>preferring compatible, English speaking and non-crime prone refugees makes you a hypocrit
>can't have white refugees until all those brown 'doctors and engineers' are in white countries
>"Nothing going on here goy"
>preferring compatible, English speaking and non-crime prone refugees makes you a hypocrit
>can't have white refugees until all those brown 'doctors and engineers' are in white countries
>"Nothing going on here goy"
Don't let the name fool you. They're literally (((nobodies))).
fucking kikes man
Silly wh*te goy, only brown people can be refugee
That’s fucked, this is retarded
>"Nicolson left his hometown of Melbourne to move to Johannesburg, beset by fears Australia was going to the dogs."
>Australia was going to the dogs
>move to Johannesburg
My guts hurt from laughing so much
They want to white man to give a rim job to blacks and perform a reach around for ...they gonna push the white boys to the fucking limit and then turn you into the devil once you fight back.
"Human rights" are overated and every groid and his mother claim they have a right to everything these days
There is no difference between what's right and what's neccesary, remember this
>Kenneth Roth (born 23 September 1955) is an American attorney who has been the executive director of Human Rights Watch since 1993.
>Father fled from Frankfurt to avoid the Nazis in 1938
>rejecting doctors and engineers in favour of whites who might be able to till the land.
Brown people are doctors and engineers. Why the fuck would you want white farmers?
I thought this was about helping people being persecuted not what job positions they previously held.
Well at least America is great again!
>International law
Legit proof that they are advocating and supporting white genocide. And what's worse is all the gullible fucks who actively promote it.
And this is why all western countries should tell the UN to just fuck right off.
I wish we would take in a portion of the Afrikaners. Give them guns and settle next to mudslimes.
bad goy, stop focusing on a real white genocide that's happening out in the open
>International Law
You mean the things everyone has to follow except the US, Israel, Russia and China?
No one takes them seriously anymore
Stop spamming this fucking image in every thread
When the sick Venezuelan communist government killed in cold blood peaceful protestor Oscar Perez along with other ex-soldiers and an innocent woman and boy Human Rights Watch said NOTHING! These fucks need to be hung
She is whiter than you Paco.
When Zuma tries to flee South Africa; don't let him in Australia.
They're outing themselves for all normies to see, it's great.
It was very racist...considering ALL of the people you have struck in limbo on that tiny island
Western normies will adore such act for a greater good with no questions.
These Kikes man....
This cunt thinks Australian immigration is under the jurisdiction of international law topkek. Not quite there yet, sweetie.
Holy shit the replies are heart warming
Fuck off nigger be happy whitey is leaving Africa
They think Saphos are infringing on "native african land" when bantus didn't even inhabit the cape, they are already too brainwashed
Pic related, what comes after the Boers are wiped out
slav rapebaby
Dont worry about it man, we gotcha.
Just kikes REEEEE in the distance, they cant actually step in and tell us not to save persecuted whites.
Your pic related is one of the most rare and archaic races on earth (capoids), nearly wiped out by the bantu
Even your ancestors could not resist khazar milkers
wasn't that shitstain mandela one?
I hope Dutton stands strong. He really has the possibility of being the next PM. This is a very popular policy amongst the normal, common folk.
The rabid leftists are still only a small minority. Everyone is sick is this shit.
Tell me more about the capioids, first time hearing about them, mate
Are they not against whites? How do they differ?
Imagine how evil you have to be to actively deny people are being persecuted and murdered, because they are white, while simultaneously pretending that thousands of economic brown migrants are somehow "children in need."
your shitty kike propaganda wont work here, jew
Spot on!
He's part of a tribe that's basically a mix. The Thembu are half capoid half negroid.
Archive/screencap every bit of this you can, lads. Rest assured when the Bantu have killed and eaten all the whites and are starving 2 years from now these same people will be telling you that it's a "human rights crisis" and that you need to import and fast track millions of starving 60IQ sub-humans to citizenship.
Please stop making me think violent thoughts Sup Forums
Hopefully when the Saffa emigrants see what happens to the people that are left behind either by will or circumstance they'll wake up from their delusions. Poor cunts.
You are far from home Achmed. When will you move back to Lebanon?
They've lived in Southern Africa for 1ps of thousands of years and are extreme pacifists. Coincidentally they survived on the Western portion of the country devoid of bantu tribes. Many coloureds have capoid ancestry
You mean those heartbreaking stories that they're coached to say by the people smugglers, Navy has captured literal pamphlets telling these illegals what to say to maximise their odds of being accepted (which is pretend to be Rohingya)
This is ignoring the fact that the nation they leave from Indonesia is a safe nation that they can claim asylum in making those fucks not refugees but country shopping parasitic scum
read the replies on twitter, it's quite soothing
I was actually surprised. The Goyim know.
we still have too many cucks
If he took leadership he would ensure the coalition's win.
post khazar milkers pls
jew please
Here's the thing about Aussies, and I mean this without a hint of nationalism or pride or boastfulness because it's also occurring to our detriment: we're too based to care about lefty whinging. Our immigration minister, an ex-cop, has straight out called African youth gangs for what they are: welfare leaching parasites who need to be deported. Kiwi migrants who come in and murder Australians? Fucking useless welfare leaching cunts, deport them. Rapefugees who come from Syria and Afghanistan illegally by boat? Fuck them off to an island hellhole till some other country takes them - they'll never call Australia home (that's even a Government motto for illegal migration). We don't care about lefty demands to let the gibmedats in because we know they simply come here for gibs and gibs alone. The ministers simply don't stand for that shit and are too based to not call it out for what it is.
