Looking back on it, was it good?

Looking back on it, was it good?

A masterpiece. Honesty how modern anime should be.


It's not that it's bad but it's overrated as hell due to nostalgia goggles. If you read/watch it with no prior expectations, it's decent. Kenshin's moralfaggotry can become grating over time though

Shishio was the best shonen fight ever.
It's a shame how the manga's final fight didn't live up to it, and that Kaoru jobbed hard the whole time

Yes, rewatched it few months ago and it was a blast.

The manga is a masterpiece, havent watched it

Anime topped in Shishio.
OVAs are my all time favourite shonen animation, truly an artistic mastepiece.
Haven't read the mango yet.

Objectively the greatest manga Jump ever published.

Why must edgelords always think that being moral is a bad thing?

Read the final arc. Kyoto arc was great but the Jinchuu arc was a masterpiece. It was easily the most satisfying conclusion I've ever read in a manga.

why not have a no-blade sword instead?

Sometimes you have to cut the crank off a gatling gun

I recently went through up to the end of the Kyoto arc with a friend because he had never seen Kenshin before. The show holds up extremely well, far better than I thought it would. Shame about Jinchuu never being animated though.

i'm at episode 15 but i'm considering switching to reading the manga. Anime is just a little slow and bogged down by conventions

How do people feel about the sequel spin-off that's being done now?

Jinchuu does sometimes go full retard though, like megumi not checking kaoru's body even though she could've noticed it was a fake.

Wait until you get to Saito, around episode 22 or something

I don't usually mind horribly unrealistic samurai dickriding, but for some reason I can't stand this because of it. Just something about it was way too cheesy to get around. Also while the OVA is great a big reason it's loved so much is that the anime adaptation was low quality dogshit.

Actually, episode 28
Anyway, keep at it

Way too much filler.
Other than that it's pretty good, anime a little slow paced in places.

The early part of the show had a lot of filler, but the second Saitou is introduced the filler more or less disappears until Kyoto is finished.

nobody has been talking about it. must be bad

The manga? Only 1 chapter so far, but it was fine

Yes. Everything except the third season was great

Second chapter came out like a week ago or so.

So far, it's decent. Not much go by with only 2 chapters out so far. 3rd one should be out soon this month.

yeah and third chapter should be out in raw soon

You know for as bad as the anime filler got, I actually liked the Amakusa arc. It needed some polish sure but I liked how it was based on actual history and HMR vs HMR isn't a bad idea.
And the whole Amakusa Shiro angle really does it for the Samurai Spirits boner. Just needed some better side villains but let's be honest even the juppongatna had some duds and the jinchu crew where hardly all winners either.

Also how cool would a SamShow series by Watsuki be.

It was spotty in parts but yeah, Amakusa's story was interesting and I like how the Christian angle is something that's actually rooted in history.

There's a difference between having a strong sense of justice and being a moralfag

Aoshi is mai waifu

It was pretty short as far as arcs go so with more time to flesh things out, expand Sano's relationship with his doomed love interest it probably could have made for a stronger way to end the anime. Especially compared to that Feng Shui shit and I don't even remember what the knight stuff was about.

>I don't even remember what the knight stuff was abou
Some weird story about discovering Shangri-La or something. All I remember is the hot ninja girl in it.

Sup, Misao. How's it going being best girl.

Shishioh was still the best villain

Hated it as an edgy kid, one of my favorite parts of the story as an adult.

This series should ended after they defeated Shishio.

At least Amakusa felt like it was trying, which I can't say of the rest of the filler.

Yes. Not without its flaws, and everything after the Kyoto arc should be disregarded, but otherwise pretty good. Even most of the pre-Kyoto filler episodes weren't bad.

>Kenshin's moralfaggotry can become grating over time though
I didn't mind that, actually. Probably because unlike most shounen protagonists who start at a naive pseudo-pacifist morality, Kenshin came to a pseudo-pacifist morality after living a "kill everything in your way for the greater good" morality and concluding that more killing isn't the way.

under modern standards it's a 7/10
for its time it was a 9/10

TV Introduction Arc - boring but not bad.
TV Kyoto Fire Arc - Genuinely good. Especially Matsumoto's action sequences.
TV Filler - Crap.
OVA Tsuiyoku - Masterpiece. Story, atmosphere, art, animation and holy shit Iwasaki's OST.
OVA Seisou - Too short, too jumpy and simply detached from everything else.
OVA Shin Kyoto - retelling of TV series. It just is what it is.
Requiem movie - Boring.

>modern standards

And by what benchmark are we holding this up to "modern standards" because all modern shonen is overlong garbage

I couldn't stand the manga. I suppose that's what happens when you watch the OVA first and have higher expectations and for the manga to be in the same tone as the OVA. Which it obviously it didn't end up being.

I can appreciate the effort. They really just needed to spend more time with it fleshing out the characters and maybe add some better side villains.

I liked that Amakusa and his people had a bit more moral ambiguity to their goals then we got in the past. It's honestly a bit of a good switch from Shishioh's survival of the fittest ideology to see the main antagonist actually fight FOR the downtrodden and oppressed. Of course they had to shoehorn in the other badguy who just wanted revenge against Japan and was a right evil prick but Shogo himself could have been a really great character.

>final boss is weaker than the previous one
I always found that weird. At least the fight against Enishi was much more personal for Kenshin than the one with Shishio

>OVAs are my all time favourite shonen animation
one of the best if not the best OVA in all time

I think it's mostly cause in the OVA, everything was in serious tone where as the past arc in the manga had some little bits of humor injected here and there

I-I liked the Feng Shui arc.

Are you 14?
Then yes
Did you watch/read it when you were 14?
Then yes but it doesn't hold up so well
If you're an adult who hasn't watched it yet?
Don't bother unless you're need to watch every series that was important at the time it was made

Looking back it was good but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone apart from white Japanese and fujos

I like the Enishi character, and he was a great final villain, but the series should have ended with Shishio, or Watsuki should have never put the x-men characters on the final arc, that part was awful.

true, then again, X-men characters were all through-out the series. Not just the Jinchuu arc

The manga and the anime till the end of Kyoto arc still hold and are fantastic.
The remembrance movie about Kenshin past is far superior though. That movie that compiles the 4 ovas is easily at the level of ninja scroll and almost as the level of GITS, which is to say it´s among of the best from the best that anime has to offer.

but they were especially bad and obnoxious on the Jinchuu arc.

Theyt are the best OVAs ever created. I can't really think about anything to top'em.