Why be an atheist ?

Why would you believe that you’re just a coincidence in the vast universe? Does that sound completely horrifying to think that no one truly cares about you, and that once someone you loves has died, they’re simply gone.

Explain Sup Forums I legitimately want to know.

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It's a legitimately more uplifting worldview than thinking nearly everyone who lives or ever lived will be tortured forever because they didn't belong to a correct religion.

Atheists are inferior intellects, every, single, time.
Prove me wrong.

Atheists don't want to be judged by God, so they pretend he doesn't exist.

God does not exists, but it's good to believe in god.

I wasn't brainwashed as a child and thus I don't need a magical bearded sky daddy to cope with life and death

No ones an atheist. Deep down they don’t know.

I'm superior intelect.

All of you are larping as christfags.

>magic sky fairy did everything

Why would evildoers be rewarded for practicing evil? There is nothing uplifting about a worldview with no justice and righteousness in it.

>I don't need help coping with life
Then why are all atheists in the West fat disgusting faggots?

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>Believe your life is meaningless
>This is uplifting
Can atheists even think? Is proven correct.

>I believe in god because otherwise I’d cry about the universe being big and scawy
the absolute state of apologetics

I have no idea what this has to do with my post.

I didn't say the materialist worldview by itself is particularly uplifting. I said it was uplifting in comparison with the other one I described.

Personally I hope both are false, of course.

>I won in my very specific self-made reality of my arugment
If you accept atheism, you accept that your life has no meaning.

Because it's true?
Who cares if it sucks? That's life.

Isnt it insane to believe in a vast and immense universe with infinite posibilities and at the same time deny a higher power from existing?

This. Even in their own theories of infinite possibilities, God is a possibility, yet they reject his existance. kek.

I don't know what gave you the idea that I "accept atheism". That would imply accepting a metaphysical truth claim that's apparently impossible to prove.

I also never particularly cared about "meaning of life", why having or not having it is supposed to matter so much?

isnt it insane to believe that a allpowerfull God made our vast universe for pathetic humans

pick one faggot.

if God made humans. why did he create us to feel pain. couldn’t he end it all. is there any meaning for exsistance other then to be Gods toys.

I just don't believe in god, that's it. It's not a matter of choice, really.

and you think Gods perspective on humans are different from our perspective at ants

>strawman the post
can you stop baiting

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gives us a good perspective.

There's a gut feeling and intuition, but whether you believe in God or not also has to do with what you expect from life.

As an Atheist, I have to say that I don't want to rely on someone else to give meaning to my life and what little meaning God would give to my life, I don't care for it, as I see the meaning he would give me as defined in abrahamic religions as demeaning rather than empowering. Furthermore, the idea that I will die, although not a pleasant one, gives a special taste to life. I think beauty lies in mortality and, more generally, in limitations. Because the beauty lies in being unique, in going beyond what you thought was possible, in proving that you can do more than you thought, etc. In short, God doesn't give me anything, I don't need him.

because I have issues with major religions so obviously a fedora is the best choice for me to express my unique individual style

Witty AND scathing.

>Being such a child you can't understand the concept of loss or permanence
You have 1 life and 1 oppurtunity to be with the ones you love. Stop masturbating to the thoughts of seeing them in some afterlife and live your life.

Why would you think one chooses to be an atheist?

It would be like choosing to be shy or greedy or unforgiving

It's not something you can control.

I think when you take a look at the history of the world, it's completely implausible to believe that there is a deity watching over this small planet.

I mean what are the chances that, after having dominion over the Earth for over 150 million years, dinosaurs would be wiped out by a meteor bigger than Mt. Everest that just happened to hit a large Jurassic oil field which also happened to be on the antipode of a vast volcanic hot spot?

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>Why would you believe that you’re just a coincidence in the vast universe?
Co-incidence implies something else was happening at the same time that created an unusual situation. The universe happening the way it did is completely normal, not miraculous. Why are theists so bone-jarringly retarded?

>Does that sound completely horrifying to think that no one truly cares about you,
We love and care for our family and friends and they love and care for us. We're not so desperate we need imaginary friends to "love" us.

>and that once someone you loves has died, they’re simply gone.
What makes theists so evil is the fact that they're gleeful that they might go imaginary places like heaven when they die, while their loved ones are tortured for eternity in imaginary hell. Clearly these sick fuckers are psychopaths of the worst magnitude.

The most empowering (yeah the word has become cringey due to leftist use, but whatever) thing I ever realized is that nothing in the universe has a meaning or purpose. It makes the decisions and the sum of our lives mean an extraordinary amount more. I would have no drive to improve myself or build a better world to the best of my capacity if I knew that this life was just a temporary blip in the existence of my soul. That is indeed the far darker thing.

