Made in Abyss

We need to solve the discussion about child nudity once and for all. Is the child nudity on MIB intended to be fanservice or maybe is intended to be used like a tool for world building character development or comedic relief? Discuss now anons.

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You have issues and this is probably the worst thread in the catalog right now.

I only have atopic of discussion

There are more options that what you listed.

Serious answer?

Have you ever been around children in real life? Like do you have any shitty little cousins or had siblings or whatever? This is what they act like

Children have no self awareness and dont know fuck all about anything and take off their clothes and do nothing but make talk about ehheheh i can see your weewee peepee poopoo

I dont know the exact age of the characters in the show but they look 11 years old and they act the part, it just seems like the author has been around kids before and was being realistic

No, there are definitely Idol threads in there.

I will marry Riko!!

Would you guys rape Riko given the chance?

Damn you

no consequences?
yes very yes

Other options are welcome

>Is the child nudity on MIB intended to be fanservice or maybe is intended to be used like a tool for world building character development or comedic relief?

Child nudity is normal literally everywhere except barbarian west that only has rape on their mind when they see a puss.

I have 3 cousins believe i know but that only is is applicable to little children Rikko have 12, i can understand some sexual scenes like a bit of preadolescent sexual tension but not all the scenes. For example some scenes the hilarius erection scene at least tell us smethig about Reg he is more close to humans that we thougth inthe first time but in other scenes i can only think yep a naked loli. At the end i'm oly here to discuss this topic.

Give me a break. I can't speak fluid english i'm Cuban

Some people like to watch cute kids doing cute things, going on adventures, and forming bonds with each other because it evokes feelings of guardianship and protection.
Watching kids do kid things is a very common trope, the first other example that comes to mind is the water gardens of Sunspear in ASOIAF :

It takes a whole of two neurons to see the advantages of having members of your tribe watch the kids from a place of wardenship and vicariously enjoying kids being happy and forming relationships seems to be part of the biological incentive for people to do this.

In other words this

I didn't say that have a problem with the nudity in fact i am probably enjoying the show even more this way no because i am a pedo, just because i actually enjoy this "polemic" stuff and the lost of innocence and coming of age is a theme that appeal to me a lot.

You have to read the manga
I was more shocked because the unexpected loli nipples than for the arm amputation scene

>We need to solve the discussion about child nudity once and for all.
Gets me ROCK HARD, so it's aight.

Why do EvPsychfags have to drag their just-so stories into literally everything they say or do? It doesn't make you sound smart to come up with a new convoluted explanation for every mental state that you encounter. It's like trying to talk about tea by discussing clay deposition patterns, except that it's possible to falsify theories about clay deposition.

I have already read the manga.

Jesus OP. That picture is 100% non-sexual, if you didn't know that she's12 instead of like 7. It's more tasteful that most loli stuff over the past decade

I can agree with you until a certain point, in fact you can also argue that this scenes is used to develop the character of Rikko. Listen i'm not freaking out because i see a loli in topless, some nsfw scene can be defended but there is so many scenes like these that i am starting to wonder up to what point those scenes are used or not to improve the story ore just for fanservice. By the way you have guessed my name.

The science behind personality and preferences in Psychology is rock solid and the fact that certain traits are more common in women heavily suggests they are child-oriented traits.

It's literally the opposite of convoluted. Take your autistic rage somewhere else.

In case of original manga it's not as much fanservice as selfservice since Tsukushi is a pedo and I approve. In the anime they tried really hard to unsexualize such portrayals of child nudity that it's only for building characters (Riko doesn't care since she takes Reg only as a robot) and the world (getting stripped naked at orphanage for your wrongdoings), etc. I don't mind since there was no way they could actually keep Tsukushi's pedo tendencies as is.

The fanbase that consistently reminds us that it's cancerous.

>Have you ever been around children in real life?
I'm not even allowed to have my lights on during halloween night.

heres a counter serious answer. do you actually know any fuckin 11 year old?

kids get over the peepee poopoo stuff by about age 8. at 10 they are already very aware of upcoming puberty and opposite sex attraction. by 12 they already start thinking about sex

I see no nudity here. Come back when there is something to actually discuss.

Definitely intended as fanservice, since the manga shows uncensored nudity of breasts when it clearly doesn't have to.

It can be used to convey a sense and feeling of innocence, but the author is obviously a depraved pedophile with a thing for piss.

