Been awhile post em if you got em.
Phone friendly picture please.
Been awhile post em if you got em.
Phone friendly picture please.
>anti-rape protest
>maybe 2 women there
That's a redpill in itself.
It is againsts Muslims raping children tho. You can't be doing that ebil whitey
Women loving rape is one of the more unpleasant redpills.
I know those feels bro.
I don't understand how it hasn't sparkled a national outrage yet. What the fuck man.
I know right.
>Article dated back to 2015.
Fuck you.
What do you mean national outrage?
You have rape statistics or is that another statistic you cant keep in France by law like ethnicity
Why aren't you outraged?
Take your guns and do something you cuck pussy.
I am outraged and I ain't sailing a boatload of guns over to save your country, I need to be here to save my own country. Or do you want us to raise our defense spending some more so y'all can live more comfily with socialism?
>phone friendly
Fuck off Igor, get back in your onion domed datcha. We're keeping your money.
don't fucking start "my cuck dick is shorter than your cuck dick"
It would help spread them to Facebook and other social media sites if you wernt so elitist about computers.
If you anglos have any spine left, the Rotherham council and every shithead cop trying to silence you should be hanging by their necks next to the rotting corpses of the mudslimes rapists they protect.
I was wondering, how this became suddenly big news and now UK is "falseflagging" its way out of this "scandal when I remember reading about it years ago?
even fucking Kikepedia says
>It was first documented in the early 1990's
enlighten me Sup Forums
It was just small stories about one or two people back then not entire neighbourhoods protecting massive rape gangs.
nah... I remember story about massive shitskin rape being discovered, but I can't say exactly when it was, but definitely minimum a year ago
there, Kikepedia again
>In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children, most of them white girls
Superintelligent AI will probably lead to human extinction
Yeah that's after the story broke. I'm talking about a decade plus ago.
oh, ok. but then my question still stands... the story broke back in fucking 2014?
where were pitchforks and torches then... hw britbongs managed to mosey around for full 4 years without as much as twitching their stiff upper lips?
It is illegal to criticize Islam and they get a longer jail sentence then the rapist who rape young white girls.
Your pic is literally what I was implying. Cucked police enable all of this enrichment and protect the perpetrators. People standing up to this or even disagreeing get put in jail. Its a literal totalitarian government of and for the marxists
if its not in the news it didnt happen
Its been known, but not talked about as its not been verifiable. The thing thats not talked about is that these fucks are doing exactly the same thing to their own kids as well ours.
Which is why the whole Burkha/no talking to men thing exists.
When you start an investigation you usualy find 2-3 of them have been raping a girl and then passing her round and it grows from there.
To shut down investigations, their parents and the rest of their shitty Bhidari culture will scream racism and when this can cost you your job and career many people will not be able to make any progress.
If you do make progress theres always a chance that riots will happen. One of our child fucking drug dealers died in an arrest. [10 fucking years ago] and because he was a "good family man" they still riot over it.
Now their kids and grandkids have learned this behavior and as a culture we dare not oppose it.
Its much easier to get a win against a creepy white nonce as no one can say that its racist or discriminatory to investigate, Very few people have an interest in protecting them as even other nonces hate nonces.
It makes me sick but unless "the community" actually tells you about the rape gangs and provides you with real names and evidence or if you have an officer with local ties you will get nowhere.
british hate thread i see
the first picture should be saying
>Shitskins rape british white children
yeah, I get the point. but still, how is it that *now* it is "news and outrage" all of a sudden?
Wtf can any crumpets explain this shit?
Some girls love it so much you have to beat them off with hammers, e.g. Girl left
Man, I love how Girl Left has a ponytail.
In a lot of lefty socialist countries circumstance is irrelevant when it comes to self defense.
If someone comes at you with a knife in your own home, and you defend yourself with a baseball bat, you are seen by the law to be attacking a man with a baseball bat, full stop, and attacking a man with a baseball bat is illegal.
Self defense is illegal in countries like Britain. I'm not even joking. People have been arrested for simply brandishing a kitchen knife at a burglar.