>Its another anime involving flying
Into the fucking trash.
>Its another anime involving flying
Into the fucking trash.
Flying is cool
I was reading about Miyazaki and his personal beliefs last night. He is, as our friends on Sup Forums would say, a fucking cuck.
like flying my dude, its so deep.
him and hideaki anno might have the most unbearable fans ever
How exactly?
He wants the Japs to still feel guilt and shame over shit they did 70+ plus years ago
except they should feel guilty that they still won't own up to literally raping and mutilating babies and innocent women among other war crimes
He believes that Japanese society is failing due to isolated genetics, and Middle Eastern/African immigrant men are the key to increasing the country's birthrate.
>Miyazaki: This will be my """last""" film
but they kinda are, population is decreasing every year. more people die than are born. immigration IF done right is not a bad thing. can we get back on topic now
Anyone directly involved in that stuff is dead. And you think getting nuked twice and occupied by a foreign power would have squared things up already.
>it's another one of Miyazaki's """"""""""""""""""""final"""""""""""""""""""" movies
wrong, there are people still alive who lived through that period. and they still deny such heinous war crimes such as the rape of nanking. they should just admit to it and move on, they don't need to go full germany and repent or anything just admit.
This guy should retire. His "final" movies are getting to be a bit much. He should leave his fans with good memories but he's constantly embarrassing himself
He killed millions.
He's not wrong.
The population is failing because Japan's work culture is some industrial revolution-tier night terror. No one can find the time, much less energy, to start relationships or look after a child.
To be entirely fair, Japan as a culture seriously avoids the topic, because losing war is 'shameful' or whatever.
Jap men should work while the migrants breed the women-folk
Better than letting it permeate the entire culture like Germany, or even really the US, does generations after the fact.
well I mean, if they treated it like the US treats slavery then yeah I'd have to tentatively agree.
BUT, knowing your ugly history is still important so that people notice when similar things happen in the present
>"Uhhh, there are airplanes and an underage girl takes her shirt off. Also it's my last one." - Miyazaki on his latest project
Truly the Disney of anime.
that's like .. counterproductive eugenics
fortunately for Japan they know what migrants do to a country and tell sand niggers to fuck off. Hi Sweden! how are those no-go zones working out for you? how about the mass rape?
where's all the media outrage at Japan for not bringing in refugees?
What's wrong with flying?
You know how Jiro meets Caproni through their shared dreams?
I want to see a movie where a young Kalashnikov meets John Browning through their own shared dream, which is a realm of unlimited guns and cannons firing into eternity.
It's a sign that he's ready to go to heaven after this one.
He's right, modern Japanese men are weak and can't breed and whites will overtake their culture if they let them. Their only hopes are Asians from other countries or easily controllable Arabs and blacks.