Welcome white South Africans, your struggles are understood by Aussies and we sympathise with your plight. You will get every opportunity here to forge the future you deserve, it truly is a fantastic country. If you can and want to, come here. If you don't want to, may you have all the luck and fortune you need to thrive.
>the replies are heart warming
it's always nice to see our guys dominating a comment section
Didn’t Bantus eat pygmies
How evil? How jewish you mean
It's crazy isn't it? I too thought that we Sup Forumsacks were just hateful pricks at some point, but we really just want the best for our families and our neighbors, all we want from the browns is for them to just stay back
These people however want us dead, our lands ruined and want to do God knows what to our children, and apparently we are the "evil bigots" here...
I wish I was aussie do I could talk about turbo Barras during second smoko :(
That too.
The Australian flags in the top row represents abos right
Well said.
I fucking love this country.
Welcome fellow South Africans.
There's no hypocrisy in her statement, you racists. It would only be hypocritical if she opposed white immigration to Australia altogether, but she doesn't, she only believes that they don't qualify as refugees, as there are people that have it much worse and don't get any special treatment.
Conversely, if the saffer farmers weren't white, but otherwise exactly the same, you would be completely opposed to taking even a single one as a refugee, "there's no war in South Africa!!", "they are just cowards that want a ticket to safety, unlike us whites, we would stay and fight, we would never run away to another country as refugees..."
We are consistent with our message.
These cunts aren't.
we don't give a shit about rohingya shitskins or whatever, but our european brothers and sisters, kike
Tell me why a country should not get immigrants that integrate much more quickly and actually aren't welfare leeches?
SAD. Also, that last bitch is a 6.5. Ya know you're an shit tier race when you can only muster up 3 pictures of semi-beautiful women.
>In b4 you show pictures of Russian models as Jews
because you're white and that's a hate crime recognized by international law, duh
Who gives a fuck about "refugee" status. It's about white solidarity
Rip the 4.0 straight 6's
South Africans share our values and would be net gain for Australia
Muslims nope. Muslims already redpilled Normie Australia too early
Here's the hypocrisy
>niggers get genocided by other niggers or anyone else, refuse to accept them
>whites get genocided by niggers or anyone else, want to accept them
>Turbo Barra
Fuck yeah cunt
I'm already half way down the road by the time ya turbos spooled cuuuunt
it's a shame GM gutted Holden and replaced the Commodore with a FF cuckbox Opel
Man why is the world such a depressing place?
>inb4 cause of u joo
I'm not Jewish, and most of my friends who are both Jewish and non Jewish feel likewise on the matter.
>If you don't want to,
I've read Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism and the Banality of Evil
I know what the opening stages of a genocide looks like and it looks like this, if you have the capacity to leave but choose not to what happens to you is you own damn fault get the fuck out now while you still can
because we're ruled by effete despots who only seek power and wealth.
All of us.
>People want white farmers instead of gypsy tier Muslim terrorists from Burma
Whoah wtf
>Talks Barra
>Shows Commodore
The fuck cunt?
You mean not religiously Jewish?
>tfw you will never build a foxbody with a twinscroll barra
>you will never have an ATTESSA and RB26 equipped Stagea
>rejecting inbred afghans who can't even read their own language but wanting skilled boer farmers makes you a hypocrite
being a hypocrite sounds pretty cool
>You racists
Mate all of Australian car industry is ded now. We cucked ourselves into importing everything next year.
Though I got 4 falcons for spare parts sitting in my garage for my ba/bf's
Currently doing up an old 80's Beemer with an LS1 for shits n gigs. Doubt it will pass the pits, but fuck it goes hard.
U have sense of humour m8
You know South Africa isn't just the cape right?
More like, a few farmers, who might be white or not, get murdered.
>My god, it's a complete genocide, this can ONLY be solved with immediate resettlement of all of them. Fuck having borders and laws and shit. Fighting for your country, fixing it, is only for browns, whites are entitled to free ticket to safety in the first world.
I've got an '05 Mini Cooper S. A bit above your average FF yuro clown car. Modding stuff is a war crime here, so I'm saving up for a classic Mini. (I love tiny gay cars because I'm not a big guy)
I mean I was baptized, and my dick is whole. Also I have like one Jewish grandpa on my fathers side, so I guess you can say I'm 1/4th (even tho that's bs, no one here considers me Jewish and I face racism from time to time but I don't bitch about it because it's a Jewish country), but as far as I know my whole family is baptized and Christian.
piss off mate nobody cares about your crying nigger pets
You know that the blacks want ALL of it, right?