Why are JCs always the most attractive characters?

Why are JCs always the most attractive characters?

Good joke.

I agree, he's pretty hot.
No homo.

Youth correlates strongly with attractiveness in females. JC is as young as a girl can get while still being a potentially viable mating partner.

Because you're a no good hebephile


Man, I don't even like Kirino, but I've lost many loads to her.

Well it's always in the last place you look

Just say loli you fucking dork

That word is verboten.


Enough with this neo-Sup Forums meme.

But JC is a traditional Japanese meme.

It's natural.

We're not Japanese.

I am.

Just embrace it. There's been a sharp decline in 'x is not a loli' arguments since it came to be, which is all I care about.

>not JS
What did he mean by this?

It means he's not being honest with himself yet.

A woman can not be a good wife unless she starts out as your daughter.


RIP ;_;

Panders to pedos

They're not even the same thing

JCs are lolis. Not all lolis are JCs.

>14 is fucking PRIME
This is probably the most accurate graph I've ever seen.

>The average 15 year old is a loli
But that's wrong. Some lolis are JCs, some JCs are lolis, but some lolis are not JCs and some JCs are not lolis.


The word 'loli' needs to die, or at least reserved only for the 2% of the population who knows how to use it correct. Else, we'll just get endless pointless arguments clogging up threads for all eternity.

They're not, it's just your twisted preferences.