>kids get over the peepee poopoo stuff by about age 8. at 10 they are already very aware of upcoming puberty and opposite sex attraction. by 12 they already start thinking about sex
Why wasn't I told this when I was a kid? I did the peeepee poopoo thing until I was in 5th grade and didn't really learn anything about fucking until I was in like 7th.

>the author is obviously a depraved pedophile with a thing for piss.
But aren't you supposed to piss and shit yourself when you're in excruciating pain as some sort of reflex? I know you're supposed to when you die or become senile.

Ive never heard of someone shiting or peeing itself because intense fear or pain
It may depend of the person, but I always thought It was some kind of myth or joke, like when a character nose bleeds when seing some lewd stuff

>Ive never heard of someone shiting or peeing itself because intense fear or pain

You're also really sheltered and I'm surprised you've made it this far in life, Jesus. This is fact, not speculation.

Go to Afghanistan and get shot at. You'll pee your pants, shit your pants, puke on your pants, and be stuck in those pants for 3 days.

Ive never heard of someone shiting or peeing itself because intense fear or pain
Dude, people piss and shit themselves all the fucking time in stressed situations. People piss themselves for less than being scared of fucking dying.
That's true and all - but the author is really adamant about placing focus on the fact that the little girl is urinating. They even casually mention it before anything goes down. He also had said little girl in bondage before sounding the damn starting gun.

edgy guro furfag show

like /mlp/ for 12 year olds

thats 3 too many buzzwords for a newfag to post at once. Fuck off and lurk moar.

MiB is a prime example of how fanservice can be done the right way, i.e.: not intrusive to the plot nor the characters.
Actually, if there's something other anime should learn from MiB is precisely that.

Men in Black? Since when does that have an anime?

its fanservice meant to be enjoyed by perverts.

but it doesnt feel tacked on, fits the situation and mood and even helps the world-building so whats the problem?


Men in Black is my favourite anime


anime deserves a MIB adaptation

No one could fap to that.

Manga pages are a different story, though, I could to a lot of them.

Isn't in the manga a page with prushka? grabbing her boobs

where can i download the last chapter

in my ass

Can we please talk about buying stuff and support so we can get a second season? Where the flying fuck do I get the artbook? Can I even buy from I think the full box is 14.000 yen and that's like 160$ right? I'd have no problem with buying that if I even knew how.

I'm disappointed on the pedos though, they are not helping. Only giving these series a bad name when it's probably the best series with 13 episodes of the year

This is in my top 10 now so plz don't let this die. I know for a fact I have supreme taste unlike most Sup Forums

>second season
I'd rather manga to continue that to get s2.

Yeah, i meant something like that. I prefer the manga too since it's amazing

Bend over user. Let me fish that out.

Maid in a byssus

It's not the nudity, it's the awkward situations.
There's nothing wrong with Riko's shirt getting burned, there's a problem with her standing in pose with her arms spread.
There's nothing wrong with Riko being interested in Reg's body, there's a problem with her being overly interested in his dick.
There's nothing wrong with children being forced into painful situations due to the setting, there's a problem with showing them pissing themselves of getting seemingly raped by eldritch nightmares.
There's nothing wrong with Reg getting close to the fluffy rabbit, there's a problem with her blushing and emitting weird voices at the wrong times.
MiA goes out of its way to do these things and that's the "issue".


It's buried in there pretty deep. Be careful not to cause any prostate orgasms because I'm pretty sensitive back there and the slightest breeze up my butthole brings me to my knees.


ngl that made me cum my pants

Is it really gay when my balls aren't touching another person's balls?

I agree with this guy

>muhricans goes to beach for the first time

>We need to solve the discussion about child nudity once and for all
No we don't, fuck off.

/fucking this

h..hello user, I.. I..I have to tell you something..
I..I wanted to tell you this for a very, very long time now

user, SUKI DESU, SUKI DESU, SUKI DESU!! *goes on crying as you reject nanachi and fuck that cumbucket riko or the moth

I think in the case of Riko she doesn't really give a fuck. She doesn't view reg as a human being so she doesn't care about being exposed around him. The characters in the anime aren't necessarily drawn in a way that is supposed to be sexually arousing either, this scene specifically should not evoke any of that unless you are a straight up pedo with really low standards. I think the anime made a point to portray some whatever story elements and character traits Tsukushi had intended to show during these scenes while removing the fetishized elements.

