some promise before it became an absolute borefest. Check the archive for threads when it was airing, nothing but bitching about FULL ON INFO DUMPING and the wasted potential of the premise.
>critics and ecelebs circle jerk it to death
Don't know and don't care if this true or not but if so this is why I don't understand why some faggots on this board actually listen to the likes of Digibro and Mothers Basement. They're all garbage.
I'd say Guilty Crown because how much potential it had. Large budget, up and coming producer backed up with many experienced people in the industry, Sawano on his A game, the introduction of EGOIST, and yet the anime was mediocre despite all that. GC had its moments but when you look at everything that went into GC, it really should've been something on Psycho Pass's level.
i thought it was obnoxious af with the whole japan centered history jerkoff lessons with the interchanges between samurai man and oda
i usually like history expositions but when its nothing but borderline revisionism cock-stroking, im out
If Fate wasn't so popular, you'd be sucking its dick
>Shit but worshipped by underage retards
>shit but we all watched it due to the staff, trainwreck but not a fun one
>SnK clone that everyone dropped.
The original VN was good but the Zero and UBW flooded the threads with so many ignorant secondaries that is was pure cancer. Then FGO came out and the eternal waifu war began
I swear I have never seen Fate getting shitted on Sup Forums this much before recent years. I thought the shit was loved around here. Was it the spin-offs? Grand Order? UBW 2014?
What about No Game No Life? I can't wait for 2nd season....
Definetly the Zero anime, its just one giant secondary bait
Is disliking FATE a contrarian opinion?
SAO managed to piss me off because it was promising. Kept dissolving into generic fantasy with dull characters. Never quite delivered.
its because the battle royal genre fanbase consists solely of brainlets
I unironically love Guilty Crown
The funny asspulls, adventures of high school hitler, incest, team rocket tier villains and 10/10 soundtrack made it all worth it
sword art by far, the MC is too much of a gary stu and the entire show was just self-insert wish fulfillment to a pathetic degree on the writer's part.
guilty crown at the very least you could say that Shu was a flawed character and that the Shurer arc made it better than SAO
kabaneri had nothing that would make people nearly as mad as GC or SAO
it's because GC had the really great Shurer arc and they took all that forward momentum and shit the bed in a pretty awful ending.
if they had executed the last part of the show better GC would have more presence as a show that starts slow but gets really good