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Can you repeat the question

jews dodging stuff again

Why are jewish school exempt from the ban?
It's a religion.

prepare your anus, sven

This is indeed a hot topic

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Status of national minority alongside Roma, Sami, Tornedalfinns and finns

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don't ask
keep sleeping goy

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Multiculturalism is the new religion

So something is moral because of its minority status?

What is the logic here? Either something is moral or it isn't, if they're arguing that religious schools are not moral then they should ALL go.

They are banning religious schools while still letting the Muslim students pray whenever they must.


Muslims don't have religious schools do they? This will primarily disarm christians. Catholic schools are huge here in the state, I've never heard of a muslim school for kids, only mosques. Muslims just drop and pray wherever they are and you have to oblige.

M8 you clearly have never been in new york

>Ardalan Shekarabi, Sweden's minister for Public Administration said that 'teachers, not priests and imams should be in charge of schools'

Jesus fucking Christ, sounds like a very SWEDISH minister. Muzzies already control the government don't they, now they're taking down all the christian schools.

In live near San Francisco and ive never even seen a mosque here so I have no idea. The only muslims I know go to public schools.

Google "madrasa"

Look at this anti-semite!

> All religious schools in Sweden, one of the most secular nations in the world, are 'free schools', and operate independently while receiving state funding.
Jesus funding the enemies private religious schools. Do these invaders have to privately fund ANYTHING? They don't even work

>jewish schools will be exempt
made me rage


>In live near San Francisco and ive never even seen a mosque here so I have no idea. The only muslims I know go to public schools.

ladies and gentlemen, there we have it!
San Fransisco is literally "too gay" for Muslims.

>captcha was a bridge kek.

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He is also an illegal immigrant.

Fun fact: today is the anniversary of the assassination of king Gustav III. His murderer, Johan Ankarström, is/was commemorated with a bust in the Masonic lodge Grand Orient in Paris. This was revealed after the Germans occupied France.
Gustav III led a revolution in Sweden, dissolving the newly formed parliament system and ordered all parties to disband.
He also wanted to form a European army to reinstate the Bourbon family on the french throne, essentially reversing the (((french))) revolution.

Catholic universities are the bulwark against bolshevism. Sweden is only speeding up the inevitable.

You can't have the muslims segregated from the rest, can you? They all needs to go to the public schools to teach the native kids how GREAT multiculturalism and their own ethnic replacement is.


>Jewish schools will be exempt

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that literally means school in Arabic no religion no nuthing

whites from sweden are the embodiment of cuckold

>mfw the indoctrination is getting worst to get all whitey bois like this

damn, they really want to kill ya no matter what, dude

>San Fransisco is literally "too gay" for Muslims.
Quite possibly true. I've seen maybe one headscarf girls= around Berkeley but that's about it. What's interesting is I know a muslim guy and his dad. His dad came here in the 70s and built a business -- he wants nothing to do with islam and didn't bring up his kids in it. He's close with the arab community but not islam. His son wasn't religious until about 3 years ago, not sure what made him flip but he's gotten more and more angry at feeling discriminated against. It's laughable, he'll say racism is why he was pulled over running through a bridge toll and not paying. I think he feels the heat, that islam is becoming less tolerated in the US, the spotlight is definitely on it, and has doubled down on islam, moving from non-practicing to practicing. He feels def threatened.

Give the source you fucking fake news faggot


I can’t do this anymore

>Status of national minority

So couldn't ethnic Swedes apply for the same protection?

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Makes sense to me. Sweden would have to provide a security guard for every kike child if the country forced them to go to school with muslims.

>'We have to knock down segregation to keep Sweden together... school segregation must therefore also be broken down,' Ardalan Shekarabi told a news conference in Stockholm.
there we have it catholic schools and boy or girl only schools is breaking sweden apart not the muslims nope definitely not the muslims it was segregated schools this whole time goys but dont worry well keep our masters spawn in their own jew schools

>Status of national minority
Good to know swedish schools are protected as well

Cognitive dissonance reaching critical mass. Sweden is about to roll over the cuck meter and engage nuclear Ghandi.

Du gamla, Du fria, Du fjällhöga nord,
Du tysta, Du juderika sköna!
Jag hälsar Dig, vänaste land uppå jord,
Din sol, Din himmel, Dina ängder gröna.
Din sol, Din himmel, Dina ängder gröna.

Du tronar på minnen från fornstora dar,
då ärat Ditt namn flög över jorden.
Jag vet att Du är och Du blir vad Du var.
Ja, jag vill leva jag vill dö i Norden.
Ja, jag vill leva jag vill dö i Norden.

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>b-but the Catholic schools
>in Sweden
Just how retarded are you faggots ITT?

>Jewish schools will be exempt
Not even hiding it anymore

This is a Sweden yes ... if they closed them to kick out all niggers and shitskins it would be a different topic but they want to your kids to be surrounded by shitskins and niggers.

Election coming up, lots of lies and lefty faggotry to keep the löfvwhehsn in power

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They are going all out now.

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It makes obvious sense because jews have been running their own schools in european countries for 100+ years and not caused any terrorism and they've always been a small % of the country that did not grow.

muslims on the other hand commit lots of terrorism and crime and their % of the population is increasing exponentially.