Australia is fully capable of taking in Muslim refugees. They don't because they are racist.
The "fuck off, we're full" meme is not only inaccurate, but it is racist. It needs to stop.
Australia is fully capable of taking in Muslim refugees. They don't because they are racist.
The "fuck off, we're full" meme is not only inaccurate, but it is racist. It needs to stop.
Amerimutts once again confirmed as the worst posters on this website
We may not be full, But we have had our fill of shitskins causing crime.
Says the leaf.
If accepting whites because they're being killed in their country is bigotry doesn't that mean accepting Muslims because they're being killed in their own country is bigotry as well :thinking:
One muslim is too many. We're full.
Not full enough to take in Whites.
hes obviously baiting you double fucking retard
you're right we're full of non white, science has proven this
white are less baggage than bombniggers
Go live in Europe for a while with all the immigrant shitheads and tell me how that goes.
For every 1 shitty Canadian poster there's 20 Amerimutts posting this type of garbage.
Baiting shit posts are still shit posts.
The capacity is obviously different. One country is already full with one muslim but you never have too much whites. Yes there is a double standard, deal with it faggot
despite our government being cucked as fucked, i always knew it would be us to pick up the weight when shit started to get serious in SA.
The meme was "fuck off, we're full of niggers". White men can always come home.
We don't want your 47% mutt type Murica.
Stay out of it. The Emu's are in the compound armed and ready to go
Muslim "refugees" are economic migrants. They're fleeing a shit economy, not a government that supports their genocide.
Fuck off mate, we are NOT going to accept rapefugees any time soon. They can go back to their shithole countries. On the other hand, South African Farmers can actually contribute to our nation's economy, now fuck off you leftist piece of subhuman filth.
>inbred low IQ brown hoards with a foreign and strange religion
>white, hard working, strong, devotedly christian, reserved people
oh man this is such a tough choice
>Australia isn't full
but Australia is super gay
This. SA farmers are a valuable asset, they'll fit right in. If we don't take them, someone else will.
only 45,500 of them out of 25 million.
Literally could sweep them under carpet
Yeah, they have plenty of room! Just stick em in the outback, they're from deserts to begin with so they should feel right at home! Just make some little walled off communities for them far, far away from the rest of the population. They won't assimilate to Australian culture anyways so it's a win-win
No shit we are racist. White Australia policy is now reinstated so fuck off shitskins we're full.
Welcome to our new boer brothers coming to help reduce the prices of mangos and avacados.
Lol racists be like:
"fuck off whity africa is for africans"
"omg do you see that austriala helps whity to leave nigger land so not to be tortured raped and killed in their homes!! how racist! all whites should die.. i mean become diverse!!
So if leftist morons complain about austalia helping whites from genocide and that this is somehow racist... can the eu now send back all the africans and muslims that swarmed europe in 2015 without the left pretending outrage and being racist hypocrites? because africa for africans=europe for europeans.
No? gee i wonder why. Maybe you are the racists ever thought about that? Because its really obvious at this point.
Well they supposedly have excellent gun control there, so all those rag monkeys should be safe an sound.
hmm, it's almost like they choose who they want to come in and who they don't
It means that they are full of niggers. They are not full of Boers
South Africans intergrate better into our society. They work hard and dont cause crime or bring their shitty outdated religious beliefs with them. I agree that fuck off we're full is inaccurate because it should be fuck off unless your white. Cheers cunt shit thread btw.
Your right, too fuckin racist to take Mussies, too full of racism see, you take em then. Take all the mussies mutt.
>but it is racist
like that's a bad thing
The southern outpost of the Anglo race is full. As is the northern outpost. We should also let in white south Africans. Praise white Australia.
You're onto something there mate
(((Human Rights Watch)))
(((Human Rights Watch)))
No, it's racist because Whites are not oppressed in the same way Muslims are
then do something about it m8
One group of people are successful farmers being pushed off their lands by force. One group are savage niggers.
Hmm I wonder who would actively integrate into a society.
Dude Muslims aren’t oppressed in their shitty sand countries. If they’d stop coming to our to ruin it they would t be oppressed here.
>thats why most people are here, organising , faggot leaf