And I mean that strictly in the literal definition of the word. Not in the sense that gaming PCs dwarf their specs by a wide margin.
Does Sup Forums consider gaming consoles to be "toys"
official /vipol/ representative here
no one cares what you play, it is your life and your free time, and if someone calls you manchild for it they just want your money/time/attention/alimony
grug want grugboy
Modern consoles are more like media stations than toys
Vita and Switch are technically toys but in a different market. Similar to gopro cameras I guess.
You're gonna have to rephrase your question to make it political.
>being a console peasant
>playing videogames
Fine. did the joos make video games to brainwash and destroy the goyim?
"Are you a fucking soyboy cuck faggot who thinks that video games are toys?"
How's that?
Yes. I also have a thousand dollars in tools, and consider them toys.
Top kek, this is nu/pol/ perfectly summed up in one post.
Yes, they are garbage of course, even if you mod them, their functionality is severly limited. Even Macs are shit. PC's are superior in every way possible. The fact companies have to make graphics shittier for console babies should be a hint enough. Ontop of that the interface and controls are always retarded and look like some aliens cock. Fuck you op. Sage, reported.
Rush 2049 and racers in general are Sup Forums approved, there's really nothing wrong with video games as long as they're competitive in nature and not story driven with lefty political nonsense.
>The fact companies have to make graphics shittier for console babies should be a hint enough
It's not my fault that the increasingly SJW gaming industry made the previous generation last 3 years longer than it should have been, as well as this generation with Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo offering revised hardware, while stagnating this one.
The Nintendo Switch is a toy and is a sign the owner has low testosterone.
The PS4 Pro and Xbox One X are for Chads to relax and play after they get done fucking their hot wives or girlfriends.
only race that I want to play is race war
pass the bikes
I played a lot of top-down shooters as a kid, can i put Space Pilot on my resume?
I own all three. All 5 if you include the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X.
What does that make me?
Computers are superior but if your question is, am I a fag for using them, no you are not. People have been playing games for thousands of years. Just don't overdo it
Yes. Big boys have a PC that can be used for productivity as well as entertainment.
Go ahead.
Trump wants a Space Force anyway.
Terrible with money, Xbone is a glorified doorstop.
At least it has backwards compatibility, when Microsoft did a Satanic virgin sacrifice ritual to somehow make Xbox 360 emulation possible.
I consider video games a means to relieve stress and unwind. Its like getting home from work and having a beer. Good way to make friend for some if they play online. I prefer single player games not because I suck, but many communities are cancerous, though games on pc are less likely to have that problem especially games which rely heavily on skill like Red Orchestra, Rising Storm, War Thunder, Arma 3 and Verdun.
I consider weapons to be toys, so...
>but many communities are cancerous, though games on pc are less likely to have that problem
And for a second I thought you were being serious
How often do you play with them?
Sup Forumsidya is my passion and I consider it to be toys. It's an entertainment system you play with, of course it's a toy. There's nothing wrong with that.