What has happened to Britain Sup Forums?
Ladies and gentlemen, I present the British police force
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use the webm instead you pleb
This works better
I heard the British police is not allowed to touch migrants because it may be racist.
I heard your police aren't allowed either.
dumping British police folder
Ya, that was better, and sad to watch.
Why die with a stick when you could be holding your limp dick?
Well it's good you can laugh at yourself I suppose.
These have been posted over 9000 times before.
I'm wasting my time on Sup Forums
Is it required to be as unfit as possible to be a police officer in Britain? 'Cause they all look like shit.
This was featured on a TV show here. It was about deaths caused by police, or something like that. I think it was actually an American show but can't remember.
Anyway they had one of America's top policemen come to the UK to see how things are done differently.
This clip was shown and it was described as good policing because he was taken into custody and nobody was hurt. The American police guy said he would have been shot in the US.
He was then embedded with police in Scotland, which supposedly has a big knife crime problem. They show some other incidents and how they are diffused. A lot incidents are solved without violence and just talking instead of the risk of violence quickly escalating.
The difference is really a cultural one, which perhaps works better in a more homogeneous environment. This is obviously changing as demographics change.
People here know they are not going to get shot so it completely changes the whole dynamics of any confrontation.
There was also an understanding that to harm a cop would be really bad.
Things are obviously changing and i believe knife and violent crimes are on the rise. It will perhaps change the way police handle things. I regularly see police with guns now.
Recently at work a police van pulled up in front of me and they opened up the back to reveal a small arsenal
Unironically there would be a civil war before this happened in the US
Why are they all bald?
That's just fucking embarrassing.
can't they just take a slab of wood and hit him in the face? Jesus...
It saddens me to be British seeing all this
It's all to psychologically attack the British public. It's the government (jews). They're not out to support us they're out to break us.
Not so fast lad
Police with guns has always been a thing, but it tended to be the flying squad before (police in unmarked vehicles). 15 years ago armed bank robbers were being chased by the flying squad who managed to knock the back of their getaway car leading them to crash into my front garden. People running around with guns is serious business, my Mum opened the front door to see what the fuck happened and had SHUT THE FUCKING DOOR SHUT THE FUCKING DOOR hurled at her by the police as the robbers were getting out of their car ready to bolt. They grabbed one of them and threw him down into the front doorstep, he was laid on the ground for over an hour bleeding out his fucking head.
We see all these pathetic examples of policing on Sup Forums because of course we do. When there's a narrative to push, things look several times more worse than they actually are.
They wrecked both our cars btw. Police officer who came to talk to us:
>you'll get a new car out of that
>we got £350 out of it
>British police are shit hahahahaha!!!!
>Brits live in an Orwellian nanny state, controlled by the police!!!
Pick one dumb niggers
>TV license
Do they mean cable? What if you don't watch tv?
When my sister was four years old she also employed the deadly "hug their ankle for dear life as they drag you along the ground in a mild walk" strategy.
>Blocks your path
Stop in the name of Allah!
Forgot me bloody cuck cart I did
Just shit talk an arab and watch fast how they treat it as a terrorist attack.
As I understood, you have to pay the tax just because you own one. Apparently, because you can always tune on to a free wave or smth.