Was this the greatest love story ever told?
Was this the greatest love story ever told?
It was never told...
Did he transcend 3d to become 2d and be with his waifu forever?
[Spoiler]Please tell me this is how his story ended, I need this hope anons [/spoiler]
He did.
It will be told through the ages to an user passing by. That by waifu law Grape-kun died. And traversed the 3D barrier to be with his waifu and live forever in the 2D world.
It is now an underground waifu story, but then again waifuism is dying more by the time passes so this will not even make it to a Internet history book, OP.
But hey, at least he can be one of the few that went to waifu heaven
Thread theme:
I can kinda see this similarly like densha otoko. But instead, there's proof of what actually happened, but as said, not much will unfortunately come out of it, due to how large, ever changing, and different the internet is compared to 2004.
It ended in tragedy
Get this dumb meme out of here. We all know that penguins can't think like us and have 2d drawings as waifus. Try to think of other way that can explain this retarded behaviour of this penguin.
Yeah, exactly. It was true love.
>Animal behaves by what he believes is true.
>You are all wrong because it makes no sense in natural behavior.
Do you know how dumb you are sounding right now? This is literally darwinism in motion.
Better than Your Lie in April, Toradora, and Anohana.
Yes. It's the new Toradora.
Get these fucking onions out of here.
Grape-kun is proof that waifuism is not a uniquely human phenomenon, its part of the natural order of the world and all life forms will move toward it once they become sufficiently enlightened.
Nah, it was just a dumb animal who couldn't get laid
No, just the saddest.
Grape-kun reproduced, meaning he had more sex than the average Sup Forumsnon.
It's kind of sad actually that the animal most likely was just afraid of the stand. Imagine being paired in popular culture with something that you're actually afraid of. It's even slightly insulting towards Grape.
> Grape-kun reproduced
He did? I thought the kid was his wife's son.
Penguins are just weird.
Statistically I don't think that's true
>Along with his mate Midori, he was moved to Tobu Zoo in 2007
>In 2009 they had a male chick named Hanpen.
>Midori later left Grape-kun for a younger male
Grape-kun will be forever linked to Kemono Friends who is also one of the biggest underdog Anime stories.
So he will never forgotten as long as people remember KF
Also, go back to 2chan or your containment thread and stay there.
You're going to die loving your waifu and no one else like Grape-kun right Sup Forums?
His son were moved to another zoo and mate with his foster mother.
>Hating love
What has gone wrong in your life user?
>It's kind of sad actually that the animal most likely was just afraid of the stand
no he wasnt
>constantly staring at it
>tried to woo it with penguiny mating rituals
>at one point, was separated from it due to concerns that he was so infatuated that he was starving himself. Went right the fuck back to it after they let him
>got sad when they took it down
Its kind of sad that you're actually a faggot.
Grape-kun is just as out of his mind as this retarded penguin that is headed towards death for god knows why and there are people dumb enough to think that his obsession with that cardboard is of true love or waifuism rather than just a penguin being retarded and deranged.
This looks sad, But i'm glad he ascended to 2d
Being in love pretty much makes you, to the outside observer, act retarded and deranged.
You'd have to be deranged to want to live as a penguin
>hunted by everything bigger
>usually live in a cold environment
>have to sit on eggs while your wife leaves you
>can't even fly like normal birds.
>your "home" is covered in shit
>worse comes to worse a damn seal will pin you down and rape you while all the other penguins just pretend its not happening like some japanese train molestation.
>live like this or go off myself in some distant mountains.
Do penguins make for good pets?
Fuck, now I want a penguin of my own.
I don't know why this penguin was obsessed with a piece of card board. Its very strange. Apparently he got depressed when they removed it and waited by the rock until they brought it back .
Maybe grapekun was just retarded like most penguins and assumed it was some kind of food.
He would have tried to eat it you stupid faggot.
That second to last one isn't real right.
I'm guessing he probably mistook it for actual penguin. Why he was so obsessed with it is still strange though, maybe because it never responded to him at all despite his efforts.
>place a foreign object in the territory
>animal stares constantly
That's fear, my man.
He along with the other penguins would have destroyed it if they saw it as a threat
Penguins are cowards
Not with Subaru really, but with the millionaire guy who created Oculus Rift saying he would fund a full Season or series of OVAs about the alternate timeline where Rem and Subaru marry and have children. He even appeared on one stream on Nico crossdressing as Rem.
Animals don't stare things they fear for hours on end.
Since when have penguins destroyed anything?
But that's literally what they do, at least in the context they are confined to a small space.
Now explain why he was performing mating rituals directed at it.
I think I saw a webm of that yesterday, so yeah. It's real.
I haven't read anything about this.
