A-am I too late to tell Sup Forums how much I loved watching it on the theaters? ;_;
A-am I too late to tell Sup Forums how much I loved watching it on the theaters? ;_;
No. Because I will be seeing it in the theatre on thursday. I'm stoked.
>his country is only getting Your Name now, more than a month after the BD was released
Shit nigger, I saw this shit almost a whole fucking year ago.
It's very disappointing.
Why would I watch this anime for girls?
Not completely since the BDs are coming out soon but for real OP
put your gorram phone away.
Can't help it my country is so slow at releasing it in theatres. There was no way of seeing it legally
Brasil too?
No The Netherlands
This was pure normie bait. I think its too derivative and tropey to appeal to hardcore anime watchers like myself.
Just to get a reference, from a scale of drinking with friends on a friday evening to making a fort out of waifu bodypillows, where do you think the territory of hardcore anime watchers starts?
Never too late, user. Watching it in theaters is the best viewing experience for the visuals and sound quality. Personally watched it thrice there because of recommendations here, and I can't stress enough how comfy the threads were back in April.
Aren't you a little girl user?
>Not having enough waifu pillows to make two forts
Fucking normie
Buy me a new one then faggot
Welp. I guess i am a normie now. Could you lend me some of your bodypillows as i fear i wont have enough to soak up all my tears.
is that from the storyboard?
>not watching a shitty chinese camrip with watermarks
I thought it was a decent movie but I don't get the success it's had. The plot is basically a mix of every present-day anime cliche, only it's done really well because Shinkai makes everything beautiful.
I did that too
No, it was next to impossible to talk about the movie the first few months after it was released. Sup Forums got more threads than Sup Forums
The whole "ability to change date and avoid disaster and bring someone back from the dead" isn't really common
fate not date fuck
How come? We talk about anime in here
The threads just kept getting derailed like crazy