Why does Asstolfo keep dressing like this? Does he know that he's a boy?
Fate Apocrypha
He's a fag
Maybe they think there are people watching this who still think he's a girl?
Roland was having romance troubles. Astolfo, being Astolfo, got the bright idea of cheering him up by dressing as a girl. It worked. Roland found it so amusing that he said that Astolfo should just dress like that all the time. Astolfo, being Astolfo, said okay.
Does anyone even care about this show anymore?
As long as Mordred is in it.
Why didn't she plant an arrow in her head right here? Why did she suddenly need to be within 50 feet to shoot? What a shit archer.
If not because i saw a cute astolfo webm in a fate thread back then, i would already drop it
Cute Jeanne episode.
Damn it. I want to stick it in his ass!
I want to make him my girlfriend!
Astolfo is a cute girl
I want to marry Saber and Jannu.
I never would have known it. if someone did not tell it to me.
Astolfo's ass is_________
Sieg's property
>hurting the loli
Shit episode. The people should all go to jail for this.
>a whore possesses a christian good girl and is turning her into a slut
fucking die again jannu
Other way around.
sieg is so fucking boring holy shit who thought making him lead was a good idea. people weren't lying when they said he was going to singlehandedly ruin the show.
can't be the real jeanne was fucked a good amount of times
How does being raped in prison make you a whore
shitty self insert
He's very sorry about that
There's no way she didn't like it after the 100th time.
That's just mean.
Uncle Vlad literally doesn't deserve anything that happened to him in this show.
because he failed to cater to their fullfillment fantasies. Sorry, Sieg is not for you.
Then go back to playing his pretentious ero-VN or shit mobage for fedoras who thought they played / watched some deep shit when reality is that just turned history characters into shit tier waifus and currently into shit tier yuri / CGDCT waifus.
awesome MAL pasta. people weren't lying when they said Apo dedicated shitposters were going to ruin the threads with endless repetitive shitposting, spoilers and weebshit pastas.
I haven't apocrypha, what's the deal with Sieg? People say he's a Homonculous but what is that? Isn't he supposed to be Siegfried?
If he's a Japanese teenager I'm not going to pick this up
Sieg is a formerly nameless homunculus, named Sieg after Siegfried the hero, Servant Saber.
Yeah, what is this?
artificial humam
I'm not gay but for some reason those two really look nice together. I'll gladly cover and take care of Jeanne in his stead so he could be with him/her.
He has a male Servent and a single love interest.
To be honest, current fatetards can't self-insert into MCs which do not have a harem and multiples love interests wanting his dick for no reason.
The MCs too must suffer from gynephobia and blush in front of waifus.
That's not how any of that works
I recently watched all of this to catch up and man it's really bad. I can't even imagine watching it weekly with all the bullshit.
F/GO is extremely popular thanks to the virgin kids and homofags.
Why didn't Jeanne just use a CS to make Jack kill herself?
>At least he isn't a harem lead
Setting the bar pretty low aren't you? Maybe an MC with a backstory or one of the Heroic Spirits from myth and legend would be more enjoyable? He was literally born like a week ago. Most of the other homunculi should have more of a personality than he does just by being around longer! He gets Command Seals out of nowhere, and he's literally made an avatar of a Heroic Spirit.
What would you say if Shirou had a transformation sequence into Redman before fighting Gilgamesh?
F/GO plotline is basically ''self-insert male/female protagonist meets new female Servants who want his penis/vagina for no reason.
this shit has been happening since the first chapter.
Sieg is a well rounded character. Sieg is a new-born homunculus and he behaves exactly like a new-born homunculus should behave, which in turn makes him more realist even if you don't like him.
>What would you say if Shirou
Mommy and Jack didn't deserve such a fate.
One of the two factions makes a bunch of artificial people in a lab to serve as canon fodder and magic batteries. One of them became too smart and tried to escape. Seigfried was supposed to bring him back, but Siefried was one part inspired and one part having a really shitty day, so he said "fuck it" and gave the smart fake human his servant heart. Then the smart fake human named himself Sieg in his honor and has special powers and shit.
You can probably guess what an annoying character he is just from that description.
Jack's in a better place now
I cannot wait to see Charlemagne himself in Extella 2.0.
Because, and perhaps it's just wishful thinking, but I really hope he has some things to say about his Paladins.
He's going to be a girl or a fag or a motherfucking "king" when he was the fucking emperor of his age.
Oh hello there.
Fag it is
>Fate/Extella Link
Is Hakunon going to die there again like the last time?
Doesn't Jeanne have any other clothes besides her seifuku?
Why didn't Gil use his armor?
What is really going on with those two? Are they a ______? Have they ______?
i dropped this show after episode 12, what have i missed
Jeanne lusting after Sieg's cock for no reason. All the interesting characters are dead or get no screen time.
what about my boy achilles?
they will
He bullied the priest and his Queen a little
What's the point of Sieg?
Huh, I did the same. I'll probably watch it all in a single run once it ends.
>Jack is gone
Finally. Now I can drop this shitshow.
What about Sieg? Don't you love Sieg?
What's with this? Is Astolfo supposed to be the main heroine?
Me on the right
No.Sieg is the main heroine.
He's shit.
She has a dragon in her vagina. Running was the correct choice.
He has no sense of reason until the new moon approaches.
Too bad Jeanne is not your waifu.
I want to fuck the cute homunculus and that is Sieg
And no, I'm not Jeanne
Why didn't Atalanta simply kill Jack from afar after killing her mum? a quick arrow to the back instead of playing like cat with a mouse.
Because this show is a cash grab and has to sell somehow, pornography and fetishism is the easy way
I figured it might be because Atalanta likes children. That might have made it hard for her to coldly kill Jack while she was crying for her mom.
Those two are soul mates. Too bad Sieg only have a few years to live just like Illya in F/SN.
This show really pisses me off. First they established that Jack's mist is poisonous or some shit and had a grunt die because she breathed in too much. Then after that they have the cripple chick and Sieg fighting Jack in the fucking mist with absolutely nothing happening to them, despite have their constant yapping, heavy breathing and nothing over their mouths or nose. Now this episode they have something over there mouths and nose, but they still continue to yap on with no consequences and somehow Jack's master is immune to the mist. This garbage man, I swear.
No, thanks to Siegfried's heart his lifespan is now that of a normal human's.
You seem to be under the impression that to shit on Sieg, you need to defend Shirou.
It is good to know. I thought that the heart just to save him and nothing else.
Death has no meaning to Hakunon. They probably should have got rid of the Royal Authority at the end. Then again they brushed over getting deleted at the end of Extra.
If i was teleported to that world, the first thing id do is locate Astolfo, pull his pants down and suck him off
post more cute astolfos
Trivia: After gaining Saber of Black's heart, Sieg's appearance physically changes and he gains a stronger constitution which leads Rider of Black to claim he can live for more than 100 years. Then, Astolfo and Sieg passionately kissed and Jeanne ran away because she was very jealous. The last sentence is just a joke but it will happen soon. ;_;
Jeanne would not to that. She will push him away like this.
why are these threads so dead?
Gay shit?
It won't.
Because it sucks and most discussion is on /vg/ now.
this show sucks dick, just like astolfo
You mean there are lots of fate threads in all the time?.
These three are best.
his waifu is about to become corrupted and is going to have a shitty couple of days because of it