What's with the retarded implication that penguins don't experience romantic attraction? It's not a magical feeling gifted to you by God you fucking dolts, it's a reproductive/social instinct, and penguins naturally develop long relationships and family units, driven by the same or comparable feelings that leave you crying, scared and depressed at night when you lie in your cold bed alone and realize you will never reproduce and return to dust as a failed organism.
Probably was fucked up in the head after constant exposure to fear. Might have also tried to play all his cards when he realized nothing worked.
Are you actually implying penguins have the emotional capacity of humans?
This is now an acceptable reaction image on Sup Forums
What a retarded conclusion to reach. Him mistaking it for a real penguin is more likely.
Are you implying they don't?
Are you actually implying love is the highest form of emotion?
Yes. Actually makes me want to watch Kemono Friends. I'm not going to though.
Penguins have little to no land-based predators so they see humans as "weird giant penguins" and would try to greet us whenever they see one.
Grape-kun was calling out like this constantly to it.
Something lead from natural instincts of an animal is more retarded than applying fucking waifuism and romantic emotions to the point they overwrite his instincts to even feed?
I understand it's really fun to think an animal has a 2D waifu but think this thing trough a bit and you should realize which is the more logical explanation.
Are you implying the opposite?
This makes me feel you took my post as some kind of ranking, when all I'm saying is that "humane" love and portrayal as emotions is very limited phenomena in few selected animals. The only ranking this includes is the notion that you need a specific type of a brain to experience specific emotions.
Are you implying only humans feel romantic attraction?
Why is there no video of it then ?
To the point where he decides not to eat and fucking die? Either the penguin was legitimately insane or the explanation isn't just love, seeing how the reactions Grape portrayed are not normal penguin mating behavior.
Animals get lovesick bro, it's a thing. They also get depressed and refuse to eat. We're just big smart animals, this shit isn't beamed down at us from heaven. We didn't invent not eating because we're sad in our big brains by ourselves.
Are so competent at distinguishing penguin mating calls you can actually point out Grape did them or is this just speculation based on low-quality Youtube video?
I'm implying the complexity of "love" as humans feel it isn't something inherent to birds but only to a handful of animals, and instead of using for example human ruleset to analyze the actions of birds you should remember that it's biologically a different animal.
I didn’t know seals posted on Sup Forums
That's why I included the phrase "or something comparable", bro. Penguins unquestionably feel a drive for longterm romantic relationships and to form family units.
>"or something comparable"
But if it isn't something that effectively drives birds to suicide can you really call it comparable?
I'd rather believe a scientist at a Zoo who's probability spent years in psychology and studying animals than some retard desperately trying to claim he's right on an anonymous image board.
>prodessional zoo "scientist" who says whatever cute shit will bring the most customers
Hokuto no Ken
I see you're trying to weasel a different argument in here. Yes, an instinctual drive to form family units and long term romantic relationships is absolutely comparable to an instinctual drive to form family units and long term romantic relationships.
And while I'm not an expert on avian behavior, I find it incredibly unlikely that such negative effects wouldn't be experienced by such a social animal when unfulfillment of social needs will even have a negative effect on fucking insects, alien though they are.
t. Has never worked at a zoo
The people caring for the animals (yes, scientists) and the marketing team are not the same people
Are people still seriously taking the bait?
To be fair, if I worked in a zoo where penguin was killed by a cutout, I wouldn't reveal any real reasons behind it but say it was because of love as that's cute as fuck.
Psychology isn't science.
>I see you're trying to weasel a different argument in here.
How is this a different argument when all I've said is that as birds have a differing spectrum of emotions so you should use the bird-specific rules to analyze their behavior? You can compare a square to triangle because they are both geometric shapes, but it doesn't mean you can present them as equal.
It’s not that penguins don't feel romantic attraction. It's just that the idea of a penguin getting romantically attracted to a 2d illustration on cardboard feels kinda farfetched. We are not even talking about real penguin cardboard cutout, it's a 2d illustration and to think that penguin is responding in a way we respond to illustrative art indicates higher order thinking and cognitive capabilities that shouldn't be possible in birds. Penguins are biologically different from us humans and we can't say that the romantic attraction they feel is as similar and complex as humans
fuck off with your dumb reddit meme
The bird in question is a near-sighted old man and the cutout in question has the same colors in roughly the same pattern as a female of his species.
But they are -comparable- in many aspects. They're both 2D, have flat sides and corners, they both have angles, they both have area, etc. They can both be used for the same purposes, to mark an area or cover something or support something. Regardless of what the chemical mechanics of the drive are in either organism, the end result is very similar and can be described accurately with the same word.
Similarly, you cannot say it's less. It is similar is all we can say.
God damn that's sad.