What's your waifu's IQ?

What's your waifu's IQ?

175 I'd estimate


I only know my husband'd character designer called him "sharp."

>tfw too smart for me

85 at best

a number beyond your comprehension

Haha, I win faggot.

except my number exists, yours is just a concept

Higher than you're waifu's.

A concept that you can't comprehend either.
Go ahead, imagine an infinite amount of something.

Fuck off.

i can, because im just that mensa brainlet

Sure you can, this is why you are arguing that a number beyond human comprehension is more impressive than a concept beyond everything.

I can imagine an incomprehensible thing. If you're actually smart, you can.

Higher then the average Rick and Morty fan

Can't you imagine a gradient of color?

I don't get all the rick and morty hate. Is this a "it's popular so I hate it" thing? Because for the most part it's pretty funny with a couple of shit episodes.

She actually can divide by zero.

I want Kurisu to give me pity kisses for being dumb.

Above average considering she is kinda successful in medieval fantasy economics.120-ish at least, more, accounting the fact she is millenia old goddess.




The fanbase is brony-tier obnoxious, and season three was mediocre

>“The ancient oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone, of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing.”
Enough with your braggadocio, you cretins are merely deceiving yourselves.

Because the fanbase has reached new heights of being terrible, what with all the pickle Rick and Szeuan sauce faggotry

There is a board for you faggots. Fuck off to there.

I want that butt as my pillow

Sir you are but a lowly charlatan in comparison to me.

>Hating on Rick & Morty
Fuck off and never come back here.

Does she count as the smart but very lazy type?

um are you okay sweetie? xxx

The highest of IQs

who else heres waifu is mensa

Fuck off newfag.

Mines a Subaru.

who's that?

Probably less than 80


Spic and wolf.

She was student council president, so i imagine she's pretty smart

She's a genius but she can't even dress herself, how much IQ is that?

Best girl Obv

>The state of Sup Forums

A couple bits above average. Magic in her universe requires being damn good with calculations and she's s pretty strong mage.

My waifu's brains went into his butt.

Do you think Kurisu might enjoy Rick & Morty?

Her IQ is 1 Nep.

Why are people replying to this thread? Why is Sup Forums so fucking shit now?

>what is ironic shitposting.

Not bad

What do you think haruhi’s is?


Cucumber. Her IQ is cucumber.

dragonball and crossboarders in general

>Why is Sup Forums so fucking shit now?
Because anons post in this thread to get away from the other terrible threads. Sup Forums is a fucking cesspool right now.

Still shitposting? Pretending to be retarded will only make actual retards come here.

I thought this was common knowledge by now.

actual retards are ALREADY here, give your head a wobble mate

I heard mods love loli.

Is this the loli thread?

This thread is 38 minutes longer than it should be.
Try and think why it is so shit.

Dragon ball super attracting Sup Forums cancer that doesn't realize this kind of shit isn't welcome here because they haven't lurked a day in their life. Just report them and hope mods do their job for once.

At least it isn't as bad as waifu claim threads. Actually I don't see what's wrong with this thread's subject, you're the one making it shit right now.

110-115 points, she makes the missing points up with her cuteness though.

Yeah dude, the waifu claim threads are bad but the "what's you're waifu's IQ" thread with fucking reddit and morty cancer is fine.
Fucking kill yourself and lurk for 2 years before posting again.

>Is this a "it's popular so I hate it" thing?
Do you remember hating furfags? And I don't mean like speaking up when someone starts posting furshit but rather like having threads just to hate on furfags. This continued for quite some time, long after furfags stopped being a problem. Hating rick and morty is kind of like that. Insecure people uses things they hate in order to identify with a group, and gain a sense of fitting in.

I don't think that most of the guys who hate on rick and morty do it because they hate rick and morty, but rather because they have a need to fit in somewhere, because they have no friends in real life

Rick and Morty cancer is fine?

Waifu claim threads weren't here two years ago, retarded newfag.

Her IQ is high but she's still a dumb dork

Yes, they fucking were. Just because you got here in 2015 doesn't mean they didn't exist before.
And what the fuck does that have to do with my post?

All I see is a picture of Chaika.

If they were they sure as hell weren't as prominent as they are now. Also I've been here since 2010, so fuck off.

Metamorphie Faciesse!

just have a moment user, step away from the computer, you're not proving anything by doing this

Within 5 of mine, preferably lower.

Reminder that ABIB love this cancerous cartoon show and is the reason why this thread isn't being deleted.

there are an infinite amount of infinites, a number beyong comprehension would easily be above some infinities

so he wins, brainlet


please save us...

>an ironic joke which revolves around the pretentiousness of rick & morty is bad because it, although negatively, involves rick and morty.
The status quo of Sup Forums, everyone.

There is no saving this board.

Yup exactly.


Thanks abib

Help me find out Sup Forums

>Butt cheek visible from the front.


>Also I've been here since 2010, so fuck off.
Sure thing fag.
Here, have a few threads from 2011. Next time don't make bullshit claims if you can't back them up retard.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
If you want to post off-topic cancer go to Sup Forums.