The atheist position before it was co-opted by pseudo-intellectuals, jews and edgy teens wasn't "there is no god", rather it was "there is no evidence to suggest there is a god". Disbelief of a thing is not the same as belief in that thing's opposite, especially in cases of metaphysics. Disbelief in a god does not equal a belief in a lack of god.

>so they pretend he doesn't exist.

I have been given no evidence for the existence of god, and neither has anyone else. From my position, which is logical, it has to be you and not me that is pretending for some emotional or psychological reason.

chances of that happening are possible, since dinosaurs were mentioned in the bible and cities being wiped off the face of the earth by meteors were also recorded in the bible

God is a possibility. Dedicating your life to worshiping an entity which may exist seems like a crapshoot, especially when there are many different purported incarnations of the entity and ways to follow him, and there's no way of telling which, if any, of the religions are right.

I tend to think that if a supreme being existed and wanted his people to follow him, he wouldn't in his infinite wisdom leave vague clues to be misinterpreted by hordes of people who may all not be doing what he wants. In a way, God would be much like a passive aggressive cunt on her period then who acts pissy without telling you what's wrong but drops snarky hints every so often for you to try to interpret.

>If you accept atheism, you accept that your life has no meaning.
This is by far the most retarded misrepresentation of Nietzsche I've ever seen in print.

Existential nihilism posits that any meaning, value or purpose of our existence does not come from sky fairies or leprechauns. We decide for ourselves what our purpose meaning and values are.

For fucks sake, Ivan.
God is by definition, goodness, truth, and justice. People who do not believe in truth are everything that is the opposite of the Divine, and therefore evil. As followers of false religions believe untruth, it is only natural that their fate is eternal damnation. While it is sad that so many are lost yes, it is perfectly fair, just, and righteous that this is the case.

My theory is that if God exists, he's very close to the God of the Muslims:

a capricious cunt who reveals stuff to people just to confuse them and watch the ensuing bloodbath eating popcorn and stuff.

>Then why are all atheists
Cherry picking fallacy. Atheists are an aggregation of the entire population. They have no defining characteristics other than non-belief in any gods.

>deny a higher power from existing
Until theists prove their gods exist, the atheists have nothing to disprove.


Y'all need to get right with big E

The meaning is that you suffer through the agony that is life and if you suck God's ass hard enough, he'll let you into his special club where you don't have to feel pain or be sad anymore. You can live in eternal joy. Your short time on Earth is basically a big test run to see whether you're a good enough person defined by some religion's laws to live for eternity in bliss, despite these prescribed morals being severely reductionist and saying little about the way people's personalities are shaped by external influences and life experienced beyond their control.

I like being able to attribute my own meaning to life and knowing it's limited motivates me to do everything I can to further myself and my lineage in my time on on this earth. It makes you appreciate the world in a greater sense. And why would I believe I'm special and one of gods children? I'd not call myself a brother to those enemies who are destroying my nation and if they have smitten me I wouldn't think to turn the other cheek rather I'd greet theirs with my hand. Religion is poison for the mind.


Nietzsche predicted the rise of the "fat disgusting atheist faggots" as you put it, they are the second of two possible outcomes for western civilization and represent the last generations of human beings, which are the result of weakness and dysgenics seeping into the general population.

Just because most atheists in the west have had their movements and themselves co-opted by Jews (in what you could definitely call Semitic Atheism), the actual outcome isn't set in stone.

I suggest reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

I don't engage in wishfull thinking. I look for facts, proofs and possibilities and weigh them against eachother. The only time i engage in wishfull thinking is when I'm gambling. This proves to me the lack of value of wishfull thinking.

> No one truly cares about you

Well no some do, they're puny mortals sure, but they do care.

> Once someone you love has died they're simply gone.

Their memories remain, and will eventually fade away. Welcome to adulthood, it's not funny all the time. Try coping.

I didnt choose not to believe in god, i became unconvinced, and left the faith, this was that. it came with realizations.
Having only one life though, you may wish to make it as meaningful as possible or become a nihilist. I do the former.

>I would have no drive to improve myself or build a better world to the best of my capacity if I knew that this life was just a temporary blip in the existence of my soul.
I know this too, but it is hard for me to put that into practice.
Does anyone of you have any tips on how you overcome this?

>Why would you believe that you are just a coincidence in the vast universe?
Because that is what the facts say. Looking at how huge the universe is it is not just ridiculous to think that it was created with us in mind, but it is extremely narcissistic to think that anything so large and ancient revolves around us.

>Doesn't that sound sound completely horrifying bla blah blah
No it does not, it sounds incredibly amazing and to wish that there was a plan behind it all and a God who is looking out for you is something for the weak-minded and cowardly who feel the need for an eternal father to shelter and discipline them. I guess that other people might need that sort of coping-mechanism because apparently the universe is not worth living in if it's not all about them to one degree or another or every action of their mudande lives plays a role in an epic cosmic struggle of good and evil, but I'm fine without.

