There are enough vampires, werewolves, mummy butlers, and Satan in this series to warrant a Hellsalem Halloween thread.
Blood Blockade Battlefront
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a good satan or a wussy satan
He was pretty wussy, to be honest.
I liked his voice in the dub. Actually I liked a lot of the voices in the dub. Its Zapp is clearly superior to Japanese Zapp
Best girl's episode was the only Halloween treat I needed this year.
>Starphase still hasnt tapped that
I get it, he's a paranoid emotional cripple who does really, really fucking shady stuff for Libra but just fuck the damn werewolf already!
I'd buy that he simply doesn't know Chain likes him. In addition to Steven's own issues, Chain has her own life friends outside work in the form of the Werewolf Bureau, is significantly younger than him, and kind of emotionally detached, especially around him since she works so hard to keep a cool professional image up to impress him and hide her pining. It's already been suggested that he's not that perceptive when it comes to interpersonal relationships; if he ever did notice anything she did to let on that she wants him he seems likely to explain it away.
You're right, though. This is one of the rare cases in which "she's in heat so they have to fuck" would actually be a good idea.
Confirmed by Word of Nightow, blonde bitch did not die from having her tits blown off.
Fuck. It just loses part of the humor if she survives. At least in my eyes.
That seems like such a strange point of view to me. Isn't it funnier if a career hooker gets karmic payback in the form of her moneymakers getting blown to bits and has to reevaluate her livelihood?
Naah the idea that the witch is so trigger happy she'll kill a bitch for insulting her pussy is just more funny to me. It also highlights just how fucked it is in hellsalem and how cheap life is there. To me
>whore dies because she pissed off a witch
Fits the series that has a serious kidnapping/human harvesting ring, invasions by armies of monster apes that use power suits as clubs and mass murder/destruction every monday than
>whore gets her tits blown off but dont worry she survives!
So why are they called werewolves? There's nothing werewolf-like about them, their powers are more like ghosts/phantoms except they can accidently erase themselves from reality.
Their senses. They're like bloodhounds.
So, before Leo and his god-eyes came along, how exactly have Libra been dealing with the Blood Breeds? I mean, their top guys aka Klaus, Steven, Zapp, KK etc can only stall at best or get rekt at worst even when ganging up on one of them.
Well Lucky brought a list of names with him so he was probably involved somehow. Makes sense since he's practically invulnerable.
Eh you know the saying, tragedy is when I cut my finger, comedy is you falling down a manhole and dying.