The manga on the other hand, is entirely different. The scenes were meant to appeal to people who are into prepubecent body traits. Tsukushi goes out of his way to put as much detail into drawing them as he can without getting the manga classified as loli/Shota porn.

the problem of this show is not child nudity, it is sexualization of children, but being fair is not intentional, Japan has a different view of children and sex, they banned possession of child pornography in 2014, it is not know how the average toshiro feels watched it, but the average joe is disgusted and even angry to see a child being exposed like that

I for one approve of child nudity.

nude children are arousing.

can't say I'm disgusted or angry at seeing a cartoon child exposed like that, though

Literally worst MiA thread

nigga this is weebshit it dont matter if it's lewd or not, it's cosy to those who want cozy, fanservice to those who want loli shit, and matter of fact for those who dont give a fuck

that's why anime is good, it doesn't fucking care

I myself understand this shit, but I still feel disgusted with some things

>implying i'd go for the vomit-smelling piss staining zombie or the psycho bitch

Child nudity in MiA is tame as fuck, why would you care? How new are you?

Sage'd your gay thread.

The author is a pedophile and most of the readers are too. I don’t understand how this is a question or an issue.

the bondage part was pretty obviously fanservice.

Riko is not a small child, she is 12, right in the age range when people are most obsessed with sex.

Are Americans really developmentally delayed compared to the rest of the world or are they all just pretending that they weren't masturbating furiously every day at that age and imagining the most depraved sexual fantasies?

>I was more shocked because the unexpected loli nipples than for the arm amputation scene
Typical American mentality. Nobody cares about the most gruesome depiction of violence but oh boy the nipples, god forbid a child actually gets to see a pair of tits. The sad part is that the Japanese seem to follow this trend. Before there was plenty of casual nudity in anime, now there is none. I want nipples you prude fucks.

Now I know how people react in fear

Even in places like Japan or Sweden you’ll go to prison if you’re caught with a picture of a nude 17-year-old.

No you won't. You'll go to prison if the 17-year old is having sex and not consenting to having the picture shared. You think they're gonna jail you for taking sex pictures of your girlfriend who is above the age of consent?

Besides, laws have nothing to do with it. 12 year olds are horny as fuck, and younger kids are usually interested in sex as well. I was only 8 and knew nothing about sex when I got the girl next door to lick my peepee. It's called instincts.

The laws exist so adults can't take advantage of kids who are horny but lack mental faculties to understand what they are really doing.

This manga is dead.

child raping is also normal in the barbarian middle east and africa, so a bit of paranoia is justified

The fact that all you retards actually use this thread for anything other then shitposting says something about your IQ.

saying something about IQ says something about where your post belongs, and isn't Sup Forums

>Is the child nudity on MIB intended to be fanservice or maybe is intended to be used like a tool for world building character development or comedic relief?

All three. Based on the other art the author has drawn, he's clearly a pedo with other weird fetishes. On the other hand, he's at least "tasteful" with how he presents his fanservice, since he uses it in scenes which could be interpreted as innocent, and are meant for character development and comedic relief as you said.

I don't think Man in Black had child nudity. Did we watch the same movies?

>the author was around kids before and was being realistic
now that is much more worrying considering the author

Can't stop the yearning of boys and girls m8

>You think they're gonna jail you for taking sex pictures of your girlfriend who is above the age of consent?

Yes, because in most jurisdictions, for whatever retarded reason, the age someone can consent to having people take nude pictures of them is higher than the age they can consent to actual sex. And people, kids even, have been thrown in jail and labeled sex offenders for taking sexual pictures of *themselves*. Look it up.

It is completely and blatantly obvious that the nudity in MiA is meant to titillate and arouse its readers.

I'm guessing you don't actually know kids. Usually by the time kids are 6-7 they start feeling embarrassed by their own nudity and want to bathe/get dressed on their own. There's no way an 11-12 year old would act that way.

Is the new chapter out yet?

That's too fucking early.

kemono is dead, this manga is on break

But she does get embarrassed if boys see her naked (nat with the naked hanging}. She only now sees Leg as a boy. And that bath scene is the last scene she's full on naked in front of people for now

It's a mix of comedy relief and fanservice.

That's the child who says "why not both?" in a taco bell commercial.

Know your memes, son.