I could go into standard atheist rhetoric about how the abrahamic God is a vile and capricious piece of shit not worthy of anyone's love or adoration and how the idea of spending the rest of eternity with someone like that should be absolutely terrifying if you think about it, and how theists who complain about the degeneracy and nihilism of atheism like to forget how terrible things can become when you let radical theists run the show, but that is only secondary, really.

Because there is no compelling reason to assume anything else.

Oh good. Someone who can explain the existence of EVERYTHING!
I’ve been waiting a long time to hear this one senpai.

underrated post

I understand christian belief is a net benefit to society, but I just can't make myself believe.

However big a coincedence it is that I exist, it would be an infinitely bigger coincedence that god existed

>Why would you believe that you’re just a coincidence in the vast universe?
Because this is the most rational and logical thing to think after looking at all available evidence.
I'd probably like if there would be some deity caring about humans but being adult I understand that wishes are not arguments.

The universe does not owe you an explanation about anything. Nor does life itself, or user. This is the thing most theists seem to struggle with most: Sometimes there isn't an answer.

From what i've seen, a lot of atheists were raised by an abusive church / insane religious parents and assume all of christianity is bullshit because of their personal experiences. It's understandable why you wouldn't want to believe in God if you were diddled by a priest.


Also, the idea of eternal life does not actually life meaningful

Do we believe we made ants in our image?

>Literally everything and everyone came from nothing
>claims to be logical

>all of them

>muh neitzche
I thought you claimed to think for yourself?

Why are humans so obsessed with the believe of any kind of goddess.

all the same bullshit invisible friends.
Do you guys still believe in fairies and unicorns?

Because at some point in our history, the god believing humans killed all the logical humans.

They probably slit their throats in the night for being infidels.

In any case, we inherited the gene that predisposes us to believe in magic and demons and shit.

Humans seek some kind of hope in times of strife.
For me, eternal void after death is more calm and soothing for me than after life.

And we do not think ants are pathetic

It really varies from person to person. You have to be able to find that one thing in life that creates serious drive to be able to co-opt that into motivation. For me it was when I realized that egalitarianism is the false god of our digital age and that it is strength (not necessarily just physical strength, but strength/capacity from the universes perspective) that determines the fate of the future, and that if I make of myself the strongest and most knowledgable person I can manage, perhaps even my actions will change the course of history for the better.

Ultimately it's about finding that one thing in life that you consider to be a supreme goal, that one thing you are not only willing to die for but maybe also happy to die for, and then use that motivation for that cause as a source of energy to push yourself beyond your limits. The Nietzschean concept of "Will to Power" was key for me to find out how to power myself onwards. First you have to have the reason to do something, the concrete reason beyond all doubt and then use the desire for that goal as an energy source.
However it's up to you to find out what that thing is.

That it sounds horrifying is no reason to just arbitrarily sign up for religion. I'm an atheist because I can't believe what I don't believe. I don't believe any of the religions are true.

>Does that sound completely horrifying to think that no one truly cares about you, and that once someone you loves has died, they’re simply gone.
Think about it this way: if you are horrified or calm, does it change reality? If you are truly cared about or if nobody cares about you, does it change your life? If you are forgotten in death, or right now, does it change a single thing about you, or the world you live in, or the universe it encompasses?

The answer is no. The very fact that these things don't matter at all should be proof enough that there is no god. If God were real, surely you would notice a difference.

I have no idea why anyone would think that way. So what if someone "believes in untruth"? It would still be better is everyone was happy, no matter what they did or believed. "Justice" and "fairness" are instrumental, secondary concepts, which can in no way be used to justify the unnecessary suffering.

Happiness is derivative of justice and fairness, not the other way around

Not at all. If justice and fairness don't contribute to well-being, they are worthless.

>>Literally everything and everyone came from nothing
>claims to be logical

My belief:

>We don't know what happened before the big bang, and as such it's unwise to determine the beginnings of the universe

Your belief
>Everything has a beginning, that's why god created the universe, oh wait except god he didn't have a beginning because he's supernatural

You're not even trying. Yours is the position that everything and everyone appeared out of nothing. Mine is that I honestly don't know so I won't make some unverifiable dumb shit up to fill in the gaps in the meantime.

>muh neitzche
>I thought you claimed to think for yourself?

Thinking for yourself means avoiding indoctrination, not ignoring valid and rational argued positions for the sake of dogma. If someone can rationally argue a position that is superior to my own, perhaps changing my position to be something closer to theirs is the epitome of rational thinking and "thinking for myself". Beliving shit because someone who things they are ordained from God is not thinking for yourself. Once again that is what you are doing, not me.

Consider that there's such a thing as good suffering.

"All suffering is bad" is a fallacy, and not a good grounding for morality.

There is no such thing.

>Does anyone of you have any tips on how you overcome this?

I constantly remind myself that I'm going to vanish into nothingness.

There's also the fact that you're only motivated to do what interests you. If you're not motivated, you might be sick or you're not doing what you want to do with your life.

When did Sup Forums become infested with r/atheism tier arguments? If this is actually what "redpilled" people think the white race is utterly fucked.

don't know about that, I guess it has much to do with indoctrination, just like (((they))) are teaching our kids to accept politics without second guessing them.

I get that in times of peril humans tend to seek help from invisible forces.
But how can a thinking beeing that claims to be rational actually believe this whole nonsense.

You're wrong. There are types of suffering that we should be happy to inflict upon those around us, because suffering can be a teacher.

Yes it's scary but it also seems to require the least amount of pixie dust to be factually correct.

the white race has nothing to do with a magical jew on a stick.
If you need the strenght of a invisible friend to stand your ground, we are truly fucked beyond your believes.

>makes an outrageous straw man argument with zero support
are you 12?

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If some suffering now leads to greater well-being in the future, then it's simply a question of ends justifying the means. On balance the outcome is good, so it might be morally correct to inflict some suffering, but the suffering itself remains a bad thing.

>I guess it has much to do with indoctrination
No I don't think so. I think there is a religious aspect to the human psyche that you will never be able to remove.

>When did Sup Forums become infested with r/atheism tier arguments? If this is actually what "redpilled" people think the white race is utterly fucked.
Or maybe you're a histrionic retard who thinks he's smarter than he is.

Humans are not rational, and if they are, only in short-term moments or in very rare cases.

Thanks for the viewpoint.

Atheists!!! This broadcast is for you
Today's Kike free show is about
selling apple cucks data to Chinese Rice-Jews
>VR escapism and the coming CANCER
We only got a taste of the madness with Ugandan Cuckles just wait till Jewish Dreams of VR matrix realities becomes true VERY SOON!!
Spy talk and the propaganda outta UK as they March the world to World War 3
>UPLOADING your brain and memories to a computer
A silicon valley start up with the help of MIT are going to fuck the mouths of humanity forever onward!
(((Assisted suicide))) with 100% fatality rate , this company guarantees your mind will go to the BORG!!

brought to you by the Plus Ultra InfoBroker himself


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Yeah, "Attaining happiness" is no foundation for morality. Pic related.

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Atheists don't believe in morals.

Because annoying people are the loudest. The Churches are just big business at this point. The catholic church did enough in It's day to shit on my dads side of the family that he's forever lost.

>dad comes from poor family in small town
>his parents donate a large portion of their income to the church
>church lists them in the lowest tier of contributors to the church for the public to see
>years later dad almost dies from a health complication
>a priest visits him in the hospital
>faith briefly renewed, maybe this is a sign he should reconnect with the church
>c-c-c-can we h-have some m-money?
>in the trash it goes

>Funfact proof of god and his omniscience is literally in the bible , all the atheists will be suprised on the day of judgement and they will cry why did i not see.

>but the suffering itself remains a bad thing.
Why? This is a poison pill. Suffering isn't bad. It's just information about our reality. It's bad in the sense that it indicates mistakes in our behavior. The mistakes are the bad thing. The suffering isn't.
As individuals we should adapt to overcome these mistakes... but suffering isn't bad in the sense that we should avoid inflicting it upon people. It's just that we should only inflict suffering when that suffering will teach them the correct behavior.

Lmao at the church in the US holy fuck.

Just admit that you're blue pilled cucks. Europe will soon be majority Muslim because you pretentious faggots can't humble yourself to believe in something greater than yourselves. Atheism is THE reason why the west is falling.

The Qur'an makes exactly the same claims and it's more obviously fake than the Bible. Shitty threats aren't a valid point.

We're not that much better here irishbro.

>circular proof

what do you think atheism means?


I have read the quran in my quest to religion , its utter crap and it does not even claim that

Just admit that you're another faggot looking for somebody to blame. No, I won't allow you to alleviate your guilt.

Mistakes are bad because they lead to suffering. If they didn't, why even care about making or not making them? "Correct" behavior is behavior that maximizes well-being and minimizes suffering. Otherwise, what even makes it correct or incorrect?

On the concept of hedonism, I find the argument that the pursuit of happiness will lead to a life of debauchery to be inherently contradictory. I say this, because, a life of being a stereotypical hedonist is not actually a fulfilling life. Therefore it fails at the very concept it's supposed to be accomplishing, which is happiness.
A philosophy like Epicureanism would make a lot more sense, not that I follow it myself, just devils advocating.

Its no proof its just a statement his omniscience is in the book of revelation